Evolving Humans
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Evolving Humans
January 2025 COSMIC Weather Report - Ep 161 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
Julia Marie and vibrational Astrologer Michael Spremulli discuss astrological forecasts and predictions for the month of January 2025.
The discussion covers various astrological events and energies, including new moons, full moons, planetary retrogrades and direct motions, and vibrational astrology cycles.
Key Points
- The conversation covers the bonus New Moon on December 30th in Capricorn, the Full Moon on January 13th in Cancer, and the New Moon on January 29th in Aquarius. [04:18]
- Michael discusses the themes and energies associated with each of these lunar events and how they can be leveraged for personal growth and manifestation. [00:36]
- The discussion also covers the retrograde and direct motion of the planet Uranus, and how this can impact personal and collective experiences. [14:55]
- Michael provides an overview of various vibrational astrology cycles and their potential effects during the month of January.
Main Cycles
- The New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th is an opportunity to set long-term goals and align with purposeful action. [02:39] (01:00)
- The Full Moon in Cancer on January 13th is a time to re-evaluate who we provide support and security to, and set healthy boundaries. (04:00)
- The New Moon in Aquarius on January 29th is a chance to focus on innovation, community, and sharing our unique talents. [11:05] (08:00)
- Uranus going direct on January 30th will bring a surge of energy and action, but it's important to balance this with Taurus' natural pace. [16:44] (14:00)
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This transcript was prepared using ai, and therefore may contain some errors.
Julia Marie (00:00):
It's that time again. Here's your January, 2025 Cosmic Weather Report. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. My favorite vibrational astrologer, Michael Spremulli is back with us again. Well, welcome back to Evolving Humans, Michael.
Michael Spremulli (00:45):
Well thank you so much. Happy New Year to you. Happy 2025. It's going to be an interesting year and we're going to start with talking about what's happening in January because that's what we do here. As I always say, each month at the top of these forecast, your mileage will vary, meaning the energy that we talk about is for the general collective. What makes it unique is what's going on in your own natal chart.
So you'll, everyone will experience these energies to some degree, but depending on what's aspecting in your own chart, some people will experience them more than others. So with that out of the way, let's dive right in here and talk about something that happened just a few days ago, and that was the bonus
New Moon that happened on December 30th at 5:26 PM This happened at Nine degrees of Capricorn. So why is it a bonus New Moon? Well, we had one back in early December, I believe it was the first. So every so often you get a month that has two new moons in it, which gives us two opportunities to plant
seeds and figure out what direction we're going to head in. Well, the New Moon on December 30th was at nine degrees Capricorn, and this energy is still active for the next week or so, and it's about looking at the discipline energy of Capricorn. Capricorn's and vibrational astrology are one of the most detached signs.
Now, what do we mean by detached?
Capricorns are able to look at a situation from the objective lens. They're able to see themselves, almost see themselves, if that makes sense, like witnessed consciousness. So when we have a new moon in Capricorn, this gives us an excellent opportunity to set intentions around long-term goals, structure,
responsibility, and in va, this new nation, excuse me, emphasizes building solid foundations and aligning with purposeful action. This is the time to think about what do we want to do in 2025, and the placement of this new moon is ideal because even though you're hearing this forecast a couple of days after, you can
still put your plans in place and look at actionable items that you could then go and manifest throughout 2025. So this is the time to get practical. What are you doing in your world regarding your career, your relationships, where you live, how you live.
Capricorn is this focus on what is practical to make things run. And I get impassioned about Capricorns because I am one. I've got a son in Capricorn, so I know Capricorn signs very, very well. So with this new moon energy, it's the time to step back, take emotions out of the equation as best as possible, and get
those plans in place for what you want to manifest for 2025. And you get a midway checkpoint around six months from now when the moon is full in Capricorn. So you start to see some results and have things pay off. So again, bonus New Moon happened December 30th, 5:26 PM at nine degrees of Capricorn.
Well, every month we're guaranteed to have at least two things, one new moon and one full moon. So let's talk about the Full Moon in January. Full Moon in January happens on the 13th at also 5:26 PM which is interesting at 23 degrees of cancer.
So just as a refresh, because I know we have people who join the podcast at different points and may not have heard this before, full moons are about a time of completion. It's also a time of release to let go of things that really don't serve us all that well. So the Full Moon is happening in cancer now in cancer from
the vibrational astrology lens. We're looking at cancer through this idea of wanting to protect whatever is near and dear to us. Cancers have this natural ability to want to emphasize security, both physical, mental, emotional for anyone or anything that is part of our close sphere. So when we have a full moon in cancer,
it gives us an opportunity to look at things from the drive of safeguarding what is most important to us. So that's cool, but here's what this Full Moon brings to the table.
It be time to make some adjustments. There may be people in your world who you've lended a hand to consistently over and over and over again, but they're not taking your assistance, they're not listening to your advice that they ask for. I'm not talking about us forcing something on other people. You might've
offered financial assistance and they're still in the same situation where they're at because they didn't make any changes, et cetera, et cetera. So under this full moon, it gives us pause to say, alright, I'm in charge of who I provide that Cancerian support and security and safeguarding for, and maybe some
people aren't worthy of it. If someone is in your world who is a time vampire, an energy vampire, a money vampire, someone who just takes, takes, takes your resources, and they're not using those resources in the way that they said they would and that you intended them to use them, it may be a time to
say, you know what?
I've helped as much as I can and what's best for you? I'm not here to tell people what to do, but this is often what happens under a cancer full moon. It's like the lights come on. It's like, wait a minute. I've given you all this support and time and energy and you're still playing video games in the basement.
You're not doing anything. I can't keep supporting this, and it's okay to walk away. And it doesn't matter who these people are. Could be family, could be close friends. It's about the give and take. And if you're just give, give, give given, and no one is doing anything with the resources that you put out there, the full
Moon is a time when we can release. It's like I've done my part and let that clear off our plate. Now, for those people who you may be assisting, protecting, helping secure their life, security and basic needs, still a big thing here in Asheville, then keep doing that.
If people are responding and you feel compelled to help and they're towing their side of the boat, that's a good thing. But this is the time to look at where we might need to reallocate our resources. So it's also because the moon's involved, there's always the emotional component. The moon regulates our emotions,
our feelings, our history, ancestry, all those things. So when that ends up happening, we end up stepping back and from an emotional component, taking an inventory of, Hey, what's working for us and what isn't working? So the idea of setting boundaries then comes into play. And this isn't necessarily as drastic as
maybe cutting someone off, but setting healthy boundaries rolls right up under the cancer energy because it's fine to help serve and protect others when there's reciprocity or even if they can't reciprocate. There's at least appreciation, but no one is shackled to having to support someone in any way if there isn't at least
some gratitude and respect.
So cancers this will hit you probably harder than others because your drive and need is wanting to protect people and help others. But sometimes we just have to say, enough is enough. So again, that is the Cancer Full Moon happening Monday, January 13th at 5:26 PM and all times are eastern because I got to pick a
time zone and I live in the Eastern one. So that's why we do that. Alright, continuing on. This is a big moon month. There's a new moon in January on January 29th at 7:35 AM Eastern time. So it's just interesting the way the cycle's kind of lined up here. There been at the end of the month for December and
January. So new moons again, time of new beginnings, planting seeds, all those things still apply, but this new Moon is happening in the sign of Aquarius. Well, that's kind of interesting because we did a whole
separate segment on the whole year ahead with Aquarius being the center theme.
But let's talk about this from the perspective of this particular situation where the New Moon is happening in Aquarius towards the end of the month. So Aquarius is about being part of a network. The energy is wanting to connect with community, and it's not about sacrificing your individual differences. It's about
using your individual differences and talents and uniqueness to better the community, the expanded the collective. So this New Moon is an opportune time to focus on innovation, new ideas, community and creativity. Aquarius brings in this network oriented energy, meaning that we want to seek out that higher
purpose. So maybe you have some very unique skill sets that not many people have. This new moon could activate within you an idea of what this group, organization, a club, what have you, could use the skills that I have to really help them advance. This is what we're talking about with the aquarium New
Moon energy, taking what you have and sharing it with a larger audience.
So you might end up becoming attracted to different opportunities that enable you to tap into this Aquarian energy and share your gifts and talents. Now the other thing about Aquarius is Aquarius brings with it this idea of everybody having a seat at the table. So it fosters some progressive thinking and
enables people to have a voice who may not have had one before. So what could end up happening is your involvement in this whole process could be aiding others to find their voice, get heard, whether it's at a small level and very personal within your family or friends, or maybe on a larger scale where you're
helping people get their message out to the masses. Oftentimes, Aquarian Energy can trigger within us this desire to seek out a leadership role. How many times have you said, I don't know what my boss is doing. I could do it a hundred times better.
Great, if that's the case, go do it. Apply for the job, get in their spot. Maybe seek out another organization to lead other people. If you feel the drive to do that, but you're not given the opportunity right now, but it's all about innovation and helping the collective thrive. This is not the time to say, I want to be a leader so I
can make a whole bunch of money. That's not the energy that's going on here, and there's nothing wrong with making money, but that's not what this energy is about. It's leading others into this Aquarian age where there's this democratization of all sorts of things. So under this Aquarian New Moon, think about
where you might need to broaden your network. And network has got a bit of a negative connotation because people think of networking in a business situation, but we have networks everywhere.
We have networks at church. We have networks as I mentioned in our communities and in our homes and different groups and other entities that we tend up collecting with or associating with. So this is the time
to ask ourselves. Maybe we need to broaden that. Maybe we felt a little stagnant or stuck. And you might be into let's say photography, pulling this literally out of the ether. This is not rehearsed. And you may say, you know what? I wonder if there's a photography club here in town, individuals can get together and
share tips and the way we approach things, what have you. It could be as simple as that, or it could be as complex as wanting to rise to local government to have an impact on your community. So that's the Aquarian New Moon happening on January 29th, 7:35 AM Eastern time. It's at nine degrees of Aquarius.
Alright, enough with the moons, we've been talking about moons forever here. Now we move on to look at some planetary positions here, actually just one. And that is the planet, Uranus. It's been retrograde since September. Well, I got to give a little background on A, what retrogrades are, and B, well, what
does it mean when you, Uranus goes retrograde. Retrogrades are a time to reevaluate and think things through. They're not about a time for massive action. It's like a time to revisit the energy of the planet that is going retrograde. It's like the cooling off period for you to say, oh, well you want to do this. Well why
don't you think about it a little bit and see if A, it's something you really want to do and B, time for you to maybe get a plan together to do it rather than go in haphazard.
Well, Uranus is about expressing yourself, being lively, breaking out of the norm, living in the moment, day to day, thinking quickly on your feet. Uranian energy is very hot to trot. It likes to move. It doesn't want to sit quietly idly. So if you look back over the past several months, going back to September, and I
think it was September 1st, I didn't pull the actual date for that, but it was early September, I believe that Uranus went retrograde. You may have been feeling of course, dependent on the placements in your chart, maybe a little stuck or low energy. It's like, I don't know what's going to happen here. I am just kind
of in a holding pattern, and that's also the energy that can be associated with retrogrades. We may have ideas and ambitions, but we're in this holding pattern and can't really seem to have the rubber meet the road.
Well, that's about to change when Uranus goes direct at 23 degrees of tars on January 30th. So this energy, when it hits on the 30th, now it's sparks up the action side of what we need to do. You might've been thinking about something new for 2025, planning some sort of change, planning a relocation,
starting a business, closing a business, well, whatever, because the energy is very lively and breaks us out of the routine once Uranus goes direct. Now it's about, okay, I know what I'm going to do. I've got my game plan together, and now it's time to manifest it or make it happen. Well, this is happening in the sign
of Taurus. So remember in vibrational astrology, one type of energy does not negate the other energy. So we've got this Uranus energy, which is going to be lively and helps you think on your feet and respond quickly and boom, boom, boom, just get in there and make stuff happen.
But it's in Taurus. Well, Taurus is about letting things unfold naturally. So how do we reconcile this when this new moon hits? You may feel all fired up in one side of your brain, but then the other side of your brain is, alright, this is great, but maybe I shouldn't go barging in on the first day that this planet goes direct. Let me see how things unfold. Taurus energy is about the natural cycle of things. They don't like to be rushed. I mean, traditional astrology says they're decking in and there's like comfort and all that, and some of that can certainly be true, but when you get down to the core underlying energy, it's really looking at watching things unfold without forcing it. So on the surface it may seem like these energies
contradict each other, but here's how you work with them. You've got all this excitement, energy, vim and vigor once Uranus go, and by the way, when a planet goes direct, don't expect the energy to flip on like a switch.
It takes a little while to kind of rev up. If you envision a bell curve, it starts off very, very small. Then it starts to grow, grow, grow gets really strong and then it kind of fades out a little bit. So that's the way energy works. So once you get back into direct motion, it invites you to implement new ideas and take
actions. Maybe having breakthroughs, shaking up traditional norms and embracing things that are innovative and future focused. But don't rush it. It's like, oh, I know what I'm going to do now. I think now is the perfect time for me to do X, y, Z. But it doesn't mean you go out and spend a ton of time, effort, and resources to do X, Y, and Z the second that Uranus starts moving direct. But the good news is
that this should free up a lot of people.
As you know, astrology does not dictate our actions. It simply guides us much like A GPS and then it's up to us whether or not we want to follow the GPS. I know people all the time I ride in the car, they say the Gs, it comes up, just make a right here. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to make a right two blocks
down. Okay, well, because it's better. Alright, cool, do your thing. So Astrology's the same way it holds up these mile markers and signposts and it's up for us to then decide is this the best action for us? So once direct motion hits, expect innovative practices to abound disruptive changes in a good way, meaning that
it's kind of getting rid of the old Uranus does not like the old, it wants new cutting edge. And that's a whole nother conversation when you get into technology.
So expect some changes in those departments, maybe some lifestyle or social structures might get shaken up a bit and prompt us to enter the next phase where we can move in full force. So again, just to summarize, Uranus goes direct at 23 degrees Taurus January 30th, coming out of this retrograde cycle.
All right, so no month would be complete without some vibrational commentary. And we have a bunch of little ones this month. Last month I think we had a couple of cycles that lasted almost the entire month of December, and now we've got several little spurts here. So let's break them down. First off, we're in the
80th vibration. Ooh, that sounds pretty high. The 80th vibration is a combination of five times four times four. You don't have to know where all that comes from. We don't want to get into the weeds here, but I will just tell you it's a combination of the fifth and fourth vibration energy.
Well, the fifth vibration's about free flowing creative exploration where things just kind of flow and it's almost like play and discovery. The fourth vibration has to do with action making things happen. It's like a square. So the energy is creating this friction. You can hear me rubbing my hands together to make things happen. A fire does not start unless friction is applied. It doesn't mean it's bad, the whole good aspect, bad aspect type of thing, but it means there's going to be some work that needs to be done. So the 80th vibration, that's pretty high, meaning we don't see that usually manifest at a physical level. When you start to get into the higher vibrations, they're more internal. And the way that we describe them is
think of them as really being parts of your cosmic DNA that are getting lit up during these transits.
So the planets that are involved in the 80th vibration from January 6th through the 11th are Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. While this is all about being successful in a vision, usually a new vision that captures people's imagination. So during this little run here from the sixth to the 11th, expect some successes and fulfillment in anything that is maybe a little magical and exotic. Jupiter makes things big.
Uranus breaks us out of the norm, and Neptune is what is magical to you. For some people it's going on a vacation, maybe some others it's going to the Super Bowl. Other people, they just want to go visit the south of France once in their life or whatever it might be. So those are grand things. Smaller things could
be day-to-day driven. Where something magical is you end up joining a group of like-minded people. That's the photography example that I used before.
So Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, during this 80th vibration may end up getting played out with you, seeking out something new that is involving a magical or idealistic component that really captures people's imagination. It's not a long running transit, but it's there. So the way we apply this is if you've got things that you want to be involved with that connect to free flowing, creative exploration, doing some work and capturing people's imagination, if you can focus some efforts and energy on those during the sixth through the 11th, they should flow fairly easily. So the next vibration we have is the 52nd vibration, which is a combination of 13 times four. So you've got that four, which is the square energy and then the
13th vibration. Well, the 13th vibe has to do with standing out of the ordinary, being exceptional or extraordinary. The 13th vibe is very much linked to our calling where we feel driven to do something maybe better than anyone else, stand out from the crowd and really go all in.
So from the 12th through the 15th, this energy gets awakened. And again, this is a fairly, it's not a super high vibration, but it wouldn't be considered a low vibration, a 52 kind of internal. You might not necessarily see it, so to speak, but you feel it. So during this timeframe, from the 12th to the 15th, this is when you want to go beyond the ordinary and strive to be extraordinary. Well, what does that look like?
Let's say that you are someone who is involved with doing some sort of online marketing component, just again, pulling this out of the air at random here. But during this timeframe, you may find an opportunity to amp that up a little bit and do whatever work you do, but in a way that levels up. So maybe other
people are posting on social media once a day. Well, during this time period, you might find it really easy to post three times a day, or even if you don't post, you create a bunch of content that you can then dole out over the next month.
The idea is whatever it is that lights you up where you feel called to do it, whether you are a psychic, an intuitive, a cabinet maker, it doesn't matter, whatever your calling is, this is when you can lean into that and really stand out from the crowd. And I want to note that this is not an ego thing. It's not, Hey, look at
me. I'm the best at the whole Muhammad Ali deal. It's about really embracing where your talents are and leaning into them because it's almost like you're supercharging them under this 52nd vibration. So I don't know if I even mentioned, I think I might've, I didn't skip the planets here. Okay, so I'm a little tonguetied today. We're recording this shortly after the holiday, and that's all I have to say about that. So the planets that are involved, they're sun Neptune, and this is an interesting example, va people say, if you've got five minutes to tell someone about vibrational astrology, what do you talk about?
I said, vibrational astrology. And they kind of look at me and say, well, what if you have two hours? What do you talk about vibrational astrology? What's different is how many layers deep you go. So even without getting into the planets, and if you didn't even know the planets, that 52nd vibration is enough to give you some roadmap and head start on what to expect. Now we get down to the planetary level of Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. You get even more information of what to expect during the cycle. So these planets spark out the ability to quickly notice inconsistencies and hypocrisy. So now we're getting more
granular. So doing whatever work that you do that is part of your calling 52nd vibration, you may feel really driven to spot the errors, the hypocrisy, and making things more congruent because Saturn takes out what's not needed.
Neptune focuses you on what is idealistic and magical and Pluto is that compulsion and intensity. So this is a time to engage in organizations, communities, different activities based on your own standards and
sincerity to really want to do good work. And you could be a positive motivating force in these different communities. And if you're not part of a community, you might consider joining one or you can go it alone. But these planets help you really fine tune whatever your work mission and drive is. So again,
52nd vibration, which is active January 12th through January 15th. Alright, we're hanging out in the fifties a lot this month for whatever reason. So now we're at the 56th vibration active from January 17th through the 21st. And another point I want to make is these smaller transits, you'll the energy, you can
capitalize on the energy. They don't change your life trajectory all that much.
It's important to know it's like, is it raining right now? It's raining outside as I'm recording this, is it cold? Is it hot? But it's not going to dictate your life for the next 20 years, but knowing that information, something simple as whether it's raining or not, can help guide our decisions as to what we're going to do
that day. So I felt obligated to make that statement. You don't want to get too hyper-focused on any of these. It's just the cosmic weather. So 56 vibration, that's a combination of the seven and eight vibrations.
Seven times eight is 56, and the planets that are involved here are about our Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. So the 56 vibe, let's talk about that first. It's a combination of seven vibe and eight vibe. Well, seven vibe is this quiet, calm, internal focus. That's when we go internal.
We're not focusing our energy externally. It's reflection meditation looking inward. The eighth vibration impacts our core motivators and drivers, and when it's involved, that's when we really tend to feel whatever it is that is going on. So when the 56th is active from the 17th through the 21st, you may feel the need to really be alone and spend a little time by yourself so that you can then focus on the planetary energies, which are Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. So this energy is about enthusiastically supporting big and progressive change. These planets encourage people to support a new wave of thinking, a new way of thinking, and have breakthroughs that can often lead to big success. So when you have this vibration
active, this is the time to sit back and get your ducks in a row just for a little bit and think and examine. Seventh vibration is very still.
In other words, you're not going to be living out the seventh vibration in a Starbucks. Doesn't happen. There's too much activity going on. This is when you take alone time, tune out the distractions so that you can allow other things to surface. Well, Jupiter's expansion, Uranus is breaking out of the norm living in
the moment, and Pluto adds the compulsion and intensity. So when you combine all this together in the 56th, you may get some big ideas during this timeframe. It doesn't mean they're going to snap to completion, but every project, every goal, every ambition starts with an idea and then you can start to bring that idea into reality. Alright, last vibration for the month. And we have what I like to refer to as a
little bit of a retread here. We spoke about the 13th vibration earlier, which was part of the 52nd vibe.
Well, it's back again. It's in the 26th vibration. So the 26th vibration is simply 13 times two, which is, if you looked at it from an aspect perspective, the two represents an opposition in astrology where it's kind of like this back and forth energy. Well, the 26th vibration is really amping up your desire to lean into
your goal mission and whatever it is that you feel compelled to do whatever you've been put on this earth to do. So if you notice we got a couple of times during the month when the 52nd is active from the 12th through the 15th, and then the 25th through February 1st, the 26th vibration is active. This is prompting
us to say, alright, lean into your craft and you get two opportunities in this month to do that. And the planets that are active are Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. Well, gee, we've heard those planets all active before.
This is in a different combination, but they're backing in. So these planets bring a talent in promoting and getting ideas out to the world that inspire people. Those of you who may be involved in marketing or communicating to the masses to get ideas, products, services, et cetera out there that help inspire people
and benefit their world and make their lives better. This is a wonderful time to get your message out there.
Anyone who's involved in counseling, and I know that we have a bunch of people who are involved in tarot and intuitive activities and astrology, this is a great time to let people know, here's what I do. And it's not just to make money, it's to help have an impact, a positive impact on someone's world and put you in
a position where you're able to do things better than most. I'm going to digress here just for a second.
I'm on social media quite a bit because I do daily forecast under the moniker of Blue Ridge Astrology, shameless self-promotional plug there, and I see a lot of other astrologers. I'll pick on my own people.
Some of 'em are really, really good. Others are just abysmal and you can tell who's really committed to doing the craft because yes, it's a science, but at the same point, it's also an art of being able to take this information and explain it in a way that makes sense. And there's a lot of people just don't care. They just kind of throw stuff out there and there are others you can tell when they put things out that they spend time making sure it's honed and polished so that it makes sense. It's good solid astrology, but it's also accessible to people who may have zero astrological knowledge. That's the type of energy that the 13th vibe is focusing on.
If you think of Cooks on the Food Network, years ago you had, and I'm not knocking anyone here, I'm focusing on the data. You had Rachel Ray who made Quick Meals in under 30 minutes for, okay, that's cool. That's what she did and she did a very good job at it. That's her mission, that's what she did. That's a
lot different than someone creating five star dining experiences in a Michelin star restaurant where every plate is orchestrated with a set of tweezers and calipers to make sure it's ideal. Those folks could go and do the best that they can do in the five star dining environment. Doesn't take anything away from Rachel
Ray who used to do quick and easy meals and under 30 minutes. So it's a matter of what you are put on this earth to do and leaning into that and making it the best possible creation that you could put together so that it has the greatest amount of impact on others. So you get a good dose of this energy at the end of
the month to kind of kick us off into February again, the 26th vibration, January 25th through February 1st, and that Julia Marie is what's happening in January.
Julia Marie (37:15):
Well, it sounds like we have a whole bunch to look forward to, and I really appreciate you navigating the holiday season in a way that allowed you to be present for this report now.
Michael Spremulli (37:29):
Julia Marie (37:30):
Before we go, you need to let the people know how to find you.
Michael Spremulli (37:34):
Sure. Easiest way is blue ridge astrology.com. That's blue ridge astrology.com. I would encourage everyone to grab the 2025 Lunar Lookup Table completely free, right on the main page, just plug in your email. It'll be sent to your inbox in that I show you, list out all the new and full moon dates, eclipse dates, retrograde dates, major planetary stations, so completely free@blueridgeastrology.com. And as I
mentioned before, you can follow me on all the socials as well under the same moniker.
Julia Marie (38:07):
Michael, thanks again so much for being here and I'm going to tell people that we're going to do a special episode. They need to be looking out for, it's going to be what's happening, general trends only for the coming year, so stay tuned for that. Thanks again, Michael.
Michael Spremulli (38:27):
Thank you.
Julia Marie (38:29):
Well, that's our time for today. Thank you for continuing to support Evolving Humans. We're now on YouTube, so head on over and check out the extras being posted there and hit subscribe so you don't miss any new content. I want to thank you for coming on this journey with me, and I'm looking forward to
building a bright 2025 with all of you. If you find yourself in need of some clarity or guidance about what's coming in 2025, please take a moment to head on over to Julia Marie.us and click the book now button on the homepage to schedule your appointment.