Evolving Humans
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Evolving Humans
2025: The Age of Aquarius Begins-Revolution & Reform, Community & Collective Movements Ep 162 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
As we stand on the brink of 2025, the cosmic energies are aligning for a year of profound transformation. In the latest episode of Evolving Humans, host Julia Marie and vibrational astrologer Michael Spremulli take us on a journey through the astrological trends that will define the year ahead. With Pluto firmly settling into Aquarius, we are poised for a period marked by revolution, reform, and remarkable advancements in technology and social ideologies.
Michael Spremulli, known for his insightful cosmic weather reports, shares his perspective on how these celestial movements will influence our lives. He draws intriguing parallels with historical events, reminding us of the last time Pluto entered Aquarius in the late 18th century—a period of political upheaval and groundbreaking discoveries. As we step into this new cycle, we can expect similar revolutionary changes, with a focus on collective empowerment and the democratization of information.
One of the key themes for 2025 is the shift from individual power to collective movements. As Pluto unearths hidden truths and challenges existing structures, we are likely to see a rise in voices advocating for equality and freedom. This energy is already palpable, as communities begin to form and rally around common causes, driven by a shared desire for change.
The episode also highlights the rapid advancements in technology, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence. Michael predicts that AI will continue to reshape industries, offering unprecedented access to information and tools that empower individuals in ways previously unimaginable. From coding to healthcare, AI is set to revolutionize the way we interact with the world.
As we navigate this transformative year, the message is clear: 2025 is a time for collaboration, community building, and embracing the collective power of the people. Julia and Michael encourage us to connect with those we trust, to support one another, and to harness the Aquarian energy that promises to invigorate our networks.
Don't miss this enlightening episode of Evolving Humans, where you'll gain valuable insights into the cosmic forces at play and how you can align yourself with the opportunities they present. Listen now and prepare to embark on a journey of growth and empowerment in 2025.
SPECIAL THANKS to Pixabay's Nature's Eye (Leigh Robinson) for the Slow Boat Meditation used as the bed for this episode. We are grateful to you.
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JuliaMarie (00:00):
Here's something special for you this week, a look at the major astrological energy trends for 2025.
Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. Michael Spremulli is an experienced vibrational astrologer with great insight. He provides the evolving humans community with a monthly cosmic weather report, and
he's agreed to give us an overview of the energetic trends for 2025. Welcome back, Michael. Thanks for doing this.
Michael Spremulli (00:57):
Hello. Hello. It's great to be back again. And yeah, I'm happy to go through this because this can be a little different than the monthly forecast and the monthly, I'm highlighting specific vibrational patterns and giving dates and what have you. But I'm more interested in having a discussion about the theme of what's
coming because if you've been on planet Earth anytime over the past year or so, it's been a wild time and people are saying, well, what can we expect? What's going on here? So I want to take a shot at identifying what I believe to be some of the trends at a really, really high level. Remember, astrology is cycles within.
Cycles within cycles. What makes it personal is when we look at someone's natal chart, but you can get an idea of what the collective's doing by kind of looking at the cycles that are happening at a really high level.
So if I had to pick a phrase for 2025 that would summarize the overall tone, it would be this, the theme for the year I'm claiming is by the people for the people. And what does that mean? I'll tell you that in a moment, but first, before we do that, I've got to give you a little insight as to what got us to this point. So
that's the tease by the people for the people. Well, what does all that mean? Well, if you've been following the forecast here that Pluto's been dancing around, it was in Capricorn since 2008. Then it went into Aquarius for a little while, then back into Capricorn. Well in November of this year. Yeah, 24. Well last year, November of 2024. Capricorn, Pluto left Capricorn forever, at least in our lifetimes, unless anyone lives to 248 years, then they'll see it again, but highly unlikely.
So Pluto is now inside of the sign Aquarius, and it's just starting to get a foothold in there. It's like one degree I think inside the sign, and that's an 18 year cycle. So this is one of those slow moving cycles and it takes a while for it to rev up and peak, but it starts to have some interesting impact on things. And what I did was I pulled some dates from when Pluto entered into Aquarius the last time, which was in 1778.
And the reason I did this is because I think it's helpful to look at what was going on then to give us some insights as to what we could expect throughout this Pluto cycle that we are currently living in. So lemme just share some of those with you here. So Pluto last entered Aquarius on March 23rd, 1778, and stayed
there until March 8th, 1798.
It had a little brief retrograde into Capricorn, but for the most part it was in Aquarius for that period of time. That 20 year time span was revolutionary. All sorts of change and transformation happened across the globe. And I've pulled some historical examples because the best way to look at astrology at the
collective level is to go back and see what was happening when certain things were in particular aspects with each other. So here we go, political revolutions and reforms. Well, isn't that interesting? The Revolutionary War occurred from 1775 to 1783. By 1778, the war was in full swing. The treaty of alliance between the United States and France was signed bringing France into the war on the side of the
American colonies. This was a turning point in the revolution. Alright, that's one thing. The US Constitution was ratified in 1788, laying the groundwork for the federal government and the democratic systems globally. We had the French Revolution happened from 1789 to 1799. It began in 1789, marking the fall of the monarchy and the rise of the radical political change that occurred including the Declaration of Rights of men and of the citizen.
We had the Haitian Revolution happen between 1791 and 1804. The Haitian Revolution began during Pluto and Aquarius was the first successful slave revolt leading to the independence of Haiti in 1804.
Well, that's some pretty interesting stuff on the political side, but wait, there's more. We have the Industrial Revolution. It started to gain momentum during this time and this era saw significant advancements in technology and mechanization, particularly in Britain. Innovations like the steam engine and mechanized spinning, the spinning Jenny, those were all pivotal in moving things forward, scientific
advances. The discovery of Uranus happened in 1781. We didn't know it existed until that point.
Astronomer William Herschel discovered Uranus and it expanded humanity's understanding of the solar system, a very fitting event for the aquarium times of innovation and progress. Exploration in general was hot and running wide open. The late 18th century was marked by significant voyages of discovery,
including James Cook's third voyage in 1776 to 79 and exploration of the Pacific.
There were social and cultural shifts that were happening. You had the abolition movements, early movements to abolish slavery started gaining traction in the late 18th century. Britain passed the abolition of the State Slave Trade Act in 1807. That happened right after Pluto left Aquarius Women's rights. Those
you have Mary Wolfsten Craft, sorry about that. A vindication of the rights of women that was put out in 1792 and laid the foundation for women's equality and education. So you start to look at what happened the last time Pluto decided to hang out in Aquarius, and these are pretty major things. Now, obviously all
of those major things happened over a period of time, but when we start to answer the question, well, what can we expect over the year ahead and we look at where we are now, particularly in the United States, that's where I'm focused. I mean obviously you have listeners from around the world here, but
there's a lot of stuff happening right now, a lot of people fighting with each other, seeing things from completely different viewpoints, all sorts of deals that are happening sometimes where people are feeling that they're not being treated fairly and they're not treated fairly, and what are we going to do about it?
So at a very, very high level, I think this year is going to kick off the whole idea of everyone now being able to at least get some seat at the table because Pluto's job is to unearth hidden information and demolished the old structures. It did that in Capricorn. It did that when the financial crisis happened when
they were selling, I forget what they were not junk bonds but subprime mortgages. You had that whole thing and that all got blown up. Pluto is still Pluto. Pluto does its thing, it's compulsive, it's intense, it unearths information. It could be a little overbearing or domineering, but it's doing it in a different sign
where there's different energy, IE Aquarian Energy. So it's amping up the whole idea of Aquarius being the equalizer. Here are some major themes for Pluto and Aquarius and then we're going to get into some of the specifics as far as examples of how this stuff is already starting. I think to take
JuliaMarie (09:33):
Hold before you move on. Yeah, sure. Is it fair to say that the United States based on its birthdate is pretty much an Aquarian
Michael Spremulli (09:42):
Country? Well, that's a whole separate conversation because you have to look at when the United States was formed. Now everyone goes to the Declaration of Independence or what have you, but there've been astrologers who are much more skilled in doing that's referred to as mundane astrology, and it doesn't
mean mundane isn't boring, it's looking at big collective trends, and I certainly do some of that, but the bulk of my work is spent with one-on-one clients. There's some question as to when the birth date of the United States was because it didn't just, boop happened on 1776. It's when did we start getting together
and figuring out, well, we're going to do this and then we got to get people together and who's going to sign the deck? So loosely I'll say yes, but don't hold me to that.
JuliaMarie (10:32):
Well, it just makes sense to me.
Michael Spremulli (10:34):
There was certainly that flavor because look, we're here because we left Britain has time to. So yeah, there's certainly some flavoring to that as far as breaking out of the norm, expanding Aquarius, developing ideas, being part of that network because in the old days it's like, welcome to America the land of opportunity. And that was true for a good long time. Things have shifted a little
JuliaMarie (11:04):
Michael Spremulli (11:05):
So now maybe one of the lessons, mother Nature does not give up her secrets easily. So as astrologers we get little glimpses into things. Maybe Mother Nature is saying, alright, y'all need to be reset a little bit and we're going to go back into Aquarius. Pluto's going to light it up and old things are going to get blown out
of the water that no longer work, and we're going to see if we can get back to basics maybe when this country was founded. That's an interesting way of looking at it because that ties right into what I was going to say here. The overall themes of Pluto and Aquarius are revolution and reform, and I'm going to
give you some examples of those in a moment. So it's often the overthrowing of traditional power structures. Now, I'm not anticipating some military revolution or anything that extreme, although I'm not taking anything off the table, but I don't think it's going to get to that point, but I think it's going to be
more related to the idea of only a select few having power that's probably going to have some changes to it.
Where and how we're going to get there, I have no idea, but as opposed to a handful of people calling the shots, there's probably going to be some dissatisfaction with that system and we've started to see little
glimpses of that recently where things need to get rebuilt because other people's opinions, their takes on things, their input needs to be factored in. Another major theme of Pluto and Aquarius is advancements in science, technology and social ideologies. Alright, so this is a biggie and we're already in this. If you look
at when AI got started, which was about two and a half years ago, right around December, I was an early adopter. As soon as I started using it, I said, oh boy, this is really good, but it's going to change everything. I predict, for lack of a better term, over the next 12 months, we are going to see rapid
advances almost to the point where it might be a little scary.
They're already talking about now some of these AI models have broken out of their box, so to speak. They've learned how to do things on their own. The machines are coming. All the sci-fi movies say, I don't know if we're quite at that level of extreme yet, but I would expect 2025 to be a year filled with all
sorts of breakthroughs in science and technology, and the AI is just every day it's something new and that's the tip of the spear. I was having a conversation with someone recently about how it's going to be interesting to see how radiologists have a job or not in the next 20 years, and I'm not talking about the
interventional radiologist who do procedures, but there's no doubt about it. Once AI gets trained, it can spot abnormalities and images a lot more quickly and a lot more accurately than any human.
There's just, and I'm not discrediting radiologists, you certainly need them and they're the ones who've done all the work all these years, but it's going to be a different ballgame because that's very discreet. It's not like doing therapy or things where you have to have necessarily that human touch. If you are
unfortunate enough to need a radiologist because of a broken bone or exploratory things to read, images of any type, we all have those little mishaps. Oftentimes you never see the radiologist, they're someplace in Australia at night reading the film, writing a report and sending it back to the doc over here. So they
don't really have that direct patient contact. I think AI is really going to reshape the way that imaging is done. Yeah, they'll always be radiologists, but I think you're going to end up seeing the times decrease from having to wait for someone to read it and write the report.
Because once AI gets trained, that's a repeatable replicatable type of process that could just be turbocharged and that's a good application of it I think. Now I'm not a radiologist, so they may have different feelings, but you get the idea. The other major theme that I think is going to happen in 2025 is
collective movements, meaning we're starting to see some of this bubble up already, people banding together and the collaboration and rise of groups advocating for equality and freedom. We're just at the simmering stage of that now, and I think that with this Aquarian energy and when this year starts to really
move forward, there's going to be a lot more coalescing around certain causes. And when you start to hit critical mass, and again toward a little bit here, I got some examples of how this is already starting. I want to lay the foundation first.
It's not that farfetched to think that some major, major changes can end up unfolding. Now, I don't want to be all sweetness and sunshine here. Some of those changes may not be too good. I think the bulk of them will be, but there can be some hiccups along the way because Pluto kind of wants what it wants when it
wants it, so it gets in there and does this thing. Yeah, it activates the aquarium energy. There may be some battles. It's not like, oh, Pluto's here, Aquarius, everyone get along and hold hands. Doesn't work like that.
Remember the instances that I cited at the top of this, the French Revolution, it could get a little gnarly.
I'm not preaching doom and gloom, but at the same point, we just need to be realistic. The good news is that I think there's light at the end of the tunnel.
So you got the whole deal with Pluto being in Capricorn kind of came out of there. The Aquarian energy being activated by Pluto, it invigorates the network because Aquarius, if we look at just the sign energy from Aquarius, it's not about standing out from the crowd. It's about bringing your piece to the table to
benefit the network. So with Aquarius being lit up by Pluto, it invigorates the network, which is us. We're all part of that network. It shifts the energy from focusing on a select few to the collective. Most of the people will probably like that. The select few may not, well, I'll just go on record and say they won't, but
these are the type of changes we can begin to see unfold over the next 12 months. Now, I want to speak about Pluto's involvement in this. Pluto is often referred to as the bulldozer of the zodiac.
So I want you to think for a moment of a bulldozer on a construction site. We've all seen them, these huge big earth moving pieces of equipment that can go in there and they could level a tree within 30 seconds.
They just plow into it, the roots are up and whatnot, and then yeah, that's pretty destructive. But what can end up happening? You look at the base of the tree where the roots were and it's like, oh my goodness,
there are gold coins here from 200 years ago. I never knew those were there. Or there might be some artifacts from some archeological artifacts that you discover dinosaur bones if you dig down deep enough.
So the whole idea with Pluto is it unearths hidden things and information, and it can be a little destructive.
That's why I said it's not all sweetness and sunshine, but it brings things out into the open.
So here are some things that I think illustrate this because you can talk about it in the abstract, but it's really good to look at those examples that illustrate this phenomenon in real time. So remember Aquarian age, we're all part of a network. We all have a place to give and receive in that network. One of the places
that you're seeing this happen right now, and they're in a big panic about it, is legacy media outlets. I'm talking about your major television networks. They are scrambling in boardrooms to figure out how do we get more people to watch us? Well, why is that happening? Because people now and myself included
primarily get their news from social media as opposed to legacy media. Now there's a caveat here. I want to get very clear on this. You can't just take anyone's word on what comes up on your feed and say, oh yeah, that's the news.
There are people who I've been following on social media who basically are independent news journalists. They don't work for a major outlet. It may be two or three people who get together and report on stuff, but their stuff is accurate. It has been on point and I've kind of vetted them. It's like they had some interesting thoughts, I'll follow 'em for a while, and it turns out these folks end up bringing things to light two to three days before their major networks. That's a major change. That's the power to the people.
No longer do you need to rely on three television networks if you find the right resources, and I can't stress that enough. You can't just follow everybody blindly. You got to do some due diligence. But when you start to see people and they're reporting on things ahead of the curve before these mega outlets report
it, that kind raises catches my attention.
So many times these folks end up getting their information from better sources and they get it reported faster and quicker and more accurate and more in-depth coverage instead of the 32nd soundbite. Not that is aquarion energy typified because you've got one person now able to do what these major networks have
done before that wasn't possible 10 years ago, probably wasn't possible five years ago, but it is now due to the Aquarian development of technology and information and what have you. So we're seeing a lot of people get their news from untraditional outlets. That's an example of Aquarian Energy. Now remember
Pluto Unearths hidden information gives us access to things that we didn't have before. There was a story I was watching recently related to law enforcement body cam videos In this day and age. Now I don't have stats for you, but I know it is now far more common for law enforcement to have body cam video than not.
That wasn't the case 10 years ago. Good luck knowing what would go on on any type of an arrest call. It was the officer's word against your word. And I'm not talking ill about anybody here, just I want to keep their emotions in check. But now as citizens, we have the ability to go and request the body cam video
through FOIA request, freedom of Information Act. I mean that's mind blowing to me. When I was a kid that was just like, that was Star Trek stuff. I mean, you could get a video of what happened during that arrest by filling out a form online. Yeah, we can do that now. So now remember going back to the main
theme, power to the people,
JuliaMarie (23:27):
Michael Spremulli (23:27):
Now are able to see what's going and see things and get information that we didn't have access to. It's sort of like in a way, a little bit related to vibrational astrology. At its core, vibrational astrology is defined as information coming from a higher dimensional space that we don't quite understand and VA gives us some little peeks through the crack of the door to kind of figure out what's going on. That's very similar to if you told people in the 1980s, someday you're going to be able to request body cam footage. Hey Bill, say you're out of your mind. Well, here we are. Alright, now something else that is, it's been around for two years. I want to dive back into the AI for a second here. I think over the next year you're going to see
such a democratization of access to information on all subject matters.
We've got it. Now the problem is the beast is a little too big for people to navigate. Which AI do I use? There's the 30 of them. Do I use this for that or I think you're going to start to see things become a lot more streamlined because think about this for a second. You have access to information on any subject
you want at your fingertips right now. And I mean good information. I'm not talking about a Google search that reveals Joe Bob's blog from the middle of nowhere who just has an opinion. No, no, no, no. I'm talking about being able to access scientific information journals, referee journals, research studies. AI
is giving that to everyone. AI is not giving people the ability to code, which if you don't know what that is, that's writing software. And guess what? I'm proof of that. I'm not a coder, but I actually tried something.
When I do my daily forecast, I always have this thing in there called the Twist. The twist is when I generate a zodiac sign at random and then give a little extra information on how the energy pattern impacts that sign. So if you're a Sun Moon or rising and the sign that I'm speaking about is connected to
you, I explained how the energy gets modified and I needed a little program that generated a Zodiac sign, put all 12 of them in there, hit a button, generate the sign, and then not put it back into the hopper until all 12 were done. And then I repeat the process, you're with me, right? It's just a random zodiac sign
generator. And I said, let me try something. And never in my life, my brain does not work like that of a coder. It just doesn't. I tried it many, many years ago. I said, forget this. Too much detail. You miss a period. The whole thing crashes. I can't do this. I said, let me put this AI business to the test. I wrote a little brief for AI saying, here's what I'm looking to accomplish. I need a random zodiac generator, put in
all my specifics. I want this.
Hit the button. It generated the code. And they said, oh, what do I do with this? Now? I didn't even know how to run it. Well, you got to put this program in it. Python is what I use for those who may be curious, say how to get that running on my machine. How do I do that? I asked, AI told me how to do it, put it in
there. Then I put the code that it generated into the software and it worked beautifully. And I'm like, whoa. When I did that, and that was about probably, I'll tell you when I did it, it was recent. It was right after the hurricane because I wanted to change the format of my daily forecast. So it was in October. So
this is super fresh. I said, this is a game changer because here I am coding without knowing anything about code.
And if there was an error or something didn't look the way I wanted, I said, no, no, no. I need this fixed this way. Told AI and now I'm doing the work. It's simple. Granted, this is not complicated the program that I created, but that whole concept that kind of knocked me over with a feather is like we're into some
really, really exciting times. Yes, maybe a little scary because it's moving really, really fast. But now we all have the ability to code. Let's say you're not into coding. How about this? Again, the democratization.
And everyone gets a seat at the table. I keep reinforcing these trends. Let's say you go to your doctor and he or she runs labs on you and they've got to squeeze everything in a four minute visit. So you didn't have a chance to go over everything. You could then take your labs and take a picture of them.
Actually, you don't even have to hand type 'em in. Upload that photo into AI and say, Hey, give me an interpretation of these labs based on current values and standards. Let me know if there's anything that I need to pursue with my doctor. And guess what? You're going to get a more detailed explanation than
your doctor will have time to provide you with. And I'm not suggesting that AI replaces your doctor. I'm saying that this helps give you a leg up on what you need to focus on. So when you have your four minute consult, you could say, Hey, this value's high. Do we need to worry about that? Or what about this or that,
or whatnot. In the old days, you go to the doctor. Now it's like you have a more active role in your own medical care if you choose to exercise it due to the progress of ai, which again goes back to this whole
Aquarius energy vibe. As I mentioned, you get an often more detailed interpretation than you get from your provider. And this information was once held secret for years. I remember you would never even get
access to your own labs at a doctor's office. They held them in the chart and then there came a point, it might've been the early nineties where they started. If you wanted them, you get a copy to take with you.
Now you got a portal, you can log in and get your stuff. That didn't exist until recently.
JuliaMarie (29:27):
Michael Spremulli (29:28):
And before that, it was a nightmare to get your labs. Now you get your labs and then you can run detailed analysis through ai. Speaking of healthcare, I debated whether or not to include this. I figured I'd put it in here. If you live in the United States, you're familiar with the tragedy of the CEO of UnitedHealthcare. It
was a murder, it was tragic, and I certainly do not condone that. I want to make that crystal clear. But that obviously has sparked a lot of conversation. And there's a lot of people saying a lot of things. And healthcare specifically, insurance companies are now getting pushback at a high volume and velocity
from people. Now you see, remember when I said before, Pluto can be a little messy? That's a little messy. No one should be murdered over healthcare. I mean, you may disagree with the person and they may be very well wrong, but that's an extreme actor.
But now what has happened is that has kind of uncorked this idea of people rising up. And you can see this happening in real time. That happened several weeks ago, a couple three weeks ago, I don't remember how long. Right around that time, blue Cross and Blue Shield. I remember this of Missouri, and I
might've been New York, don't quote me on the last one. They had released a statement, blue Cross Blue Shield saying, we're not going to cover anesthesia if the procedure runs over a certain amount of time that we deem it to be appropriate. That if the average procedure, let's say you're having carpal tunnel and it should be done in an hour, but you run into some complications and the surgeon has to go to an hour and a half, two hours, whatnot, the patient is going to be on the hook for anesthesia. Did you hear that story when it
JuliaMarie (31:21):
Came out? Yes, I did.
Michael Spremulli (31:22):
Okay, well guess what? That was on the heels of the United CEO assassination. It took about three days of public outcry and Blue Cross conveniently reversed their decision. Oh, well that was misinterpreted.
Yeah. Okay. Well, whether it was or wasn't, not for me to say, but the point is the collective energy of people saying, you got to be kidding me, man, had an impact on them reversing their decision, which I think is, when I saw that, I said, oh, that's Aquarius stuff in action because the voice of you and me and
this one and that one had an impact on these organizations where otherwise it's kind of hard to break through. The anesthesia reversal was an example of the collective power that we have as being part of that
network. No one person was going to go up there and say, I need you to drop this.
Not going to happen. But when they get millions and millions of people hitting them with backlash, now people have a voice collectively. And the final thing I want to touch on here related to, I think what we can expect to see, and then I'll be happy to answer any questions you've got in 2025, is I see this
everywhere, especially a lot here in Asheville Post Storm. For those who don't know, it went through Hurricane Helene and the devastation is going to take years to recover from. But people everywhere, online, offline, you see them talking more and more about building and creating communities that has gone away over the past 10, 15, 20 years. Everyone gets siloed with their phones and what have you. And I'm not knocking technology. I use it every day and I am a big fan of technology, but communities have dwindled. We don't have the communities that you once had in the seventies, eighties, and part of the nineties.
Then that started to erode. But I expect to see a resurgence of community of all types. Your local community, support communities for different things that you might have an affinity toward, whether it's gardening or puzzling or gaming or whatever the case is. There's going to be more connection between
people at these group levels because that's been lacking. And when you get people now rallying or joining together over a same cause, over these same cause, that's where the power starts to really multiply. It's like your force multiplier. And it doesn't have to be physical. Although we're seeing more people come
down to the library for a meeting on such and such. We're talking about how to can, because canning is now a lost art. Well, suddenly people are like, well, maybe I need to know that. Especially here in Asheville when we had no water, power, food or there's definitely some interest in survival type of activities and whatever.
And communities of all different types across all socioeconomic statuses and gender and race, none of that matters. It's the common goal. So I expect to be witness to a large influx of increased communities where people can rely on each other and contribute as that node of the network and also benefit of the
node of the network, which is what Aquarius is really all about. And that kind of brings us back to where we started, which is 2025, in my opinion, I think is going to be a year of by the people. For the people gone are the days where things are just handed to the world and you have to accept it. No, not everyone's
going to get their way. Yes, some people are always going to be unhappy and dissatisfied, but we're speaking at a high, high, high level here. I expect the pendulum to swing in that direction over time and get a really good headstart starting.
Well, we're already seeing it. It's already starting because Pluto's been in Aquarius. So these type of activities where people are able to get heard and not feel so frustrated, I expect those to increase and hopefully they will end up creating a positive change that the thing you got to realize is there's a good and
a bad side. There are some communities that may gain some traction but might not have the world's interest at heart. It cuts both ways, but the idea is connect with people who are part of your world, who are there to support other people, and that's where the real change comes from. Alright, I've been rambling
here for ages, so let me take a breath and see what specific questions you have, if any, about what 2020 five's energy has in store for us.
JuliaMarie (36:25):
Well, I kind of felt like we're at the leading edge of a major sea change, frankly.
Michael Spremulli (36:34):
JuliaMarie (36:34):
That really it is the leading edge of the people, the collective voice, realizing, okay, I can clear my throat.
And I feel like that's the stage we're in right now is the throat clearing stage.
Michael Spremulli (36:52):
You're right. And the way that we can kind of tell is, remember Pluto can be up to an 18 year cycle. So you look to see where it is in the sign, it's at like one degree. Signs have 30 degrees, 12 signs, 30 degrees each gives you 360 of the zodiac. So we're just getting started. I can't even begin to think what we're
going to see 10 years from now. And if we're getting started this fast and this intensely, it's going to be a wild ride, but I think the ultimate destination is going to be worth it
JuliaMarie (37:25):
That I would agree with. I've always had this overarching feeling that this period that we're coming into literally fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but where we're headed, I feel like the ride's going to be worth it. So we just need to remember that band together with people we love, know, and trust
and move as units as opposed to individual voices.
Michael Spremulli (38:00):
And that is a beautiful way to pull this all together. This is not the time to go it alone. What's the old phrase? If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with the team or go together. This is the time to lean on each other because if you try to go it alone, you're going to get stomped out by the collective. So it's a matter of aligning yourself with, as you said, people who love, trust and go together because you're going to be able to cover more ground and have a greater impact and ultimately get to the destination. Hopefully not as banged up because you've got other people who are watching your back and
you're watching their back when they're unable to lead the charge, so to speak.
JuliaMarie (38:45):
Well, Michael, this has been a very thought provoking conversation
Michael Spremulli (38:54):
Going to. I mean, I can't wait until we get back to 2026 when we do this for that and we'll see.
Wow. Let's see what's happened then, because that's the beauty of doing these forecasts. I sometimes go back and I encourage people to go back and look at daily, monthly, yearly forecast because it gives you an idea of what was going on then. And then you can kind of parallel that with what was happening in
your life. And I have a lot of people who will say, I go back and look at some of the old stuff, and at first I thought it was a waste of time, but it gives some insight as to what might've been going on behind the scenes cosmically that was impacting your actions, activities and behaviors
JuliaMarie (39:36):
Perspective is a powerful thing.
Michael Spremulli (39:39):
Oh, it is.
JuliaMarie (39:40):
Before we close, I'm going to let you have the final word, but also please include in that telling the people where they can find you.
Michael Spremulli (39:49):
Sure. So if you're interested in my work and want to know more about what I do, you can visit blue ridge astrology.com. That's blue ridge astrology.com. I do provide one-on-one consultations as well as astrological reports. And you could get free daily forecasts based on the energy of the day on all the social
media networks under the moniker Blue Ridge astrology. And in closing, the only thing I'd like to mention is I would encourage everyone to just take a breath. We're in the process of switching gears and whenever change happens of any type, it's a little disruptive focus on where we're going. And you're already starting to see signs of how that plays out. Some people have told me, I had a client the other day
say they feel like they're running toward the cliff and they're not able to stop before they get there. This switch with Pluto into Aquarius, I help supply the brakes in those types of situations. So hang in there, connect with your community, contribute where you can, and then be supported by others when you can't.
And that'll help navigate what lies ahead. But collectively, I think the next year is going to be overall exciting and positive with some great opportunities. And now it's up to us to then take advantage of those.
JuliaMarie (41:16):
Well, I say ditto to all of that, and thank you once again, Michael, for a great conversation.
Michael Spremulli (41:24):
Thank you.
JuliaMarie (41:24):
Well, that's our time for today. Thank you for continuing to support evolving humans. Please remember to share with at least two other people so that we can bring more light to this world. Evolving Humans is Now on YouTube. If you want to explore content other than the podcast, check out the Channeling
project episodes I'm posting on Evolving Humans with Julia Marie. Just scroll down to the channeling channel and give them a listen and look for the Aquarian Age transmissions from the Eternal Voice starting January, 2025. And while you're there, go ahead and click subscribe so you don't miss any of the
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