Evolving Humans
Welcome to Evolving Humans. You are a visionary. You are exploring the true nature of reality, and seek to contribute to the global awakening.
You are connecting with more of your expanded human potential so you can improve your personal and professional life.
Join your host Julia Marie, and listen to stories from people just like you who have been where you are.
Julia shares the wisdom she gained over the decades in a simplified, practical way. Her goal is to shift your beliefs around what is possible as a human being, evolving.
With practice, we all have the capacity to learn to connect more deeply with our higher wisdom.
The way Home is found by turning within and listening to the part of us that knows who we are and why we are here.
Evolving Humans podcast opens the door on a way of living differently. If you are ready to take the next step on your journey to greater awareness, hit subscribe so you don't miss a single episode.
OTHER RESOURCES: https://www.JuliaMarie.us - Visit the website to learn how you can deepen your connection to your Greater Self, and other resources to support your spiritual journey.
Evolving Humans
I Died. Now what? NDEs-Dealing with the Aftermath Ep 157 | Guest: Nicole Kerr
Evolving Humans, hosted by Julia Marie, is a podcast for visionary individuals exploring the true nature of reality and contributing to global awakening.
In this episode, Julia interviews Nicole Kerr, an award-winning health expert and author of "You Are Deathless."
Nicole shares her near-death experience, describing a dimension of pure unconditional love and beauty, free from pain and negativity. She emphasizes the importance of remembering our true, infinite selves and aligning mind, body, soul, and spirit.
Nicole discusses overcoming trauma, the significance of soul retrieval, and the need to address spiritual wellness. She advocates for self-love, setting boundaries, and seeking help from spiritual guides.
Nicole's journey highlights the transformative power of understanding our eternal nature and living a life free from fear.
Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!
For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us
Evolving Humans with Julia Marie is now on YouTube, and will offer more than the podcast episodes there, so give us a "SUBSCRIBE"!
You can find my book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening here:
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Julia Marie (00:00):
What do you do when you've been to the other side and back? Welcome to Evolving Humans. I'm your host, Julia Marie, and this podcast is for visionary people like you who are exploring the true nature of reality and want to contribute to the global awakening. You seek to deepen the connection to your
multidimensional self so that you can live a more conscious life. Nicole Kerr is an award-winning health expert and national bestselling author. Her favorite credential is BT DT. Been there, done that. Her book, you Are Deathless, a near death experience, taught me how to fully live and not fear. Death is available
on Amazon and Nicole's website is www dot Nicole Kerr and I see O com. I'm going to take advantage of the opportunity you've been to the other side. Where is it that we go when we leave here?
Nicole Kerr (01:09):
For me, the other side was I was taken up. So it was a sense of being lifted to a dimension of pure unconditional love vibrations that were all, how do I say this? It was just beauty, light, a transform transformation because there was no, when you think of your life without any pain, negativity, grief, suffering, any of that, it's full of just joy and wonder and beauty and light and love. And that's what you
have not to say you need to commit suicide to experience that. Exactly. Yeah. But that is the reality and that's why I didn't want to come back because I felt like I was an astronaut in outer space just floating around out there. And it was just like nothing was weighing me down. None of the mistakes or the
judgments that I was heaping on myself here on earth, on the other side, it wasn't even an issue. So we create all of these heavy weights that keep us from being the beings that we were born to be. We get this thing called spiritual amnesia, and I think we're born with it
Julia Marie (02:38):
Because I believe that's by design.
Nicole Kerr (02:41):
Yeah. We come here and we have forgotten where we came from and who we are, which is these infinite, powerful, limitless, radiant, glorious and eternal beings. And when you start remembering who you really are, putting
Julia Marie (03:01):
The pieces of yourself back together,
Nicole Kerr (03:04):
Aligning the mind, the body, the soul, the
Julia Marie (03:07):
Nicole Kerr (03:08):
And the spirit and grounding them and understanding that that is who you are. You are one God is not external, God is within. And we were taught that you had to go through Jesus to get to God or there are various religions, but they were all external to get to God. And that in my opinion is not the truth. If you want to believe that, that's fine. That's a way to get to God. But Jesus in my opinion, is a way show. And if we could all live our lives like Jesus did, we would not be at war. We would not be so divisive that we wanted to kill each other if you didn't agree with us. So one of the things Jesus said was, judge, not lest
you be judged. And what we do to ourselves is we judge ourselves.
Julia Marie (04:03):
Sure do.
Nicole Kerr (04:03):
And a lot of us very harshly. So I tell people, work on letting go of judging yourself and bringing in the love instead of the judgment. And eliminate people around you that are toxic, that do judge you criticize, you bring down your self-esteem. You've got to put up a boundary around those people and get them out
of your energy field
Julia Marie (04:30):
And love yourself enough to do that.
Nicole Kerr (04:32):
Exactly. Because they're energy vampires. There are people that will just suck the positivity right out of you if you let 'em.
Julia Marie (04:42):
That's true.
Nicole Kerr (04:43):
And that's that people pleaser identity based out of fear. Okay. Because fear, someone won't love me, so I don't develop my own opinion. I'm not going to be honest with you because I'm only going to say what I want. I think I want you to hear
Julia Marie (05:02):
You're only going to say what you think they
Nicole Kerr (05:04):
Want you, they want you to hear. That's right. Yes. Thank you for rephrasing that. Oh
Julia Marie (05:08):
Yes. That's why I
Nicole Kerr (05:09):
Stopped. I was like, I don't know if I said that right. Hey,
Julia Marie (05:11):
An accomplished people pleaser.
Nicole Kerr (05:13):
Yeah. And that's part of the military. It was yes or no, sir? No excuse sir. It wasn't, sir. May I ask a question? Pardon?
Julia Marie (05:22):
Pardon me. But
Nicole Kerr (05:25):
I have a feeling about that. Why did you just call me the C word? No, that is not allowed. It's black and white. There's no gray and there is so much gray in the world and we need to get okay with that and get okay with being uncertain about things because the illusion, and I have dealt with this myself for so many
years to be hypervigilant, to keep myself safe. So nothing like this would ever happen again, was an illusion I would
Julia Marie (05:58):
Drive. How tiring is that?
Nicole Kerr (06:01):
Exhausting. Exhausting. And when you do it year after year, day after day, you realize, oh my gosh, I'm depleted. Yeah. You're
Julia Marie (06:11):
Stressing your nervous system, your adrenals are shot. How did you get from there to where you are now
Nicole Kerr (06:20):
First of all, when my parents, when I was released from the hospital, the doctor said, Nicole needs to get mental health help. She's been through a massive trauma. And my mother looked at the doctor and said, Jesus is our psychotherapist and psychiatrist. So first of all, want to tell people that Jesus never came on my sofa and sat there and said, Nicole, let's talk about your PTSD or your trauma or what happened or that your dad blamed you or any of this kind of stuff. God never showed up to do that either. So when you don't heal a trauma wound, it will try to resolve itself and it's usually in an unhealthy way in the body in
terms of your coping skills. And unfortunately for me, it showed up as an eating disorder. As soon as my parents, I got well enough physically, it took a year. They decided I was going to live with my older sister in Dallas. They dropped me off at her condo and I never heard from them for months. They didn't call.
They just said Here, she's going to be your responsibility now. So that fractured my relationship with my sister. She didn't get a roommate. She got a traumatized person and she didn't know what compulsive eating was back in the eighties. I didn't know how old was she, what it was? How old was she? She's 15 months older than me.
Julia Marie (07:43):
Oh, so same age.
Nicole Kerr (07:46):
Yeah. She had just graduated from college, was out dating and having her own business.
Julia Marie (07:52):
She was going to have a really good life.
Nicole Kerr (07:55):
And then here comes me and I am traumatized and I used to model and I have all these scarves now and my self-esteem just plummeted.
(08:08)And so I started using food to cope with the pain and the self-hate. And I remember during those years watching Dallas and Dynasty and I would get blue, be a whole half gallon and eat the whole thing. I'd
order a Domino's pizza and she was out partying doing her thing. And I didn't understand why I couldn't stop. And then I would pray, oh God, don't let me binge in the morning. And then the next morning I'd make it through till lunch and then I would binge again. And it took me Julia, 20 years to really resolve
the eating disorder. And that really didn't resolve until I got married and I married a man who could see in me what I couldn't see in myself at that time and has helped me over the last 20 years to see that in me because I never got that validated in my family of origin. And it was very painful. And I know a lot of
women deal with eating disorders and it's all about there's some part of you that's in pain that hates yourself for some reason or another. And I went into nutrition thinking I could fix it by being a dietician.
Julia Marie (09:25):
Didn't want to
Nicole Kerr (09:25):
Fit, it didn't work too well, but hopefully I helped some people with their diabetes or their renal conditions or whatever. But no, it is because it's a psychological issue
And the body was in pain and mental health is a serious issue. And as a result, I went untreated for a number of years till I got myself into therapy. So how I got through this was getting into therapy, group therapy. I also had to get out of organized religion for years. I went to different churches thinking that,
okay, maybe Unitarian. Yeah, this one I went through synagogues, I went through all of it, Buddhists thinking that they had all the answers and it didn't. So I just kind of gave up on God and just said, and
then my memory came back and I do believe that that was my guides saying, it's time for you to remember. You now feel safe enough in your body.
Julia Marie (10:27):
You can process it.
Nicole Kerr (10:29):
You have support around you now that can help you with this. And it's time for you to remember because it was a repressed memory and I needed to remember what happened on the other side. And that my mission I was told was to tell people to a ask the angels for help. They're there to help us, but they
Julia Marie (10:50):
Have to be asked.
Nicole Kerr (10:52):
Yeah, because we have free will in our
Julia Marie (10:54):
Nicole Kerr (10:55):
That's correct. And they want to help us even with a parking space. So don't think that anything is too small to ask for help.
Julia Marie (11:02):
I make a blanket request every morning. I just say, if any of you can help me out as I go about my day today, please know that I'm asking you for that assistance now.
Nicole Kerr (11:13):
I love that, Julia. I
Julia Marie (11:15):
Love it. We just covered my bases. I cover my bases first thing in the morning and I always say, thank you very much for all the assistance you gave me today.
Nicole Kerr (11:24):
I'm going to start doing that because I,
Julia Marie (11:26):
It's a really handy thing. They know you're asking for their help, so they'll jump in when needed.
Nicole Kerr (11:33):
That's one thing. And then the second thing was I was told I was going back. The message that I was to give to people is not to be afraid of death. And I think so many of us are, because like I said, it ties into
your belief of who God is. And if you unconsciously are still believing that God is judgmental or critical or that you should have done certain things, that you're a sinner that is going to cause you to resist death because you think your fear is going to get in there and think, I'm not going to go to heaven or I'm going
to be rejected from heaven or whatever, I'm going to go to this place called Hell and let me just get this straight. Who
Julia Marie (12:14):
Wants to go there? There isn't any
Nicole Kerr (12:16):
Hell. Okay. That's what I say to people when people say, is there a hell? I go, hell no. It's
Julia Marie (12:20):
On earth. I was going to say if there's any hell at all, we're living in it right now. And I do want to ask you to explain the term eternality advocate. And that's pretty much what we've been talking about. So can you go ahead and talk about where your work has taken you now?
Nicole Kerr (12:40):
Yeah. For years I worked at the Centers for Disease Control, the disease detectives, and my degree is in nutrition and public health, my advanced degree. And I've been in the wellness world my whole career.
And so after I left, I was at a hospital as a wellness director. I really came to understand that people would not stay on a diet once they got triggered, stress triggered 'em and they used comfort food or whatever and the diet they had would just go out the door. So I started getting into the emotional work and I got into emotional technique. It's a mind body stress relief technique and it uses acupressure points. It uses your emotional points and psychology and muscle testing to help your body remembers. Okay, there's a great
book out by Dr. Bessel Vander called The Body Keeps the Score
Julia Marie (13:40):
Oh yeah, it does. And
Nicole Kerr (13:40):
It's about trauma. And your body does keep the score on all these repressed memories. These not only memories but your emotions
Julia Marie (13:51):
Nicole Kerr (13:52):
You never let out when your mother hurt you and you just swallowed it or your dad, you were angry at him, but you could never say that to him. So you swallow that and then at some point your body is going
to come up with some dis-ease that the doctors aren't going to be able to figure out your blood test and everything's going to come back normal. And you're going to have to understand that this is an emotional issue and probably a spiritual issue or it could be environmental, but most of the time it's a spiritual issue
or a emotional issue that you need to move through because we're great at processing emotions in our mind. Oh yeah, I know I'm angry with my dad, but we don't embody the emotion. And that's where a lot
of work now is being done is to help people embody emotions through NET through the emotion code, through all these different programs that are out there. Now you can do tapping, you can do EMDR, you
can do hypnotherapy. So there's lots of different tools and techniques to help you get the emotion from your mind to your body and actually
Julia Marie (15:02):
Get processed
Nicole Kerr (15:04):
Out. And that you can remember where the origin of it started as a 6-year-old when you never were able to individuate and you were always told what you were going to be doing or whatever. And these pivotal
points and our growing up beers, if you weren't allowed to develop those skills, then you became handicapped throughout life. So that is what I did for a number of years with NETI am this, like you said, internality advocate. Now that's a new word for most people. William Faulkner did use it. So I am not
making it up. Exactly. It would be nice if it could get out there in the public forum and be a word that a lot of us use. But basically it is the understanding that we are all eternal. And if you even think about church, we would say that at the end of the Service now and forevermore.
Amen. So it was like you kept going on and on and on. And so what I'm here to tell you, and that is the title of my book, you are Deathless, your Physical Shell dies. Okay? It decomposes. But what lives on forever is that soul part of you that we don't pay enough attention to in our daily life. And another
important aspect that I'm just going to quickly say is there is a phenomenon called soul loss or soul fragmentation. And when you have a trauma, your soul can fragment in order to protect yourself. And we both being vets, 22 veterans a day commit suicide in the United States. And that's heartbreaking for me to
hear this. Me too. But what I know is when you go into theater and you see the horrific actions of man killing man and you don't even know these people and you're killing them because of some political decision that's being made. Okay. What that does to your soul is horrific. So order to survive that it will
fractionate and leave you. I think one of the areas that we have not addressed in the wellness world is the spiritual part of wellness. And we don't do it with these veterans because there are three symptoms with
soul loss. And I wish I had known this way back instead of in 2019 when I actually did a soul retrieval.
But the first symptom is I don't want to be here. And I've heard people say, I don't want to be here anymore.
Speaker 3 (17:51):
Nicole Kerr (17:51):
Right. And I knew this when I was on the other side and they told me I was coming back and I was like,
no, I don't want to go back. And they're like, you need to go back. So the other is this low level consistent feeling that something is missing. Okay. Now that is interesting to note with many compulsive behaviors
or addictions that can fall into that statement. And for me, I can clearly see the link between my binge eating disorder and my feeling of emptiness.
Julia Marie (18:23):
I was going to ask you about that. Did you tie that to the
Nicole Kerr (18:26):
Yes, because I didn't believe in God at that point anymore. I had lost hope in that concept of God, that if I prayed the right prayer and did the right thing, that I was a good girl. Why did this had to happen to me? I had given up on that and I didn't know who God was, but I knew it wasn't that I was raised with. So for
those 20 years when my memory didn't come back and I was kind of lost in going to different churches trying to find something that I could connect with, that is when I had compulsive eating for 20 years. It's ironic. It matches that timeframe.
And I did feel empty and I felt lonely and I felt lost. And the third one is you can't get over it when you cannot get over something. This can also manifest in chronic illness or wasting anorexia, which I was diagnosed with in 2015. I felt stuck in my chronic health conditions and I just was so hypervigilant about
keeping myself safe. And I just want people to know that sole retrieval is a powerful healing tool that works. And what we are dealing with is that spiritual quote hidden, but really not realm that I am here to tell you is a very real thing. So just like you have a flesh wound that needs to heal a broken pelvis, all of
that, a mental wound, I needed to treat my PTSD, my anxiety and depression. I also needed to treat that soul wound and I didn't even know that that was an issue for me. A thing.
Julia Marie (20:11):
Nicole Kerr (20:12):
So once I got that back aligned again and got my energy body sewn back up, I have now been able to stay
grounded on this earth. I want to be here now and I'm now able to pursue my vocation, which is the message of this book. And it took me 13 years, Julia, to write this book. It was not easy for me because I put my heart in it. My mission was that it would be effective in helping people. This is not about money
or anything else like that. I'm not here to monetize. This is of service for the greater good of humanity and to help in this awakening of consciousness to who you are and that you don't have to die. I did. To get
what you need to do in order to start transforming yourself on a spiritual level.
Julia Marie (21:04):
That's one of the reasons I wanted to have you show up today is because I knew you were being of service. Before we move on though about the soul retrieval, was it a shamanic process or did you do it through, I'm just curious.
Nicole Kerr (21:19):
I did with a shaman in Kauai because I was in Hawaii at the time and he did it and I cried through the entire process and it was overwhelming to me. And I really even went and took a class in Shamanism. It is not what I want to do, but it helps me understand what shamans do their calling and why they are important in our society and have been in indigenous cultures for millennia.
Yeah. So it is real. It's what I want to tell people. And if you're still stuck in your healing journey, that may be the avenue that you need to heal. And there is help available in that and you can Google it as well.
And you can see about soul loss and soul fragmentation and what all that is. And it may be a totally new subject for a lot of people, but it's been around for like you said, eons and there is help with it. And I want people to know that it's part of the wellness wheel matrix for a reason Matrix. Yes. The World Health
Organization organized that well before I got into the industry, and nobody in wellness to me ever wanted to touch spirituality because of all the issues associated with organized religion and having backlash and
all that kind of stuff. And I'm here to tell you to have wellness, total holistic wellness and wellbeing to include a sense of joy and purpose. And letting go of these fears is a huge part of this because if you're stuck in fear, you're never going to live. And that's what I want to tell people is you're missing your life
by being in fear and worry
Julia Marie (23:09):
Set yourself free.
Nicole Kerr (23:10):
It's within us and these other people come along to help guide us and to help support us. But it truly is an inside job and you have to commit to yourself because transformational work is not for the faint of heart, but it is time and the world needs it now. We need people to awaken to who they are. We cannot continue
down this path of greed and destruction and
Julia Marie (23:39):
Nicole Kerr (23:40):
Yes. And the climate change is showing that, which is what happened in Lana I in Hawaii for 17 years.
And change can happen just like that one moment you think you have everything that you need and you're together in the next minute, total devastation, it all gone. And you have to really understand who you are at a core level and not all these identities that you have built around yourself.
Julia Marie (24:07):
That's a good way of putting it. We're not those projections that we put out. We are something totally different. We are something eternal.
Nicole Kerr (24:16):
Julia Marie (24:17):
So in what ways do you advocate?
Nicole Kerr (24:21):
Well, first of all, if you use my book in your book club, I want this to be a subject that we get out and we talk about. Okay, so if you have a book club, please recommend my book. There are questions at the end.
You're going to open up a dialogue with these people that you've been meeting with that is going to develop a level of intimacy that you have never realized with these people. And so talk about it, start
preparing for it and also talk to your family about it because there are so many families that fractionate and never talk because when someone in the family dies especially unexpectedly and don't have a will and don't have anything in place, it is chaos. There's jealousy, there's greed, there's unfairness. There are
all these low vibration emotions that start pouring out and people never speak to each other again because mom told me she was giving me the silver. How come
Julia Marie (25:21):
You got it?
Nicole Kerr (25:22):
Yeah. It really is to destroy a whole relationship over. But at that moment in time, you're caught up in your ego and your need to have a self be right. And in the end, we don't take any of this materialism with us, and yet we spend three fourths of our life trying to accumulate it. And I just want people to start really
preparing and talking about it in a positive way. And that is why I will come on. If you have your book club and I can arrange it with my time zone, I'm in the Eastern standard time zone, I'll pop in on your book club and I'll sit there and I'll talk with you guys about whatever questions you have for me and
explain it to the best of my ability. I'm still evolving too. If you find someone that says they have all the answers, red flag. Yes, red flag, that's not true. Okay. We are all here on a journey of our soul's evolution.
All of us are, and you are not an exception to think that you don't have any more evolving to. So know that, and I certainly know that with me and continue to evolve daily. I want everyone to understand that as well. And that's why it's really important that you don't get caught up by people that are manipulative or
that are trying to give you all the answers
Julia Marie (26:53):
Or they say they have the answer.
Nicole Kerr (26:55):
That's right. Yeah.
Julia Marie (26:56):
Yeah. Well, the answers always inside.
Nicole Kerr (27:00):
And if you go on my website www.nicoleker.com, I'm happy to send you a free first sample chapter of the book. You can get my book through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and you can ask your independent bookstore to order it. I also have done the audible, I narrated it myself. It was just released in May. So for that 30% of the market that doesn't want to read books, you got that option. And it's also on Kindle. And I want to thank everybody that's made it a national bestseller because I am blown away by the emails and the reviews that have been left. So that's what I'm doing right now and I am taking the pressure off myself to have have it look a certain way.
Speaker 3 (27:45):
Nicole Kerr (27:46):
I trust Creator Source has the blueprint for how this book is supposed to help people. And I knew that
showing up on your podcast today was part of that blueprint. So I'm just thrilled to get to know you, Julia,
Julia Marie (28:00):
Nicole Kerr (28:01):
That we are both lightworkers and bridging the old and the new. That's what we have come here for and we know that. And that is our primary service right now.
Julia Marie (28:13):
I really do appreciate everything you've said. Nicole, before we get to the final five, is there one final message you would leave the evolving humans listeners with?
Nicole Kerr (28:28):
Always, always know that you are an eternal spark of God, whose soul is radiant and everlasting, thus eternal. And that in the end is all about love and oneness.
Julia Marie (28:41):
Couldn't have said it better myself. So here come the final five questions.
Nicole Kerr (28:47):
Okay, I'm ready.
Julia Marie (28:50):
Three words to describe yourself.
Nicole Kerr (28:54):
I would say empathetic. I would say grit. And I would say a light
Julia Marie (29:02):
Being I believe that Three words to describe your spiritual journey.
Nicole Kerr (29:09):
Boy, it's been not what? Okay. Three words. Unexpected, transformative, and at times ecstatic.
Julia Marie (29:25):
What's the one thing you always make time for in your life that most other people don't?
Nicole Kerr (29:32):
I make time to talk to my body and ask it what it needs today because I've had so many physical injuries
that I've had limitations my whole adult life. So I have to check in with it to see what it needs and it will tell me, do I need a spiritual, do I need to talk to one of my guides? Do I need to have an emotion that's
stuck in me release? Do I need to take a certain supplement? Do I need to take a walk today? Do I need to go rest today? So I take the time to check in with my body and ask what it needs.
Julia Marie (30:09):
That's actually a really good thing to do, and it's so obvious I never even thought about that, ask my body. So thank you. I'm glad I asked you the question. You're welcome. So what's one thing people might be surprised to find out about you?
Nicole Kerr (30:25):
That I never owned any dogs until three years ago when we moved to Newburgh, my husband and I, who
I did not meet and marry till I was 40 years old. So hang in there. If you haven't met your soulmate, they're there. But I never thought that I would fall in love with doggies. And we have two rescued Es, Bo and Bella and Bo is handicapped. He broke his spine. And so when I see that precious dog and how he
still goes through life, even with his back legs not working quite right and keeps smiling when I'm having a bad day, I look at him and how he just keeps plugging on and I have fallen in love with these two little
animals and I never, never thought I'd have animals more or less ies.
Julia Marie (31:15):
A three-legged dog once told me that dogs are all about unconditional love and giving.
Nicole Kerr (31:21):
Julia Marie (31:22):
Yeah. There's that.
Nicole Kerr (31:23):
Julia Marie (31:24):
Okay, last question, Nicole. What does being an evolving human mean to you?
Nicole Kerr (31:30):
Being in an evolving human means that I'm constantly on the journey of continuing to evolve not only in my soul, but in my spirit and in my mind and in my body. So it's really the whole picture, but it's a journey of learning and to be open and to keep expanding my heart. And it's interesting. I wore a heart, I
love it, shirt today. So learning to expand my heart even further and further and further because I think that is the lesson for all of us is love is the only thing that matters and the source of all that is.
Julia Marie (32:17):
That was beautifully said. So Nicole, I want to thank you for such an engaging discussion. It totally went in a direction that was a wonderful surprise for me. I had a great time. And you've mentioned some things
today that I know are going to help some of the listeners, so I really appreciate that.
Nicole Kerr (32:38):
Thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you. And just feel like our souls we're in the same soul
group and I love it. And I wish all your listeners just peace and hope and keep on the journey. No matter what shows up in front of you, don't hop off of it because there's always getting through something to the other side. And when you're on the other side of it, you're going, God, I'm glad I didn't stop then.
Julia Marie (33:12):
Thanks for that. Well, that's our time for today. Thank you for continuing to support evolving humans with your ratings and reviews. If you enjoyed this podcast, please share it with two other people so we can bring more light to the planet. And now here's a quote for you to ponder as you go about your day.
If death is an end, then I know for certain there is nothing final about it. Nicole Angelique Kerr.