Evolving Humans

Cosmic Weather Report - Feb 2025: The Month to Follow Your Dreams Ep 166 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

Julia Marie | Guest: Michael Spremulli Episode 166

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Host Julia Marie and her favorite vibrational astrologer have a lively conversation about the current cosmic weather and astrological events happening in February 2025. Michael discusses his background and journey into vibrational astrology, the significance of the current planetary parade, and provides a detailed forecast for the month of February, highlighting key astrological events and their potential impact. [31:59]

For the month of February 2025, Michael highlights the following key astrological events:

  • The new moon on January 29th in Aquarius, which invites a focus on inclusivity, breaking free from limitations, and embracing new ideas.
  • The full moon on February 12th in Leo, which encourages self-expression and stepping into the spotlight.
  • The new moon on February 27th in Pisces, which presents an opportunity to blend different elements and approach things in a more eclectic and imaginative way. [22:07]
  • Retrograde Mars goes direct motion on February 24th, which can help provide a boost of energy and drive to take action on plans and projects. [28:35]
  • The significant activity in the 13th vibration throughout the entire month of February, which is associated with one's calling and the desire to do something meaningful and impactful. [32:43]
  • The current planetary parade is visually impressive but does not have a major astrological impact. [12:24] (11:36)

MANY THANKS to Pixabay's Relaxing Time - Relaxing Music Pt 1-141198 for the music bed for this episode.

Michael's Website

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Julia Marie (00:00):
It's time for the Cosmic Weather Report for February, 2025. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation.
Vibrational astrologer. Michael SPR joins us again with the Cosmic Weather Report for February, 2025.
Vibrational astrology is an evidence-based method and Michael has years of experience with this modality. His website is blue ridge astrology.com. I want to welcome you back to Evolving Humans.
Michael, I can't wait to hear what you have to share today.
Michael Spremulli (01:01):
Hello, Julia. Julia Marie, it's a pleasure to be back here and already our second forecast of 2025, I dunno where the time's going,
Julia Marie (01:11):
It's flying by. There was a question on the YouTube channel that maybe you could answer before you get into your report today, and that was what led you to this field of vibrational astrology.
Michael Spremulli (01:25):
Oh, wow. So I could talk about that for probably months that no one wants to hear all the details, but I'll give you the highlights. If you would've told me 20 years ago that I'd end up becoming a professional astrologer, I would've probably said, eh, I don't think so, and you're crazy. But this all started for me back in the nineties when I first had a consultation with an astrologer that sort of lit the spark, but I had no plans of doing anything professionally with it for quite some time. I studied astrology from 94 until 2010, traditional methods, western astrology, and it was great. It was working for me. I was doing some consultation work, but it wasn't really my main gig. And then as I started to get deeper into astrology, I'd
realized that there were some things that just didn't quite seem to line up, at least for me as far as what the meanings of certain transits or aspects meant.
And there was a piece missing, and that was about the time when I stumbled across David Cochran on YouTube putting out videos on vibrational astrology. And at that point I looked at them and I said, this is really cool stuff, but it's way over my head because in 2010 I was into astrology for a decent amount of
time, but it was such a different methodology of approaching the subject matter. It really overwhelmed me until around 2015, then I kind of came back again with fresh eyes and said, alright, I think I get it now. And the fact that vibrational astrology does not discount spirituality, metaphysics spirit, and it
doesn't take away any of that. And it also involves the science end of things with quantum physics, specifically quantum mechanics, entanglement and evidence-based platform and model for looking at things. That all really resonated with me. And then that's kind of what got me in the rest of the way here
to jump into VA as my primary modality. It was a matter of having my interest sparked many years ago, kind of letting that flame smolder a little bit. And then when the timing was right, ha pun intended, it just sort of evolved and then took off. That's a very long-winded answer to a short question. It may have been
more than what you bargained for.
Julia Marie (04:13):
Well, the thing that does fascinate me about the story is you went away from it and kept getting drawn back.
Michael Spremulli (04:21):
Julia Marie (04:22):
That's your soul talking to you, my world. When we can't avoid something like that, it's because we need to be involved with it.
Michael Spremulli (04:33):
I agree a hundred percent because if I go back and look throughout my life, I've dabbled in all sorts of different areas of interest, totally out of this world. For a while I was into 3D printing and then I wasn't, and then I was into this and that and then wasn't, not saying that astrology is something as mechanical as a
process like that, but the point I think that you just made is when you keep getting pulled back into something and you feel the need to repl, because there are things that I've tried and I've done them, it's like, Nope, not going to do that again. But astrology was never in that category. I'd always keep coming
back to it from a different angle until ultimately I found I keep using these horrible puns until I found the ultimate angle VA that worked best for me because astrology is nothing but angle. Sort of an insider joke there. But you're right, if you keep feeling something at your core, at your soul, at your cellular level, it's
probably worth investigating because that's the universe's way of saying you may want to look in here and see what's going on.
Julia Marie (05:38):
Well, I found you because I knew there's a lot of people out there that are fascinated with astrology. I personally took a cursory look at it years ago, and it didn't take me long to figure out, I'm not going down this road because to be good at this, I'm going to have to dedicate years of my life to it.
Michael Spremulli (05:58):
See, that's exactly it. And that's why I'd be like, oh, there's got to be a faster path. Well, there is no fast path in astrology. People ask me all the time, if I wanted to become a professional astrologer, how much ramp up time do I need? And my stand answer is this, just to get barely functional, barely functional, two
years of daily study and preferably through someone who knows what they're doing. And it's a combination of teaching you and then being able to ask questions and then doing lots and lots and lots of charts. It does take time. If you find yourself interested, hang in there. If you look at it and say, no, there's
just no way I'm not interested, then that's cool. There's many other modalities out there to work.
Julia Marie (06:46):
And then you just find a good astrologer you can consult with on a regular basis and there you are.
Michael Spremulli (06:52):
Well, here's another point, which I think people will find humorous. Many folks are prized to find out that I still have a consult at least once a year, sometimes twice, with the person who did my initial consultation or reading back in 1994. And they said, well, Mike, you're an astrologer. Sure, I could pull my transits
and look at my stuff, but just like a doctor wouldn't operate on their own foot or a counselor wouldn't do counseling in a formal sense, at least with their family as an astrologer, I want someone who's detached and third party. And because we can all have blind spots, myself included, so you never stop learning.
And one more piece that I'll add to this, then we can move on. If you ever think you've learned at all in astrology, you're in a very dangerous place because it's changing all the time, especially now with the research that's coming out. I literally learn new things every day. It is a bottomless area of exploration,
just like science. So you always want to keep that humility, realizing that, yeah, I know some stuff, but compared to what's out there and what others have learned, it's a drop in the ocean. And that's okay because no one knows it all.
Julia Marie (08:14):
And that's the point. There's always something else,
Michael Spremulli (08:17):
Julia Marie (08:18):
Now, there's always something else here too. Just one more thing before you begin with your report, and you can keep it short because what if any, significance this current planetary parade has on us and what, if anything we can do to take advantage of its energy?
Michael Spremulli (08:35):
Alright, here comes the vibrational astrologer to suck the joy out of the room.
Julia Marie (08:40):
Michael Spremulli (08:42):
So the planetary parade for those who don't know is when a bunch of planets line up in the sky and those planets are Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, URAS, and Neptune, and you can see them in January, and you were able to see them starting around the 13th of January, then they peaked around the 21st and they're
going to linger around until the end of February. It's a beautiful display, absolutely. But from the astrological world, you've got to go and look beyond what you see in the sky and you've got to run the calculations to figure out, okay, they look like they're close together, but where are they based on the mathematics and in the charts? And there are some aspects that occur within this planetary parade. But
personally, when you just step back and see these parade of planets, it's not all that earth shattering of an event.
It's not like an eclipse. It's not like a return, whether it be solar, lunar Saturn, whatever it is. But you look at some of the aspects that are occurring during this lineup. So I can give you a couple of those just real quick here. I'm not going to go back to the 13th of January because over and done with, but the 21st of
January, this is when there was this notable alignment with six planets being visible in the sky and you've got different combinations of energy. So during this time you had Sun, moon, Pluto that were connected, which brings up some potential emotional compulsivity. And people may have had issues wanting to
express themself and they might've got a little too intense in their message and some tempers may have boiled over. There's a lot of passion in that. But that was part of what was happening around the 21st.
You have Sun, Venus, Pluto, which brings in this devotion and passion when it comes to dealing with what we perceive as beautiful, which often rolls into the relationship category. So that was kind of rumbling around as far as passion being kicked up a notch. And then we had Sun, moon, Neptune, Pluto, all aspecting. And this is a very strong yearning for people to follow their own ideals and beliefs,
specifically in the areas of subjects that may be a little mystical and imaginative. And this all kind of got tipped off around the 21st of January. Some of that energy may still be around, but nothing earth shattering. One that you can still catch, which happens in late February, is Mercury kind of jumps in here
and replaces Saturn's position. And this starts toward the end, I'd say the mid to the end of February. And what that means is when we look at the planets that are aspecting at that point, you've got the Moon,  mercury and Neptune, and that brings in healthy talent in anything that is creative as far as writing poetry,
fiction stories, understanding poetry, because the moon is the emotional piece.
Neptune is what's magical, and Mercury is the connector of thoughts and ideas. So with the remaining time that exists with this planetary lineup, pay attention to that moon Mercury, Neptune combination, which again, that shows up toward the end of February because that can unearth some creativity when it comes to synthesizing ideas that have some emotional component to them. But other than that, the planetary, it's sort of like this Lion's gate thing has nothing to do with astrology that shows up every August around the eighth ish or so. And part of my job, at least for me, is to separate the wheat from the chaff. It's a nice display. I encourage everyone to go out and look at it. It's very cool to see all the planets
lined up, but don't get overworked up about it.
Julia Marie (12:59):
Well, you're right. You sucked some of the air out of the room for some people. Sorry. But that's okay.
And thank you for answering those questions for me. And now let's get down to the nitty gritty, what's in store for us for the Cosmic weather report for February, 2025?
Michael Spremulli (13:17):
Alright, lots of stuff as always. So I'm going to go back in time just by a couple of days because this is one of those periods where we're on a cycle where the new and full moons are happening either at the very end or the very beginning of each month. So I want to retouch on January 29th, new Moon energy. If
you're listening to this early in February, this energy is definitely still around. So there was a new moon, and I spoke about this last month, so I'm not going to rehash all of this. Go back and listen to that previous episode because I go into much more detail. But Wednesday, January 29th at 7:35 AM Eastern,
you've got a new Moon at nine degrees of Aquarius. Now remember, Aquarius is this idea of community innovation being a part of the node, one node in the network, and new moons are all about beginning.
So this new moon invites you to plant those cosmic seeds that are about inclusivity, emphasizing breaking free from old limitations and embracing new unconventional ideas. So the Aquarius force in vibrational astrology, it inspires often progressive thinking and detachment as far as breaking way of synchronistic, ways of doing things and allowing clarity for us to make decisions moving forward. Don't disregard that energy even though it may have passed, at least its peak. This is the time to plant those seeds with regards
to how we're going to serve our part individually as part of the collective. So I just wanted to retouch on that because that energy is still around. So let's officially get into February now, and we have a full moon at February on February 12th at 8:53 AM Eastern at 24 degrees of Leo. Alright, I know a little bit about
Leo because I have a Leo rising.
So Leo Energy in VA is about standing out from the crowd, not in an obnoxious way, not in a way that is like, look at me. We're not talking about that. It's about realizing that we all have something unique to bring to the party. Aunt Mary's potato salad is the talk of the party because she's the only one who can
make it. Everyone else tries to make it, doesn't quite taste the same. She's got the market cornered on potato salad. That's sort of the energy we're talking about with Leo. So a full moon just to refresh is when things come to a head, come to completion, it's like we've been working on stuff six months ago, there
was a new moon in Leo. Well, that's like putting a cake in the oven. Six months later you come out, the cake is baked, but now what are we going to do with it?
So it encourages us to step out and step into the spotlight and do your own thing, whatever that is, whatever you've been working on, this Full Moon is a time to release it. Take the cake out of the oven. I just came up with that analogy and I think I'll be using it moving forward and do something with it. Have
a party, bring it to others, share it with friends, but do it in the way that is all about you. Don't try to copy someone else's approach to life, work, whatever the case might be, it's stepping into your own energy.
Now, the other planet that is involved, whenever you have a full moon, you have the sun and moon and opposition. That's what creates the Full Moon. But Mercury shows up in there as well. Well, mercury is the communicator and it enables us to communicate clearly and easily.
And because we have all three planets, sun, moon, and Mercury connected, this Full Moon presents a wonderful opportunity for us to communicate whatever we need to, whether it's publicly or privately, to do so in a way that resonates with us at our core being. And here's the important part, we're able to do that
from an emotional basis because the moon is involved, our emotions are front and center. So we're blending emotions, thoughts, and making it current. That's all three of the planets, the moon or the emotions. Mercury represents the thoughts and logic and the sun shines a light on it. So around this full moon, this is a great time in my opinion anyways, to communicate, get your word out, whatever that
needs to be. It could be on a small scale with you and your partner, or it could be you going on a talk show and broadcasting to the world.
It's like whatever work you've been doing, hopefully doing work, doing work in the background, now it's the time to show that to the world. So again, that is a full moon happening on February 12th, 8:53 AM at 24 degrees of Leo. So step into that spotlight. It doesn't mean being obnoxious, but it means carving a
little bit of your own path. So that's kind of exciting. So now we have, and you'll see what I'm talking about as far as these moon cycles here, the New Moon in February, because we had one on the 29th in January. So we're bumping up against the cusps of the month. New Moon is on February 27th at 7:44 PM
Eastern at nine degrees of Pisces. So new moons are when we plant those seeds, and I'll say this until I draw my last breath now is when we need to be planning for what happens six months from now.
Now is the time to plant seeds during this new moon that can then be harvested six months down the road.
So Pisces, what is Pisces about in va? Pisces is an interesting sign and the energy that comes from it is very eclectic. If I had to boil Pisces down into one word, it would be eclectic, meaning that this energy, whether you have it in a lot of Pisces in your chart or not, but specifically this new moon energy is
looking at how can you blend different things together that may not normally go together. That's what Pisces love to do. You'll see someone who is, let's say, a rough and tumbled type of guy. They walk down the street and they look very burly and surly, and you think, Ooh, I might not want to meet them in the
alley. And then you discover that they're apparent to three kittens and they're the best parent in the world.
That's Pisces Energy. Things that you wouldn't think on the surface would go together. They end up go together going together. Another example, a personal favorite of mine is think of putting maple bacon on a donut.
That sounds, if you haven't had it, you might think that's a little odd, but it actually goes very well together. I enjoy maple bacon on a donut. So just to give you some ideas of what the Piscean energy is about, this is about a time for you to put your eclectic spin on something you're working on. So if it's something for work, can you blend different elements together that might not normally go together, that
would come up with a novel solution. If you are redesigning your home and you want to put different types of themes together that might not normally mesh together, might be a good time to do that. But I haven't even talked about the planets yet. So let's talk about the planets that are ringing in addition to this
new moon. When you have a new moon, you have the sun and moon sitting directly conjunct in the sky.
They're at the same place, which is where the new moon cycle starts. Well, in addition to that, we also have Mercury, Saturn and Neptune that are also sitting pretty close together, not as close as the new moon and the sun, but they're active. So that energy gets stamped into this cycle. So what is Mercury's Saturn?
Neptune energy. This is about being an abstract thinker. Well, that plays right into Pisces because Pisces is about pulling things in that don't normally go together from different locations. So Mercury, Saturn, Neptune enables us to study, immerse ourselves in or look at things that might have an abstract
component to them. Mercury is the thoughts and ideas. Saturn filters out all the noise and trash. And Neptune helps us focus on what is magical to us. So this is an opportunity from a new moon perspective to plant some seeds that relate to thought and magic.
However that looks for you. There's as many different interpretations personally as there are people out there. But remember, we work with the energy. How you apply it is how you apply it. So keep an eye out for opportunities to blend knowledge as well as spiritual components and allow them to co-mingle. And
with Saturn being involved, it helps keep us on the straight and narrow because Saturn doesn't tolerate a bunch of riffraff, it cuts out all the non-essential elements. So that's happening again. New Moon, February 27th, 7:44 PM Eastern time at nine degrees of Pisces. Alright, here's another planetary
positioning that I think is important for everyone to be aware of. If you recall back in the December forecast, I indicated that Mars was going retrograde and it has been retrograde ever since February. I believe it's December 2nd. I'd have to pull the dates specifically. But here's the good news.
Mars is now going direct on February 24th in the sign of cancer. Alright, so what? Who cares? Here's the reason that this is important. Mars is the planet of action. Mars is what gives us the drive to want to do something. If we had no Mars, we'd stay in bed all day and not do anything. Mars gives us this drive to
want to accomplish something. We're here recording this podcast episode. That's Mars energy. We're doing something, we're not talking about it, we're not thinking about it, we're not theorizing about it, we're doing it. So with Mars being retrograde, and it started out retrograde in Leo in early December 24, if you
felt like you just haven't been able to get the ball rolling on something and you're sort of in this limbo, it could be related to this Mars positioning. Because when a planet is retrograde, it's a time to reexamine.
It's not bad, it's not chaos like it gets assigned or pinned on mercury all the time. When a planet goes retrograde, whatever the energy of that planet is, it gets turned inward. So it's a time for us to reevaluate. I know I mentioned this back in December, when a Mars retrograde rolls around, it's not the time for mass
action, it's the time to get your game plan together. It's the time to figure out what am I going to do? I wouldn't launch a huge marketing campaign if I could help it in the middle of a Mars retrograde because the energy doesn't flow. But because it is flowing February 24th, we're going direct again for about two
years-ish. I've got to go back and check the cycle. But Mars doesn't go retrograde every single year. I think the next one is in 26 or something. Anyways, on February 24th with Mars moving direct, now it's time to go.
Whatever your plans have been, whether it's New Year's resolutions or just new things for 25 or whatever, the energy should be working with you now to make things happen. And because it's in the sign of cancer, the types of things that you may end up focusing some of this energy on or be drawn to at least is in the
area of protecting those who are near and dear to you. Because cancer in vibrational astrology has this energy of wanting to protect those who are close to us. Yeah, property rolls up into that as well, but it's focused on I want to protect my family, my community where I live. That's cancer energy. Well, Mars is now going to be rolling direct in cancer. So you might feel at least for the time that Mars is going to be in cancer before it moves out of there and goes into Leo.
Again, is my health right? Is my family's health, right? Do we have what we need? Anything that involves security protection and ensuring that things are taken care of. That's one of the things that often gets noticed when Mars dips into cancer and starts moving with forward or direct motion. Now, moving beyond the sign of cancer, when Mars is direct, it's direct everywhere, meaning how it hits your chart,
what gets aspected in your chart. So this takes the break off of where folks might've been feeling a little stagnant in my private consultations. The theme recently has been, I just feel stuck as far as not knowing what the next step is. I'm kind of waiting. I'm not sure, waiting for the shoe to drop that should start to
clear up on March, February 24th. And by the way, when the planet goes direct, it's not like Bing, the light comes on, it's got to get a little time to kind get in the gear, give it a couple three weeks.
Mars is a intermediate planet. It's not a personal planet, it's not an outer planet. So it takes a little bit of time to change directions, but at the same point, it's not an instantaneous thing and it doesn't move nearly as fast through the zodiac as let's say the moon does. So we've got that to look forward to, which I'm glad
because I've got some things that have been in the hopper that have been on ice a little bit waiting for this Mars to start resuming direct or forward motion. Alright, so now no vibrational astrology forecast will be complete without some looking at vibrations. Now, before I get into the vibrations, this is kind of a, I
don't want to say weird because it's just interesting. February, when I was pulling the transits for February, there is so much action in the 13th vibration that I'm going to end up doing, I think a separate one hour-ish or so class on what to expect just inside the 13th vibration because there's a lot of stuff going
So I'm going to give you some highlights now and some dates, and then if you want more info on that, you can hit the website and you can go from there. So the 13th vibration is about our calling, what we feel compelled to do. It's this desire to want to do something because in our minds it's like, this is what I've
been put on this earth to accomplish. And when the 13th five is active, it usually means that whatever you're doing, you tend to do it so intensely and so well that you kind rise out of mediocrity. And it's not an ego-based thing, but the energy is about really leaning into what you do. So that's the overarching
theme for the 13th vibration. But we have to look at the individual vibrations or the individual planets rather, that are involved and look at the date range.
Well, here's the interesting news. February, the entire month through the first 28th, we have Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all aspecting in the 13th vibration the whole month. I don't think we've ever done a forecast where we've had a transit go the entire month. So that's exciting because that means the energy's
around for a long period of time, and if you know how to work with it, you can make some great gains.
So you ain't a Neptune Pluto. This is about being transpersonal and spiritual, and this often brings success in projects and activities that have a youthful or visionary component doing things that are inspirational and uplifting. Uranus breaks us out of the norm. Neptune brings what's magical to us and exciting, and
Pluto adds that intensity. And remember, it's all wrapped up in the 13th vibration. So for those of you who are listening to this who do any type of work in the spiritual world, whether it's being an astrologer or a tarot reader or a channeler or whatever, this is a great month because it really stirs up within us the desire
to do something special.
And remember, not from ego, but from the standpoint of doing what we've been put on this earth to do.
So projects that involve this whole inspirational, uplifting, motivational component should flow very nicely during the entire month of February. But wait, there's more still in the 13th vibration because you can have multiple aspects going on inside of vibration. So we're still in the 13th, February 4th through February. Oh, I left the end date off there. I believe it was the 11th. That sounds about right. It doesn't
really matter as the end date because I'm going to wrap it up here in a minute with something that'll pull all this together. But figure February 4th through the 11th in the 13th vibration, we also have Mars, Uranus, and Neptune aspecting. We had Uranus and Neptune aspecting a moment, but now Pluto gets
swapped out from Mars in this particular conjunction.
Now remember, the first one is still active the whole month, the one that has ous, Neptune, Pluto.
Concurrently, you have Mars tus, Neptune also active during this period, and this is about being creative and original and we may get a sudden burst of energy to get something done. It's about originality, creativity, and can actually lead to some successful thinking on your feet, like in the term, in the form of
improv or problem solving or coming together, bringing pieces of information together in a way that just enables us to think on our feet. Now, I continued to look at these transits, and it's way too many to get into. Now, there were like four concurrent transits happening within the 13th vibration during February.
So February is a 13th vibe month. The whole month what happens, and again, it was too many because they weren't long enough.
They would go in for like four days and then they'd come out. We have the planet's, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto doing this dance. Throughout these different combinations of aspects inside the 13th vibration, Pluto will take a turn. Then maybe it drops out and takes the side seat and maybe Neptune
jumps in, then maybe Neptune gets tired and Mars jumps in. The idea is you've got these planets coming in and out of aspect. So here's the general theme. If we just had to put an umbrella over February, 2025, Mars brings action and it's involved pretty consistently throughout the entire month. So it's a month of doing. This is not a month of thinking, planning, resting on our laurels. It's time to go and do something.
Uranus makes us front and center in the moment. So we're focused on doing something. Now remember, we're not looking down the road six months from now.
There's times to do that, but this isn't one of those times, Neptune is what is magical to you. Are you wanting to build a house in the woods? Are you wanting to go and pursue your dreams to backpack across Europe? Whatever it is. It doesn't mean you're going to go and do that activity now, but this is the time to
focus on that activity, whether it's the planning or starting to get organized or thinking about what's going to happen. And then you have Pluto, which is the dog with a bone like energy, which ramps everything up because Pluto wants what it wants, when it wants it. I refer to Pluto as the big ID in Freudian psychology.
You've got ID ego and super ego. Well, the ID is just like, I want to eat, I want to sleep, I want air, water. It just wants, its needs filled.
And with Pluto adding onto this dance of all four of these planets, very big month for working on your dreams, however that looks for you. Take this energy of the 13th vibration and do something with it because every one of us has something unique to bring to the world, and we're all at different points of the
path of what that is. You may end up taking this month and discovering what that is for you. Now, obviously I didn't say it at the top of this forecast, but I always say it, your mileage will vary depending on what's going on in your natal chart. However, because this 13th vibration is active in so many ways
and for so long, everybody's going to experience some of this, and then it's up for us to do something with it. We could sit back and say, yeah, I don't want to deal with it. I don't want to do it. It's not all that important to me. And that's fine too. Astrology doesn't make us do things. It just tells us what the
conditions are going to be like if we choose to do things. And that Julia Marie is what is happening for the month of February, 2025.
Julia Marie (36:55):
Well, I'm excited. So what you basically said, if I understood correctly, is if I've been having a dream project or something, I've been mulling around for a while, this is the time to start implementing that or planning or actually putting it out there. This
Michael Spremulli (37:16):
Is the time to direct some action. And you see, I think that's where a lot of people get hung up. It's like, well, let's use the backpacking through Europe thing. Alright? Or the US or whatever. Oh yeah, well, I want to backpack through Europe, but I can't do that for another two years. So going to, you may not be
able to physically take that trip for two years, but what you could start doing is getting excited about it and mapping out, well, where are you going to go? You can't see everything. At least not a one shot unless you have
Julia Marie (37:44):
Sure you have a passport.
Michael Spremulli (37:45):
Yeah, well, exactly. So it's like, what is the first thing I need to do? I got to put some action in there. Oh, okay, yeah, I guess I need a passport. And then I maybe need to see at least at a global level, what are the countries that I want to hit? So there's always something you can do to work toward that dream, toward
your mission, toward whatever. Even though the end result may be off in the distance, this energy is optimal to get the wheels turning. Because I remember being back in graduate school and one of my professors said he had this theory called the law of momentum. And I dunno if it's an official theory, but
it's tended to work well for me, which is once you get moving on something, then it's easier to do other things associated with particular task. It's starting. That is often the biggest problem. So being able to get the ball rolling seems very opportune in February, particularly if this energy, if whatever it is you're
working on relates to your mission, your calling or your vision,
Julia Marie (38:56):
And we have a whole month, so there's no excuses.
Michael Spremulli (39:00):
We do. This is a very, very long because they're all outer planets. See, that's the other thing. I'll give you a basic astronomy slash astrology lesson. When we're looking at planets like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, they're outer planets. They move very slowly. So they're affecting us globally and they stick around a
while. Unlike let's say Moon and Mercury, they're zipping all over the chart real quick. Uranus, it takes eight years to go around the chart. Pluto takes 248 years to go around the chart. Neptune is, I believe
Neptune is about 18 ish years depending on retrograde. So that's why this energy is lasting so long. It just so happens these three planets are outer planets and they move very slowly and they happen to be all connecting.
Julia Marie (39:50):
Well, we have good news for the month of February. Now, before we close, I need you to tell the people how to find you.
Michael Spremulli (39:58):
Absolutely. So if you're interested in my work, I do offer private one-on-one consultations along with a slew of other services. However, I give a lot of stuff away for free too. And the best way to be up to date on that is to be on my list, which you can do very easily by going to blue ridge astrology.com. That's blue
ridge astrology.com. On the front page, you can sign up to receive the 2025 lunar lookup table. That'll put you on my list. That lunar table tells you when planets are going to retrograde, when we have all the new and full moons. A lot of information there. Plus I always announce what's happening, and I do weekly
forecasts via email that go out each Sunday. All can be found@blueridgeastrology.com,
Julia Marie (40:44):
And it's all very handy. I can speak from firsthand experience. So thank you very much, Michael, for everything.
Michael Spremulli (40:51):
Well, thank you. It's always a pleasure and look forward to seeing you in March.
Julia Marie (40:57):
Well, that's our time for today. I'm grateful to each of you for your continued support of evolving humans.
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