Evolving Humans
Welcome to Evolving Humans. You are a visionary. You are exploring the true nature of reality, and seek to contribute to the global awakening.
You are connecting with more of your expanded human potential so you can improve your personal and professional life.
Join your host Julia Marie, and listen to stories from people just like you who have been where you are.
Julia shares the wisdom she gained over the decades in a simplified, practical way. Her goal is to shift your beliefs around what is possible as a human being, evolving.
With practice, we all have the capacity to learn to connect more deeply with our higher wisdom.
The way Home is found by turning within and listening to the part of us that knows who we are and why we are here.
Evolving Humans podcast opens the door on a way of living differently. If you are ready to take the next step on your journey to greater awareness, hit subscribe so you don't miss a single episode.
OTHER RESOURCES: https://www.JuliaMarie.us - Visit the website to learn how you can deepen your connection to your Greater Self, and other resources to support your spiritual journey.
Evolving Humans
Insights on Living an Intuition-Guided Life Ep 167 | Julia Marie
This solo episode takes a look at living an intuition-guided life and explores some of the insights Julia Marie gained on her spiritual journey. She includes some simple suggestions you can implement today to improve or begin your exploration of the intuitive life.examines living an intuition-guided life and explores some of the insights Julia Marie gained on her spiritual journey. It includes some simple suggestions you can implement today to improve or begin exploring
- Julia Marie discusses developing one's intuitive abilities by tuning into the "subtle senses" or "soul senses" such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and claircognizance. [03:11]
- Some of the benefits of exploring one's intuitive connection include expanded awareness, greater self-understanding, better decision-making, and increased creativity. [06:32]
- Maintaining healthy personal energy and vibration levels is crucial for strengthening one's intuitive abilities. [08:59] This includes practices like grounding, reducing exposure to negative influences, and surrounding oneself with people of higher vibration. [19:04]
- The speaker encourages listeners to be patient and non-judgmental with their intuitive experiences, and to seek support from others interested in this topic. [21:15]
SPECIAL THANKS to Pixabay's Prabajithk for Together 11902
FREE Grounding Meditation Link
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Julia Marie (00:00):
Today on Evolving Humans Insights on Living an Intuition guided life. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for awakening souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. I thought I'd take a few moments to share some of the insights I've gained over the years
I've spent living from the inside out following the voice of my higher guidance to the best of my abilities, no matter the circumstances I encountered along the way. It's been a while since I've shared any of my personal story with you, so I thought I'd talk a little bit about intuition today and how it evolved in my own life. If you're not familiar with my awakening story, one of the things that happened during those first months was the appearance of a group of beings I could sense but not see who showed up in my living room and taught me how to live my life differently.
Their teachings centered around seven principles and they told me that if I lived my life according to these principles, I would not need an external teacher. They were right. The principle that applies to our conversation today is this, as above so below, the corollary to that, of course is as below, so above. In other words, what exists in the non-material world has a form in the material world as well, and what is present in the material world is mirrored in the non-material plane. So what does that mean exactly? Keep in mind the insight didn't come immediately. It arose after a considerable amount of contemplation on the subject. We are in essence a reflection of divine perfection. I worked quite a while to comprehend the
reality that as my invisible teachers pointed out, if I can understand the workings of my physical body, I could understand as well I, all of creation works. I spent a lot of time thinking about that one and what I'm sharing today as a result of that process.
To begin at the beginning, we're born with five physical senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. We explore and process our physical world using these senses and we don't question for a moment the input we receive through them. We also have subtle senses. We can use these subtle senses to explore the non-
physical world we are a part of. Some of you may be familiar with what is called the Claires, but I'll go ahead and give a brief list here. Clairvoyance or spiritual sight is often mistaken for imagination, but it works like our imagination on the same frequency. In other words, images appear in the mind's eye but
we're not seeing them with our physical eyes. Clair cognizance or spiritual knowing is when you have those thoughts that drop in your mind and you can't explain how it came to you. Clear sense or clear feeling is in my experience, the most reliable of the subtle senses and it's a great place to start if you want
to begin to work with your subtle or your soul senses as I call them, I believe the subtle senses are our connection to the soul.
As we strengthen that connection, we gain more access to the wisdom our soul carries. Claire, audience is clear hearing. You hear the words as they are spoken, but you're hearing them with your spiritual ears, not your physical ones. Claire aliens is clear smelling and Clair Gustine is the sense of spiritual taste When
you catch a whiff of cigarette smoke and no one is smoking around you, that's Claire aliens. If you find yourself with a taste of a familiar food on your tongue, say your mom's secret meatloaf recipe when you're talking to your friend about your mom and how she passed, that would be Clair Gustin. When working with developing mediums, I roll these two, Claire Aliens and Clair Gustin in with Claire T
because all three are basically sensations in the body. If you're interested in developing your intuition, remember this, the more attention you place on your subtle senses and the input you receive from them, the stronger your connection to your higher wisdom becomes, especially as you learn to trust your ability
to process that input.
Eventually you will become a multi-dimensional multi-sensory perceiver and receiver. So what are some of the benefits if you decide to explore your unique intuitive connection while adding your non-physical
senses to your physical senses gives you basically an advantage of expanded awareness and access to additional input. That can be very empowering. The more you turn within, the more you learn about yourself and thus you can often gain a greater understanding of who you are. Your intuitive connection
can add greater meaning and context to your life because you'll be looking at your circumstances from a different perspective, an expanded view. It helps when you're able to look at any situation and ask yourself, what is the lesson here? Instead of why me? Another benefit you gain from exploring your
intuitive connection is it can help you find or maintain your balance. You become more confident in your decision-making ability and often feel more centered as you navigate your world.
If you happen to be a highly sensitive person, gaining confidence in your intuition can help you better discern what energy is yours and what is not. When you find yourself feeling drained or down, ask yourself this question, is this my stuff or someone else's stuff? And here's a tip for you to help keep your
energy clear every time you finish an encounter with someone, especially if you feel depleted, just do this.
Take a breath, maybe close your eyes if you can mentally send back to them all of their energy with love and gratitude and call back to yourself all of your energy. For as a highly sensitive person, you have a natural tendency to absorb what's not yours, but you also, let's just say might be prone to overgiving and
the best energy for you is not somebody else's, it's your own. The same applies also to the other person you were engaged with. The best energy for them is their energy.
One last benefit I want to mention here and there are more than the few I've listed, is that your creativity is often heightened and you're more inspired when you're actively using your intuition on a daily basis.
I've told you about my perspective when it comes to intuition to those subtle senses and your connection to your soul, and I shared some of the benefits of being more active intuitively. Now, I'd like to tell you one of the best things you can do to improve your intuitive connection and know I'm not going to tell you
to practice. I'm going to tell you to practice good personal energy maintenance. Frankly, the most helpful things you can do to strengthen your intuitive connection are not directly related to any exercises or practice sessions. How to manage your energy, both physical and subtle has a greater impact on your
spiritual connection to higher vibrations than pretty much anything else you can do, and I say this a lot, but it bears repeating.
We are bioelectric beings. We are made up mostly of energy, not matter, no matter how solid we may feel that we are. In reality, we are more than 99% energy and less than 1% matter even though we appear solid, quantum physics is giving us a new way of seeing ourselves. Everything is energy. We are as with
everything else in this material world, primarily energy held together with a little bit of matter as the glue so to speak, and we talk about ourselves in terms of energy all the time, often without even noticing.
That's what we're doing. Here are some examples of what I'm talking about here. Someone says, I just didn't have the energy to finish, or The energy in this room is fantastic, or maybe her energy felt off and I don't know why you might find yourself feeling drained at the end of a workday or perhaps someone who
seems to drain you whenever you're around them.
One thing you can do every day is monitor the state of your energy. Take a moment to pause, close your eyes and scan your body with your awareness. Ask your body to signal where there is pain or tightness.
That's a sign. The energy is stuck in those areas and in the places you're feeling relaxed and open. Well the energy is flowing and by the way, to clear yourself when you're feeling tense like that again, take a moment, close your eyes and breathe. Breathe in through your nose, breathe in light and relaxation, and
when you exhale, exhale, anything that's not in harmony with light and relaxation, maybe you even use your intention to send that light and relaxation specifically to those areas where you felt the tightness or the pain.
Just take a few moments to do that and you'll find yourself more balanced and scan your body to see how it feels and remember, it's not only your environment or people in your life who can change your energy for the better or bring it down. It's helpful if you practice grounding your energy bodies on a regular basis.
If you're not familiar with that process, I have a free 10 minute grounding meditation posted on my website. Go to Julia marie.us and click on the freebie tab to access it. Once you're familiar with the steps, you can take a few minutes to do this every morning and to reconnect if you find yourself out of sorts or
off balance during the day. For your physical body grounding needs, I always suggest people check out earthing.com and Clint over's work on the impact of grounding. It has such a positive effect on the health of your physical body, especially when it comes to inflammatory conditions.
He is the original pioneer of this science and I've been using his products for years myself, and I have derived a lot of benefit from them, which is the reason why I'm mentioning him to you here. So what can you do when it seems your intuition isn't working well? Number one, it's not going to be right a hundred
percent of the time. There are a lot of factors involved and when our intuition might go a little haywire, but for the most part it is a reliable source that we need to learn to be able to trust more. Again, what can you do when it seems it isn't working well? For starters, don't worry about whether you got something
right or not. When you're working with your intuition, remind yourself constantly. There is no right or wrong here. There are only lessons for you to learn about how your intuitive connection works.
Sometimes we receive guidance and we follow it, but the result is not what we anticipated or we're blocked from moving forward. You weren't wrong. It's possible there's a timing element in play here.
Often the universe will slow us down or speed things up so that we end up exactly where we need to be when we need to be there. Don't beat yourself up, just keep trying and don't be afraid of missing something important. If there is an experience you're meant to have for your soul's growth, trust me, the
universe will bring it around again, so just keep paying attention and self-reflection is an important part of this process too that probably doesn't get talked about a lot, but the more conscious you are of your beliefs, thoughts and emotions around any given situation or circumstance, the more you'll be able to
identify how you might be getting in the way of a clear intuitive message.
Yes, you have intuition. Yes, you are hardwired to receive higher wisdom, but those intuitive signals have to travel through your filters as it hits your energy field, so knowing your biases or limiting beliefs will help you manage them and you can take steps to clear them. If you choose to live a more intuition guided
life, there are plenty of energy modalities out there. Now to help us address our limiting beliefs or negative thoughts. Emotional freedom technique is one of the quickest and easiest ones to use, but there are others as well. It's best if you don't try to discern for yourself if you're in a distressed state or feeling
pressured to make a decision, wait until you're feeling more balanced before you access your intuition on your own behalf.
A lower vibrational state or fear or doubt can all have a negative impact on your ability to properly perceive the signals the universe is constantly sending you. Knowing this and being aware of whether you're fearful of the outcome or are doubting yourself will help you get better results and perhaps we'll let
you know this is the time you need to seek out a trusted friend who also has some intuitive chops to help you get clarity on your situation. Before I close this episode, I'd like to touch on a few more choices you can make that will improve how your intuition works. Remember, it's all about vibration and there's a lot that affects our vibration in negative ways these days. Probably one of the biggest is the food you eat. For example, the cleaner you eat, the less junk food, the better look at your physical body as the receiving station, the antenna that picks up the signals from the universe.
Anything that lowers your vibration interferes with your receptivity and by telling you you have to become a vegan or a vegetarian. No, I'm going to encourage you to eat cleaner food. In other words, organic if you can, and less junk food because the bottom line is better food, better reception, and your relationship with your tech also has a major impact on how you process intuitive information. The less
involved you are with your tech, the better, but if you are one who has to be connected to it a lot, try to filter out what it is you allow into your awareness. Violent video games or other similar content does have
a negative impact on you. Bottom line is you get to choose which world means more to you, this physical world of technology or the world of spirit, and don't forget about the company you keep.
Either. People also can affect our vibration and we need to remain aware of whether that's a positive impact or a negative one. Again, you choose which world means more to you, but here's what I know. If you surround yourself with people that are vibrating at or maybe a little bit higher than you, number one,
that helps you keep your vibration, maintain where it needs to be, and if you're able to resonate in harmony with somebody who's got a solid higher vibration, they can actually lift you up vibrationally through the process of sympathetic resonance and all you have to do is be in their energy field to derive
that benefit. I've had it happen to me more than once, and I've been very grateful for all of those opportunities. We're living in a powerful time of transition right now globally speaking, and I want you to have all the tools possible in your spiritual toolbox.
I've been teaching spiritual seekers about their intuition for almost two decades, and I recently upgraded and expanded my most popular course, the Intuitive Advantage, how to go from Cautious to Confident in six weeks. The first presentation of this material is coming in March, 2025, and if you're interested in
exploring your intuitive connection, you can leave a message with your contact information by clicking the link at the top of the show notes or sending a quick email to me at Julia Marie us. My goal is to empower you to live a more aligned life, a life aligned with the energy of your soul, and if you found value here, please share it with two other people so that together we can bring more light to this world.
Now, what did I talk to you about today? I told you a little about intuition. I told you you have a set of senses available to you that operate just as smoothly as your physical senses except when you call them into question, so we are our own worst enemy when it comes to clear, intuitive input.
Find other people also interested in this topic and gather with them. Talk with them about your challenges or your excitement with your intuitive experiences. Maybe take some time to take a look at your diet and how you interact with technology and make some better choices for yourself, especially if you want to
expand your awareness and change how you function in the world by adding intuition to your repertoire.
Thank you for listening. I appreciate your support and I will continue to seek ways to bring you great content. Well, that's our time for today. If you need clarity about a current life situation, want some energy healing or wish to connect with your loved ones living on the other side of life, please go to my website@juliamarie.us and click the book now button on the homepage. And now here's a quote for you
to ponder. As you go about your day, your intuition knows what to do. The trick is getting your head to shut up so you can hear. Louise Smith