Evolving Humans
Welcome to Evolving Humans. You are a visionary. You are exploring the true nature of reality, and seek to contribute to the global awakening.
You are connecting with more of your expanded human potential so you can improve your personal and professional life.
Join your host Julia Marie, and listen to stories from people just like you who have been where you are.
Julia shares the wisdom she gained over the decades in a simplified, practical way. Her goal is to shift your beliefs around what is possible as a human being, evolving.
With practice, we all have the capacity to learn to connect more deeply with our higher wisdom.
The way Home is found by turning within and listening to the part of us that knows who we are and why we are here.
Evolving Humans podcast opens the door on a way of living differently. If you are ready to take the next step on your journey to greater awareness, hit subscribe so you don't miss a single episode.
OTHER RESOURCES: https://www.JuliaMarie.us - Visit the website to learn how you can deepen your connection to your Greater Self, and other resources to support your spiritual journey.
Age of Aquarius: The Return of the Golden Age Pt 2 Ep 173 | Guest: Tyler Kiwala

The Age of Aquarius: The Great Transition-Truth Revealed | Guest: Tyler Kiwala
March COSMIC Weather Report: Imagination, Vision, Service to Others Ep 171 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

How Six Minutes in Eternity Can Change Your Life Pt 2 | Guest: Philip Hasheider

How Six Minutes in Eternity Changes Your Life Ep 169 | Guest: Philip Hasheider

The Awareness Path: Unraveling the Secrets of Conscious Evolution

Insights on Living an Intuition-Guided Life Ep 167 | Julia Marie

Cosmic Weather Report - Feb 2025: The Month to Follow Your Dreams Ep 166 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

ecoMeditation: Change Your Life, Change the World Ep 165 | Guest: Dawson Church

Bliss Brain: How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness Ep 164 | Guest: Dawson Church

How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times: The Stoic Path Ep 163 | Guest: Benny Voncken

2025: The Age of Aquarius Begins-Revolution & Reform, Community & Collective Movements Ep 162 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

January 2025 COSMIC Weather Report - Ep 161 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

It's the Season of Gratitude and Memories Ep 160 | Julia Marie

Symbols: The Language of Spirit Ep 159 | Guest: Spear

Activating the Heart Consciousness & Our Relationship with the Quantum Field Ep 158 | Guest: Betty J. Kovacs, PhD

I Died. Now what? NDEs-Dealing with the Aftermath Ep 157 | Guest: Nicole Kerr

Get Ready for 2025!-Cosmic Weather Report for Nov 2024 Ep156 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
The Chiron Effect: How to Heal our Core Wound and Transform our Lives Ep 155 | Guest: Lisa Tahir

The Channeling Project-Pt5:Self-love, Peace, The Illusion of Fear, Hybrid Souls and More Ep 154 | Julia Marie

Get a Jump Start on 2025! The Universe will Support You Nov 2024 Cosmic Weather Report Ep 153 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

SPECIAL REPORT: Pluto in Capricorn: Secrets Revealed! Ep 152 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
Why We Need to Express Our Creativity Pt2 | Guest: Alon Ferency

How Creativity is Nourishment for the Soul Ep 150 | Guest: Alon Ferency
Our Primary Lesson, Faith, The Divine Within & More: The Channeling Project, Pt 4 EP 149