Evolving Humans
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Evolving Humans
Activating the Heart Consciousness & Our Relationship with the Quantum Field Ep 158 | Guest: Betty J. Kovacs, PhD
Welcome to Evolving Humans, hosted by Julia Marie, a podcast for visionary individuals exploring the true nature of reality and contributing to global awakening.
In this episode, esteemed author and consciousness researcher Betty J. Kovacs, PhD, discusses her latest book, "Merchants of Light," which delves into the profound spiritual traditions of the West and the importance of heart consciousness.
Kovacs shares insights on the suppression of spiritual knowledge by historical powers and the resurgence of this wisdom in modern times.
She emphasizes the interconnectedness of the heart and the universe, the role of quantum physics in understanding our multidimensional nature, and the significance of individual contributions to the collective consciousness.
This episode is a deep dive into the evolution of human consciousness and the vital role of love and inner knowledge in navigating today's challenges.
The Kamlak Center
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Julia Marie (00:02):
Welcome to Evolving Humans. I'm your host, Julia Marie, and this podcast is for visionary people who are exploring the true nature of reality and want to contribute to the global awakening. You seek to deepen the connection to your multidimensional self so that you can live a more conscious life. I'm
delighted to welcome esteemed author and consciousness researcher Betty j Kovac PhD, back to Evolving Humans. If you are wondering how we are collectively going to be able to successfully navigate the troubling times we find ourselves in, you'll want to download this episode so you can listen to it again.
You can make a difference. And on today's show, you'll learn how Betty Kovac taught literature writing and symbolic mythic language. For 25 years after her retirement from teaching, she began an intense period of research into our ancient ancestors direct experience of a cosmic or Christ consciousness. The
results of her endeavors are beautifully presented in her latest award-winning book, merchants of Light.
Thank you Betty for this incredible book and welcome back to Evolving Humans.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (01:24):
Thank you, Julie. I'm very happy to be back.
Julia Marie (01:28):
To provide a little context for where we're going to go today, I'd like to start by asking you what the primary thesis or message is of this book, merchants of Light?
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (01:41):
Yes, that's a great question. The book itself, it was amazing to me too as I did the research. I mean I had taught mythic language and symbolic language and our mythic history, but I hadn't done the research in the depth that I did it over 16 years after I retired. And so what I was amazed to discover is that the West
has its own very profound and deep spiritual tradition. For years we didn't know we had that. We looked to the East and we knew they had a spiritual tradition, but we didn't really know that we had a very long and profound spiritual history. And so what I wanted people to realize is that this is our nature, this
activating the heart consciousness, which opens us, it's a portal to spirit, that this is who we are and this is what we were even in the West until it was destroyed and suppressed by those who wanted power over us who didn't really understand the spiritual tradition, didn't even know it existed. And when we don't know
that we are spirit and we don't have that power within, then the pathology is to try to have power over.
And it was those people who destroyed it, suppressed it, and yet it went underground and has continued to nurture us.
Julia Marie (03:11):
And that's the other part of the book that I very much appreciated was the time you spent looking at that, how it has gone underground and the thread has remained there. So no matter how much effort has been put into eradicating it, as you said, it simply went underground.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (03:31):
It did. And after 700 years of suppression by the Roman Church, but it blossomed in the high Middle Ages and then again in the Italian and then again in the Rosa, and then later in the German and now today. So it has come back to day full force. And I think that we're at a real crossroads. If we cannot allow
this to develop this time, I think we're going to be in severe difficulty, but more people know about it than have ever known about it worldwide.
Julia Marie (04:06):
The thing that encourages me anyway is there are more people striving in many different ways to bring that same message to the collective in order to seed the consciousness.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (04:20):
Yes. And I think another thing has happened this time in the 20th century, quantum physics emerge and these physicists begin to realize that they are going to have to have something other than what they had as
scientist of a material world. And they went back to these ancient texts and tried to figure it out and they couldn't. But over a period of years, these scientists have really begun to see that we are powerful beings and there are multidi dimensions in our universe and we have access to those dimensions that helps us
tremendously because we were beaten down by a material science, which also was a result of suppression by the Roman church. They wouldn't let them study anything but matter, which is kind of funny. But they were absolutely horrified with mystics because they felt that the mystics wouldn't need the church. And
who were they anyway?
They had to be nuts, crazy, a bit they didn't understand. And so they were the heretics of the church. So the church wanted none of that. So they would not let scientists study anything but matter. And we've lived with that horrible worldview that there's nothing but matter. We're a fluke of nature. There's no
meaning, no purpose. And no wonder we see so much mental illness and killing and horror because we can't live like that. And I think the thing that will help this particular renaissance is that science itself has now gone full circle, come back to the inner world and knows that we are individuals who have access to
other dimensions. We have that access as a matter of fact, and I'll just take a little bit more time with that. It's absolutely fantastic in a beautiful mystery of the heart that we now know that our heart is connected to the heart of the universe and every single individual is the center of the universe. And it looks as though
we're like a nested set of dolls that there's the atom and then there's the human being and there's the planet and the solar system, the galaxy and the universe. We're it. We're right in that center. So we really have
access to the heart, to this whole universe. So civilizations goal should be to help us to know how to have that access to open to that reality that we are
Julia Marie (07:02):
Well, although you answered my next question, I'm going to ask it again. Chapter three is all about the quantum field and some of the ways we have direct experience of this field, such as near death experiences, spiritually transformative experiences, dreams or visions to name a few. What is your overall
perception of what that quantum field is?
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (07:29):
Yes, it's so vast. It's hard to answer, but the quantum field is described by scientists in a similar way that the mystics describe spirit. It's the field that contains all fields. And I was so delighted when I heard scientists say that our world is rooted in a world that is invisible that we cannot see, but it is there nevertheless. But the kinds of descriptions of the quantum field, this quantum sea of knowledge, every
field is in that field. It contains everything and it records everything that's ever happened or is happening or will happen and it has infinite capacity. Well, this is very much the way that listic describes spirit. It's the source of who we are. It gives us birth and we have access to that field. When I first started teaching,
there would always be essays in the freshman year that science and religion can never come together.
Well, of course it's one. It's just different ways of perceiving that reality.
Julia Marie (08:41):
Yes, and that's the blessing of us living in a time where science is forced to find a new model.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (08:51):
Yes, it's true. And I think that it's such a vast, I mean it puts the individual at the heart of the cosmos and before with material science, they said there's no effect that an individual can have on nature. Now we know if we just look at it, it changes. I mean, we are, we creators and our ancestors wanted us to know
three things, that we are immortal, divine and creators. And now Jude Kervin, who is a cosmologist and physicist has said, this makes us both the manifestation. We are the manifestation of this reality and co- creators with it. That's taken a long time for us to see ourselves in the incredibly divine creative immortal
position that we are, we co-create with the universe. That's powerful.
Julia Marie (09:53):
Yes. To understand that we are at cause and not necessarily a victim of the circumstances we experience.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (10:02):
That's right. To really, I think I talked about this last time, I'm not sure that with the Deuteronomy, we know historically for sure that they inverted the story of this sacred tree because the tree was a powerful symbol of cosmic consciousness. You eat of the tree and you know who you are, and there are seals in
Sumaria 2,500 BCE, which show this tree with the fruit and both the God and the goddess offering it. It's ours to eat when we are ready to become that conscious. But the Deuteronomy came wanted to have power over for whatever reason, maybe they were afraid and didn't know the inner life, but we now know
through Margaret Barker's research that the first simple tradition was a shaman mystic tradition. They destroyed that got rid of the wisdom literature, destroyed all of the beautiful symbols of the feminine, which is an image of the soul, the heart, and no longer was there, the inner life.
It was you follow the law, but they inverted this beautiful story, that consciousness is there for us when we're ready to take it in and made it forbidden. God in the Old Testament said, you are not to eat it. If you do eat it, you'll be punished with death. Well, the tree actually gave the knowledge of immortality and this
God says, no, no, you'll die if you eat of it and punished them. When they did punished nature and made us flawed and sinful and exiled us from life, from the garden of life, this is the most heinous story imaginable. And whether we believed it or not, the images are imprinted on the Western psyche. We are
worthless, flawed, but we're not flawed. Even the people today in technology, technocracy want to remake us. They want to take over evolution. We need fixing. Well, it's still that same illness.
No, we're that consciousness. But that was a powerful and horrible story to imprint on the Western psyche and the Roman church almost a thousand years later kept it. They really perpetuated that story that we are sinful and flawed and we have to be saved by something outside ourselves. Well, once we go outside,
we're no longer aware that we're in this little nested universe and which we're the center because we can't do it if we go outside. But they then made the Jesus story, which was a renaissance actually of the shaman mystic first temple tradition. He was a shaman mystic and he taught a hidden tradition, which was how to
go within and realized the Christ within built don't follow the Christ, just become the Christ, but the church made him a savior. He's a God and we have to worship him outside ourselves. And that was a killer because once we try to look outside, then we've set ourself up for tyrants and obedience and following someone else, and we can't find our own truth so that the West is, I would say the evolution of
the west was thwarted by this suppression.
Julia Marie (13:35):
Well, you say that Christ consciousness is our true heritage and evolutionary destiny, so what do you mean by that?
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (13:44):
Yes, for so long, the church taught that this is Christ is a God outside ourselves. But once after the war, we found texts the Naga Mati text in Egypt that had been buried because the church had made it clear
they would destroy them. They destroyed, there were many, many texts being used all over the area, and the church gradually constructed a cannon of texts that supported their views, and here were texts that in Naati in which Jesus was very clear, I did not come to save you. I did not die to save you. I came to
remind you who you are. You have forgotten. Of course, we had forgotten because it had been suppressed and we've been told the opposite. He said, if you will bring forth what is within you, it will save you.
That's what saves you that consciousness of who you are, and if you do not bring it forth, it will destroy you.
He said, you are the light. You are from the light. Do not just follow the Christ, become the Christ. Well, the church did not want this. Of course, that's why they want it destroyed. We didn't even have those texts until after World War ii to know that here was a different Jesus. I mean Jesus is beautiful in the text that
do exist in the Roman Catholic text, the Bible, but he's even more beautiful in the Na Hamadi text because he knows who we are and he wants to help us to become that, to realize that. And there are even texts showing methods that he would teach like the round dance to help us to be able to trigger that opening to that consciousness. This is a wonderful, wonderful set of text that throughout them they reveal who we are and that it is our nature to realize that
Julia Marie (15:47):
Throughout the book, you refer to a highly organized energy field of light that carries the blueprint for a new consciousness. I'm just curious from your perspective, where does this highly organized energy field originate?
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (16:05):
Well in another dimension in spirit, but we are that too, but we have lost consciousness of it, and so it seems we continue to have experiences with this of merchants of light, and I came to realize that they are able to live in a higher frequency, but that we have through our longing, our desperate longing for and our ability to love to want that life, to want that feel that we have now attracted it and brought that field of higher frequency to the earth. I was so amazed to find out that historically there is mention of merchants of life when I was doing research on the Rosa period and reading Francis Yates who talks a very great deal about it.
I had read that, but I had totally forgotten. And after my husband was dead, I was going back through that while I was doing my research for the book, and there was, again, merchants of light was a part of their knowledge, and of course they talked about the invisible college and merchants of light. And then I read
in Graham Hancock that he had run across it in his research two or three times. I was just amazed. So gradually though I experienced more and I realized that the merchants of light is what they have called themselves out of this great matrix of light, that when we reach a certain period in our evolution and our
longing, our absolute need for this love and this higher consciousness that we draw them to the earth. And I had an experience in which a visionary experience in which I actually experienced that was one of the most powerful visions I've ever had, and I didn't understand it.
It was earlier I was doing the ritual with two other women and suddenly I saw this huge disc of light. My eyes were closed and we were sitting in the floor of the circle and this huge flight of disc hovered over me and out of it swirled a being a woman, and she had a white square satin hat and I could just see her to the
waist, white satin, and of course the disc was round, so the round in the square is a Mandela of oldness, but that she began toing through me. She said, we are here. You have called us and we are here. Then she said, your planet has called us and we are here. It was such a profound experience. I thought I was still in
a doubting phase. That's before anyone had died, and I had that experience and I thought, that's one thing I can't doubt.
There's no way I could have made that up. She was so real and I knew the disc was filled with this cosmic consciousness and that we had drawn that to the earth, and I saw how we had through each individual who's longing for that light. We became the anchor throughout all around the earth. And so I knew something profound had happened on the earth, that we had reached a point that we were no longer
willing to live with. All of the horror that we see today, that this is a huge renaissance of many people who are through with that life and they are working in a higher frequency, and I think the merchants of light are that higher frequency, so they create this energy feel. We have all created it together on the earth,
and that allows a higher consciousness to be born on the earth too and to survive. To me, it's a phenomenal thing that I'm grateful for that experience, and I felt at the time that there were people experiencing that around the world, and later I read that in Ado in India in the ashram, that the mystics
there had experienced that too. They had experienced it in much earlier, and I think time is not the issue, but that they had that if we truly love from the heart, this energy will flow through us. That love is the key to everything. It's the opening of the door of the portal.
Julia Marie (20:35):
Do you remember offhand about what decade that was that you had that experience? I'm just curious.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (20:42):
Yes, it was, let's see. I have it in the book. I think it was 89 or 90, and the mystics in India experienced it in the late fifties, I believe.
Julia Marie (20:59):
Oh, I couldn't hear it. It's very familiar to me that those two time frames, they make sense because in the time of World War ii, that call went out across the universe for more light to come in the fifties is when we see evidence of that first wave of Indigos started being born on the planet. All of that makes sense to
me in 1989, well, that was right after the harmonic convergence when there was another resurgence. The beginning of the wave that I am in anyway was in 1989. That's why I asked. It was around the same time I was activated.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (21:39):
Wow. Yeah. That's amazing. I think we come in waves that my husband had a vision in which he really felt that if we can do the work that is available for us to do, if we can do that, then the next wave will be able to do so much more and that it's really a very intelligent plan that the ones who have to do the early
work and then the next work and the next work, and so there's a huge organized, you might say, plan for the earth, and I wouldn't have accepted that earlier, but I know it now because on the other side I experienced that, that it's the Earth project, which is such a simple name, but I met someone who had had
other experiences and she told me the same thing. So I think that something magnificent is happening, and it must be magnificent because the earth has such an illness of not knowing who they are, so much so that they're playing God in a sense that we'll take over evolution now.
We will humanize everybody and make you better. I'm okay with having things that help us, but not to take away that human spirit that we are, which they don't understand, at least not any I've heard talking because the whole trans humanizing us through nanotechnology and medicine and so on, it could take
away who we are and that we can't let happen, but I think that they are the children of the dark myth that there's nothing but matter. It's hard for us to realize that we need to realize what a damaging, horrible story that was of nothing but matter because they were not allowed to study anything but matter. And then
later scientists, well, they didn't even have the tools to study anything beyond matter, but certainly when I was teaching in college, if you even acted like you might not accept that totally. You were considered a total idiot.
You were totally just dismissed because that was our, it's almost like science was our religion, that you had to believe it whether, and so anyone who had evidence of anything else just kept quiet. I had so many students who would come to my office and say, I want to tell you something that I'd never told anyone in
my life. Of course they hadn't because they were afraid of ridicule, but we are changing and we have help throughout the universe, from the universe. We're not doing it alone, and I had always felt like we were
alone until I had these experiences. The consciousness is in everything, in every planet and every atom. There's a degree of consciousness and spirit, and I think the earth is a big project. It's hard for us to realize how really unwell we are to send our children into war, to be killed when they don't even try to negotiate
first. I mean, we just can't continue to do that and to have people starving when we have, we do have the means. It's a huge project, but I think we're right in the middle of it,
Julia Marie (25:13):
And I totally agree, and one of the first messages I was given in one of my first visions was this grand experiment must not fail. So I totally agree. From my perspective, it was presented as this is from the level of the creation itself. Earth is a grand experiment. What that exactly means, I can't tell you, but I can
feel the truth of that. There's something, as you said, very special happening here
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (25:50):
That's very moving, Julia, because that's very moving. If we really understand the fastest of what we're involved in, it's mind blowing
Julia Marie (26:04):
Almost. Well, it's what has propelled me down the path I've been on for 30 plus years is that mantra in my mind, I must do my part, whatever that is.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (26:19):
I feel that too so much, and sometimes I fall into thinking, I wish I could do more. Then I think, wait a minute, it's important that we do what we can do. Each of us has a gift to give, and we have to think of that gift as like a pebble going deep in and making ripples and not to think of more, more, more, but just
do what is here for you to do. And that is vast and valuable, but our western culture is always big and more. No, it's the depth that we go and each of us is bringing a particular thing. The other is equally needed. We are all needed. I love how the Native American used to say that we come here to create a
medicine and we give that medicine to the earth and somebody else gives his or her medicine, and we know we're all working together and each is needed. Each one of us is needed, and so it's so important to awaken to that.
Julia Marie (27:28):
Well, and there's no single one of us that can, as you say, do it all.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (27:35):
Julia Marie (27:36):
They also told me that my little mind cannot comprehend the workings of the universe, so I shouldn't even try. I just need to focus on what's my job, what's my part.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (27:49):
I think that's exactly right, and that's a jewel in and of itself. The smallest thing carries the information of the whole, it's the quantum field. We're all a part of that quantum holographic field that the knowledge of the whole is in every single part, but I think we can't always realize it, but there are ways to realize it
under certain conditions, but basically it has to be a cosmic conscious moment in order to have a glimpse of it. Oh, Maurice, Richard, Maurice Buck, who was Walt Whitman's doctor, but he Canadian doctor, he had an experience of cosmic consciousness and he had been with people one evening and they were
talking about poetry and discussing it, and he got in the carriage to go home and he thought, he looked ahead, he saw what he thought was a fire, and then suddenly he realized, no, that light was coming from within him, and he said in those few moments, he said, I don't know, it could have been seconds or
minutes. He said, I did understand it, but he said, I knew that we are all immortal and that one day we will all be able to live in cosmic consciousness just as we've achieved evolution in an evolutionary way. We've achieved self-consciousness. We're going to all achieve cosmic consciousness, but in the meantime, each
of us has to do that particular work that we were born to do
Julia Marie (29:25):
And just know that whatever that part is, it's going to fit beautifully into the entire plan.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (29:31):
Yes, that's true. Yes.
Julia Marie (29:33):
So I do my best to just do my part and keep asking very clearly what do I need to do next so that I can do it?
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (29:42):
We have this experience. Many, many people are having profound experiences. I think that as they say in one way, one metaphor, the veil is thinning.
Julia Marie (29:54):
I believe that in some places the veil has actually been torn and that there is universal consciousness,
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (30:02):
And we need to find our ways of experiencing that so that we can be the creators we're born to be.
Julia Marie (30:13):
Well, I'm glad I got you to make that promise so I can hold you to it, because there was so much in the book one show couldn't do it justice, just in my opinion,
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (30:27):
It took many years of research.
Julia Marie (30:29):
It's a scholarly work. Yes, it is, but it's loaded with truth that's backed by meticulous research, and we barely scratched the surface of the overall theme of the book today. So I just want to say that anybody who wants to know more about what really is happening on this planet right now needs to get their hands
on a copy of this book. For more information and to connect with Betty Kovac, please go to her website, www.kamlak.com. Both of her books are available there as well as through major booksellers, and if you sign
up for her newsletter, you'll receive as a gift, a download of a chapter from Merchants of Light. So Betty, once again, I'm deeply grateful to you for your wisdom and the time that you gave this audience, and I look forward to our next conversation.
Betty J. Kovacs, PhD (31:28):
I do too. Very much so. Thank you.
Julia Marie (31:32):
Well, that's our time for today. Thank you for your continued support of evolving humans. We're now on YouTube, so if you found value in this episode, please visit Evolving Humans with Julia Marie and like subscribe and share with at least two other people so that together we can bring more light to this world.
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David R. Hawkins