Evolving Humans
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Julia shares the wisdom she gained over the decades in a simplified, practical way. Her goal is to shift your beliefs around what is possible as a human being, evolving.
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Evolving Humans
Get Ready for 2025!-Cosmic Weather Report for Nov 2024 Ep156 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
Vibrational Astrologer Michael Spremulli is back to deliver another Cosmic Weather report. This episode marks his 1 year anniversary with us, and we express our appreciation to him for his continued support of the Evolving Humans audience.
Michael, a vibrational astrologer and workplace personality expert, provides insights into the astrological events of the month.
Key highlights include the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1st, encouraging exploration and setting intentions for 2025, and a second New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th, emphasizing practical planning for the new year.
The Full Moon in Gemini on December 15th offers a chance to release negative habits.
Additionally, significant planetary movements such as Mars retrograde and Neptune going direct are discussed, providing guidance on how to navigate these energies.
Michael also introduces the concept of vibrational astrology, focusing on the fifth, 19th, and 32nd vibrations, which influence creativity, analytical thinking, and core motivations.
For more detailed astrological insights and to access the 2025 Lunar Lookup table, visit blueridgeastrology.com.
Many thanks to Nature's Eye (Leigh Robinson) on Pixabay for his Slow Boat Meditation that was used for the music bed this month. Please support him by checking out his meditation channel on YouTube.
Michael Spremulli's Website
Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!
For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us
Evolving Humans with Julia Marie is now on YouTube, and will offer more than the podcast episodes there, so give us a "SUBSCRIBE"!
You can find my book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening here:
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Julia Marie (00:04):
You know what time it is. Here's your cosmic weather report for December, 2024. Michael Spremulli combines his expertise as a therapist and workplace personality with quick and workplace personality expert with modern cutting edge, scientifically validated interpretation techniques. He's a vibrational
astrologer. He makes time every month to bring evolving humans listeners their cosmic weather report.
His website is blue ridge astrology.com. Well, first of all, I want to say happy anniversary, Michael. It's been a year.
Michael Spremulli (00:50):
I was thinking the same thing as I was logging on today. It has been a year. We started this one year ago in December last year.
Julia Marie (00:59):
Exactly. So you brought us our first report then you've been here faithfully, despite floods.
Michael Spremulli (01:09):
Yeah, flood storms, torrential rains where I'm like the post office.
Julia Marie (01:15):
Well, you're better than the post office. You actually deliver on time. So I just want to, on behalf of the evolving listeners, thank you for continuing to take your time to do this for us. And so welcome back and I know there's a lot going on this month. I'm really interested to hear your take on all of it.
Michael Spremulli (01:37):
Absolutely. Well, let me echo the thank you back to you. I look forward to doing these every month
because it's a cycle. Astrology is everything about cycles, cycles within cycles. And knowing that we do this, it kind of helps me mark out what's coming ahead. And your listeners are fantastic. Just a huge shout out to all of them. And now let's get into December's astrological weather. As I say at the beginning of all
of these, your mileage will vary. This is a forecast for the planetary energies of the collective. How it personally impacts you needs to be determined by looking at your natal chart. But you'll experience most of these energies to some degree. The intensity level will vary, obviously, based on what's in your chart.
So let's dive in. We're coming up now to the end of the year and everyone hits January and New Year's resolution start and people figure out how they're going to make the next year better, and that's great.
But the cosmos seems to be setting us up about a month in advance to get our self on off on the right foot in January. So my take on this is now, before the holiday season kicks in, before things start to get super crazy, now is the time to start focusing on what do we want in 2025. And as we go through the astrology,
you'll see how it's teeing us up for success should we choose to participate. So let's first start with the
New Moon, which is happening on Monday, December 1st at 1:21 AM Eastern Time at nine degrees of Sagittarius. Now, new moons are all about a time of planting seeds. I say that literally and metaphorically, although you're probably not going to be planting too many seeds in the winter months outside, but you
get the idea. We have a cycle every month where we can plot out something new, plant a seed, an idea, a project, and then watch it grow and come to fruition.
And remember, the new Moon sets us up for a full moon in that same sign about six months later. So this new moon is going to be in Sagittarius. So six months from now puts us out at around May 23rd for a full moon in Sagittarius. So the reason I'm spending a little time on this is be thinking about what you may want to be doing come May, because now is the time to plant the seeds for that. And this happens every month with every sign. So I like to give a little background so that listeners can begin to see how these cycles all connect and integrate. So what can we expect? Well, Sagittarius is all about exploration. The sign of Sagittarius wants to explore everything near and far, look under every rock they enjoy digging into
adventures and seeing what lies beyond the mountain. Well, with our new moon happening on the 1st of December, this brings with it this adventurous vibration.
So it's perfect for setting intentions that align with freedom, exploration, the pursuit of your own personal truth. And one of the things to think about is broadening your horizons. How might you broaden your horizons in 2025? And of course, there's no one singular answer to that. It depends on you and what you
want. So here's a very mundane example. Let's say you may want to go on a family trip early next summer. Well, that's an adventure. Now might be the time to start looking at options. Well, where do we want to go? Do we want to go to a theme park? Do we want to go to a city? Do we want to go possibly
look at a national park or forest? Whatever that is. Now could be the time to start planting those seeds so that we start to then do the groundwork for that.
So by the time six months rolls around, which is like a month before summer, you might have this all ironed out. You may not. But at the same time, you're at least putting that energy out there for whatever adventure you want to go on. It doesn't have to be travel, but the whole idea of Sagittarius, they want to see it all. They want to experience, they really want to. If you think of people who backpack through Europe, those are probably folks who have a lot of Sagittarius in their chart. And for those who are astrology focused, we're talking about having Sagittarius as either a sun, moon or rising sign. Those are sort of the big three that tend to have a lot of impact in our chart. So this is the time to start looking at
forward plans. You don't have to iron them all out, but just sitting with the intention of, I want to bring X into my life, whatever that is, and just kind of put it out there.
So what's interesting about this month is we get actually two new moons, which is kind of crazy because that doesn't happen all that often. We'll get to that in a minute. But this is the first one happening again,
December 1st at nine degrees of Sagittarius. Alright, well there's always two things guaranteed in a month at least, and that's a full moon and a full moon. So I want everyone to mark their calendars for December 15th. It's a fairly, it's not a dramatic day in astrology, but you got a couple of events coinciding, which
tends to up the energy a bit. So our next full moon will be on Sunday, December 15th, happening at 4:01 AM Eastern time at 23 degrees of Gemini. Now, another side note, why do I give the times for the full moon and not really any of the other transits? I give those times because the moon moves quick.
The moon spends about two and a half days in each of the Zodiac signs each month. And some folks like to celebrate the new and full moon at the height of its intensity. And that's why I give the times. Now sometimes it's not all that practical because this one's happening at 4:01 AM Eastern time, but you could
go out and charge your moon water, do a full moon ritual. That's why I give the times. Whereas on the longer running transits, the time isn't nearly as important. So couple of things happening here. This full moon brings a real powerful completion point as far as what is it that we're wrapping up that happens
every month, but because this is in Gemini and Gemini is about questioning things, think of Gemini as the why sign. Well, why do we have to end up boiling our water, for example, something that we had to deal with in Asheville?
Why? Because there were microbes in it after the storm. Alright, well, why are there microbes? Well, because the reservoir got contaminated. Well, how did it get? You get the idea. Geminis are why Geminis love to take things apart just to see how they work. And sometimes they have luck putting them back
together and other times not so much. So there's a lot of curiosity associated with Gemini. So from the releasing side of things, this is a time to think about what is it though I want to leave behind in 2024 so that I do not bring it into 2025. Now, we had the New Moon in Gemini about six months ago. So you
might've been thinking and exploring and asking a whole lot of why questions. Why can't I maybe get on a fitness program? Why am I eating habits poor? Why am I not able to do whatever?
Well, hopefully you've encountered some insights on what might be the cause of these things. So this Full Moon gives you a chance then to release and let go of those negative habits and walk out of them so that you can then be ready to go to implement new habits. And you may have already started implementing
some more positive habits or actions. That's cool. But this is the time to take out the trash is what I was thinking as I was pulling this forecast together that the 15th of December is a great time to just take an inventory of all the stuff that's not working in your life and whatever you have the ability to control, let it
go. Because then you've got a good couple of weeks to settle in there before January 1st hits and it sets you up for success. So think of it as a turning point because we're able to release all these non-working things.
But as I mentioned, December 15th is a very interesting day in astrological terms because in addition, we have Mercury going back into direct motion. It's in Sagittarius, six degrees of Sagittarius. So since November 15th ish, let me look at my handy dandy sheet here. 25th, excuse me. Mercury went retrograde
on November 25th in the sign of Sagittarius. So it's kind of interesting how we've got the New Moon and the full Moon kind of hanging out in similar signs. So when Mercury goes retrograde, it doesn't mean the sky is falling, it means it's time to revisit, rethink and replan. Yes, there can be disruptions in communication technology and those types of things, but if you found yourself since around the 25th of November, and you may continue to experience this up until the 15th of December, just kind of questioning things like, well, is this really working? It kind of coincides here with the opportunity that the new Moon ins is setting us up for.
So because Mercury's going direct on the 15th, the same day as the Full Moon, this is powerful because it's like, okay, I've spent some time figuring things out. Now I know what stays, now I know what needs to go, and you're able to release those things and move forward at the same time. Typically, the full Moon
is not a time to do manifestation, it's to bring things to completion. It's like the harvest has fully matured and it's time to then disseminate that. But with the combination of Mercury doing its thing and going direct and this full Moon, it really, I think sets us up from a cyclical standpoint to get our cosmic ducks in
a row. So again, full moon, December 15th, 4:01 AM Eastern, 23 Gemini, mercury goes direct on the same day. I don't have a time for that because it's not as important, but that's at six degrees of Sagittarius.
So for those of you who have a lot of sag in your chart, meaning a lot of planetary placements in the sign of Sagittarius, this could bring a whole lot of mental clarity for you because when Mercury goes direct, the communication's flowing the way that it should flow, where we don't have to slow down and because
Sagittarius is the sign that it is now moving forward in this could help you plan your adventure. You see how all this kind of fits together. It's kind of cool when you get away from just pop astrology, one-liners and look at all these cycles. It really is this cosmic tapestry that fascinates me to this day and always will
because it's just such an elegant system. So continuing on, as I mentioned, we have a bonus New Moon inside of December. It happens December 30th at 5:26 PM Eastern Time at nine degrees of Capricorn.
My favorite sign, why is it my favorite sign? Because I'm a Capricorn sign, so I get to be a little biased and play favorites. So it's not a situation where this never happens, but it doesn't happen all that often. Typically, the way the dates end up working, you get a new and a full moon each month. Sometimes you
get two full moons. If things are stretched out far enough, sometimes you get two new moons. That's what we have here. So the New Moon on December 30th at nine Capricorn, it carries this grounded and disciplined energy. So let's talk a little bit about Capricorn. I know them well because I'm a member. I'm
not just the owner, as they say from the old hair club commercial. So Capricorns, we have this ability to view the world through this lens of detachment. That doesn't mean that we don't have feelings and that we don't connect with people and all those things, but it's a heightened sense of objectivity.
It's a sense of witnessed consciousness, as Osho used to say, be the watcher on the hill. In other words, step back and watch yourself watching yourself. I know that sounds like we're getting into murky linguistics, but the idea with bringing all this into Capricorn energy, it's stepping back and being
objective. So how cool is this that on December 30th, two days before we start 2025, that we have this new moon that says, alright, you got big plans for 2025. Cool. How are you going to make 'em happen?
What are you going to do and what are you going to add into your life? What might need to come out of your life? What do you need to do from a practical standpoint? So on this second new Moon, it gives us another opportunity to plant more seeds and these seeds in order to really be in resonance with the energy
they need to be practical.
It's not like, well, I want to go to Europe and run around and eat baguettes all day and have a, oh, that's cool, but how are you going to do it? Do you need to save some money? Do you need to maybe get another job to supplement so that you have the resources to do that? Do you need to start making plans?
Who's going to come? Where are you going to stay? These are capricornian type of things, not sexy at all, but practical. That's what Capricorns bring to the table, this practicality, which helps you focus on hitting those long-term goals because you're doing the stuff that needs to be done. It's not some dreamy, oh, I
wish I could. That's not Capricorn energy at all. It's about creating structure, responsibility, and this loo nation emphasizes building solid foundations that align with action that makes sense for you.
Purposeful action. Now, how beautiful is that, that this shows up again right before the new year?
Because when you tap into this energy, it tends to get you into a flow state. So this is a great opportunity on or around December 30th to reflect on your ambitions and craft practical plans that harnesses the determination and focus of Capricorn. I love that this is landing here because it really does help get us
into a mental framework, which is half the battle right there if we don't have our mind, right? The physical stuff doesn't happen just like someone who needs to lose weight because their doctor tells them they need to get some pounds off. But if their mind isn't into it, it's just not going to happen. So use this
new moon energy in Capricorn. December 30th, 5:26 PM is the peak eastern time, nine degrees of Capricorn to set your 2025 intentions. If there was any new moon that you want to focus on and really take some time out, and I'm not talking crazy amounts of time, 10, 15 minutes, this is it, because this can set you up for a really positive year. But wait, there's more.
So what's interesting is that while all this is happening, we also have Mars going retrograde, and I believe I didn't write it down here. Let me check my handy dandy. Yep. Okay, so Mars is going to retrograde December 6th at six degrees of Leo. Well, what's that all about? Mars does this every couple of years. It
does this dance where it kind of moves backwards. Well, Mars is the planet of action. So remember, vibrational astrology uses data that has been researched through extreme case sampling. So it's not always
the warrior or the fighter can show up that way, but mars's action. It's like, what are you going to do,
man? Let's go. Let's make something happen. Mantra wants to do something. Well, when Mars goes retrograde, it's like, all right, buckaroo, before you get shot out of a cannon, you might need to think about how you want to proceed.
So Mars goes into retrograde in Leo on the sixth, and it doesn't come out until February 23rd, 2025 in cancer, 17 degrees of cancer. So it actually crosses signs. So let me unpack this a little bit. Mars retrograde by itself is all about pulling back on the intense action and again, getting the ducks in a row,
figuring out what needs to happen. This is probably not the time to embark on major action oriented events. Now, obviously there are some things that we have to do regardless of where Mars is at, obviously, but this is probably not a time to start a massive marketing campaign for your business if you
can avoid it, because it was explained to me by the person who got me into astrology back in 1994. What she says is, if you try to work against Mars' Energy, it ends up coming back and smacking you in the face.
So think of a slingshot that you're pulling back and instead of the rock going forward, it hits you right in the nogging. And when you think of it from that perspective, it's like, okay, well then what do we do?
Well, this is the time again to flesh out what is the appropriate action. So it slows us down a bit so that we don't go willy-nilly. How many people do we see? And it happens every year. You can set your clock to it. This is the year I'm going to get in shape. And they go to the gym and they start eating clean and all of
that's great, and it lasts for a week and a half. Very common happens every year. Well, instead of doing that, maybe you decide, yeah, this might be the year that I want to get in shape, but rather than just jump on the bandwagon like everyone else does on January 1st, maybe I need to spend a little time putting a plan together.
And maybe I start it in February. What's another month? Psychologically, everyone likes to start over at the beginning of the year, but that's not necessarily the best mode of action because you might not have a firm foundation. So another lesson that we have is we got to look at the signs that Mars is traveling through. So Mars and Leo, it's like we start out with, I got it. I'm an individual. I know what's going on.
I've got everything planned until we don't, because that Leo energy is about individuation standing out from the rest of the crowd. And we might start this cycle at the beginning of December, really feeling like, okay, yeah, I got it. I got it all put together. And then as it kind of progresses from that energy
focusing on us, we focus on ourselves, it goes through and ends up landing in the sign of cancer on February 25th where it goes direct.
And cancer is all about caring for others, and it's putting other people's needs ahead. So this retrograde is a good time to slow down, look at where you're spending your energy and action. It may be putting time
into things that aren't all that beneficial for you, even though you thought that it was, and you might need to do a little course correction from the standpoint of, alright, maybe I've been neglecting those who are close to me. Cancerian often have this protective desire to protect the people who are in their circle, that's
friends, family, colleagues, and you may be called upon to expand this protection to others and take some of this action and energy that you might've been directing to yourself, which is not a bad thing inherently, but it might be time during this period to focus that energy to assist and aid others.
So the note I had here start out loud and proud in Leo. And then it needs to focus on taking care of others and being maybe a little less in your face and channeling that Mars energy into protecting your cosmic egg. And cosmic egg is a term that we use in vibrational astrology with an egg is a very permeable
membrane. It's very delicate, but things can come in and out of that membrane to a certain extent, and we have to protect that membrane to make sure that it doesn't get smashed, or we end up letting things into our sphere or our circle that we don't want in there. So that's Mars. Retrograde again, starts on December
This transcript was exported on Nov 26, 2024 - view latest version here.
6th, six, Leo, lemme just double check that here. Yeah, six degrees of Leo and then it stays retrograde. Go direct again on the 23rd, 2025 in cancer. Alright, so couple of other little things before we get to our vibrations.
Right now, Neptune has been moving retrograde. So remember when any planet moves retrograde. See, this is kind of cool because everyone knows Mercury retrograde, but when you start talking about these other planets, it's like, oh, those go retrograde. Yeah, they do. But the same meaning of a retrograde
applies to all the planets. It's a time to reevaluate. It's a time to put the brakes on and go internal as opposed to external related to whatever energy the planet is responsible for. Well, Neptune regulates what is magical to us in vibrational astrology. Our highest dreams, hopes, ambition. I always give the example
to some people, what's magical and to die for them is going to the Super Bowl. It's like their lifelong dream. Cool, that's great. Other people that may be moving to a climate that has snow, other people might have magic by raising a family, whatever it is.
Well, with Neptune having been retrograde, and I didn't put the start date on here, but it's been a while because Neptune moves slow. It's one of the outer planets. If you've been feeling a little stuck as far as pursuing your dreams up till now, specifically up till December 7th, it's not entirely your fault because
Neptune going to retrograde is like saying, all right, well what do you want? What do you really want to do? You can't just jump in and make things happen instantaneously, and maybe some things that you want might not be all that good for you. So the way I interpret this is with all this time that's been going
on since Neptune has been retrograde, gave us this opportunity to evaluate what's going on in our life from this idealistic standpoint and that idealistic dream to die for thing that could change. You're not locked into one thing.
So what may have been exciting for you might've lost some of its luster and something else has stepped in to take its place. So these are the types of things that may have been rattling around your mind for the last
few months. And now the good news is on December 7th, Neptune starts moving direct again, and it's in Pisces now. Pisces is everything. It's sort of like this culmination. Pisces is able to blend and integrate different things from different places that normally wouldn't go together. Sort of like putting bacon on a
donut sounds disgusting until you try it. And I call myself the world's self-appointed world's foremost authority on donuts. So I should know on the surface that makes no sense, bacon on a donut, it's actually quite good. Pisces dissolves borders because it brings everything together. So now with Neptune going
into Pisces, this opens up the door for you to dissolve borders limitations that may have been preventing you from moving toward that dream or idealistic component that you might be searching for.
This is an excellent time to put in intentions for creativity, spiritual growth, compassionate action, using the forward motion of Neptune to bring these magical ideas to life. And again, Neptune goes direct December 7th at 27 ics. Alright, well, as you know, no forecast will be complete without looking at some
major vibrations. And we got a couple that are lasting a really long period of time here just in time for the holidays. By the way, circling back just for a second, for Mercury retrograde, it's nice to know that Mercury is going to be direct by the time the holiday season hits the United States and the world in earnest. Last year, I think the holidays, either Mercury was in retrograde or just got out of it, but now you
got 10 days for that to gel and move forward. So maybe a little less conflict around the holiday season.
We shall see. So here are the vibrations. We have the fifth vibration active from December 1st all the way to the 18th. So remember, when a vibration, when transit, when any type of energetic process is active for
a long period of time, it has a greater impact on us. It's like if you're taking a paint sprayer and if you spray that paint back and forth very quickly, you're going to get a little bit of paint on whatever it is that you're painting. However, if you move it back and forth at a slower motion, or even if you just went one
direction, but it's a lot slower, you're going to have more paint stuck on the wall. Same with energy.
You've got a lot of time to capitalize on this energy from the first to the 18th. Well, the fifth vibration brings this free flowing creative energy.
It's not work, it's fun, it's exploratory. It's like a kid playing in a playroom that they just were admitted to for the first time. And they're exploring and looking around, oh, what's this? Oh, that looks kind of cool.
There's a nice shiny thing on the wall. It's bright eyed and bushy tailed. Well, the planets that are aspecting inside of the fifth vibration are Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. Well, Mars is the energy and brings the drive to do something. Saturn helps you focus because it takes out the distraction and Uranus breaks
you out of the norm. So when we put it all together December 1st through the 18th, this is a time to be productive and inspired if you're left alone. Now, why do I say if you're left alone? Because Saturn doesn't want the glitz, the glimmer, the frustration. So one way you can interpret this is, well, we get ready for the holidays, you got to do the prep.
We got, who are we going to have over? What's going to happen? What are we going to do? What are we going to serve? What type of activities are we going to engage in? And a lot of that involves planning by yourself. So that's again, a very practical down to earth common example. But this could also be a time
for you to explore different things that are interesting to you and you may have put off for whatever reason, because this energy gives you that focus to be able to do these type of activities on your own, but really immerse yourself in it and break out of the norm because Saturn uras breaks you out of the mundane. So here's an opportunity to engage in some things that are novel and potentially exciting, but
just don't do it with a whole group of people because you've got a good almost three weeks here in this fifth vibration to explore and play and come up with novel things that you may have been avoiding or putting off or been putting off.
Alright, so that's the fifth vibration. Now we move to the 19th vibration active December 3rd through the 23rd, and each month it's different. Sometimes we have cycles that last five days and that's it. But this month we have a bunch that'll lasting for longer periods. So 19th vibration planets that are active are
Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune. And this is from again, the third, the 23rd. So that's a good chunk of time.
Well, the 19th vibration is very analytical. It's pulling information together and analyzing it. It's cognitive integration. You're pulling in feelings and thoughts and data and facts and things that may not make a whole bunch of sense on their own, but when it's in integrated, it kind of comes together. Well, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto brings in this transpersonal and spiritual element. So you might be questioning things during this time related to your belief systems, your spirituality, how you navigate the world, and you might say, oh, okay, yeah, I'm wondering about this belief.
Oh yeah, that kind of checks out and it may be good. You also may discover, well, that might've worked for me in the past, but it doesn't really work now. And that's okay because Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune is this combination where it breaks us out of the norm and also has this magical and intense component to it.
So people often find that they are successful in projects and different types of activities that have some sort of visionary, youthful or inspirational component. When Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are connected,
because it's in the 19th vibration, this energy then goes to working on projects where you have to pull different types of data together that it's similar to the Pisces vibe that I mentioned before, but this is more tactical. It's like, how do I pull all this together to make sense out of whatever it is that's in front of me?
And these projects that have some inspirational and motivational component are often present when Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, and Pluto are together. So that's the 19th vibe again, December 3rd through the 23rd. Now, one final vibration, the 32nd vibration is active, which is eight times four. Not going to get
into the math, but it's a higher octave of the eighth vibration. So when we get higher up the ladder, the energy is more internal. It's not visible on the outside. Think of it almost like an unseen forest that's just kind of nudging us in the right direction. And the planets that are, or lemme give you the dates. This is not
that long of a cycle, but it's kind of interesting when it shows up. That's why I've included it. This happens from December 27th through December 31st. So right at the end of the year before the calendar flips over and the planets that are involved wait for it, are the same ones that were involved in the 19th vibration,
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Well, isn't that interesting? Because the 32nd vibration being a higher octave of eight, that tends to impact us at our core motivators and our drivers. What is it that gets us up out of bed in the morning? So 8, 16, 24, 32, those vibrations that have eight as the base tend to hit us pretty hard. Well, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune
is about looking at unconventional approaches, magical approaches, innovation, breaking out of the norms. So if we put all these vibrational patterns together, it's like the first part of December, the stage is set for us to evaluate our beliefs, the way that we approach certain things, figure out what's working and
what isn't. Well now once you did your homework, you're up here to the end of December from the 27th through the 31st, where then we get to say, okay, I've spent this time evaluating now what am I going to do?
Am I going to continue to believe and go down this particular path even though it may not be working for me? Or is it time for a change? IE Uranus. Uranus brings change. It brings us current. Neptune is what's magical. And Pluto is that compulsion the dog with bone like energy. So I was really excited pulling this
forecast together because astrologically, December is a great month to do your own cosmic reset should you choose to do so because you've got all these energies lining up saying, all right, if you want to improve, here's the roadmap. Here's your game board, go ahead and do it. And it just unfolds so elegantly
here, taking us right up to New Year's Eve of 2024, which sets us up to walk into 2025 with as much of our cosmic plan in order as anyone can possibly have. And that is what's happening for December, 2024.
Julia Marie (39:25):
I knew it was going to be loaded and loaded, it was. So the best thing I can do if I'm listening to this report is focus on getting my ducks in a row, is what I'm hearing you saying.
Michael Spremulli (39:40):
That's the theme. And what's interesting is it's not just showing up one place. You saw this repeatedly throughout all the cycles here. It's like, alright, what are we doing with our lives? Where do we want to go? Now's your chance to get on a different train and get off the one you're on if you choose to do. Or you
may discover, Hey, I'm on target, great. Doesn't mean you have to change. Remember, astrology doesn't dictate our actions. It simply guides us in different directions if we choose to go there. But we ultimately have the choice to either do something or not.
Julia Marie (40:17):
Well, and that's what I feel is the beauty of these monthly updates. It gives people an opportunity to plan and to take advantage of the different cycles as they present themselves, thus maximizing how they can flow through their life with whatever they're dealing with.
Michael Spremulli (40:39):
Absolutely always go back to thinking of the farmer and planting seeds. The farmer, if he or she wants to could plant corn seeds in the month of December, they're not going to grow, but they could do it. They could also miss the prime window to plant those seeds in the spring. Well then their harvest is going to be
late and it's not going to be as bountiful due to the weather conditions. So what do farmers do? They're very meticulous and deliberate as to when they get their crops in the ground, depending on what they're growing so that it coincides with the cycle. That's all astrology is. It's just at a cosmic level.
Julia Marie (41:23):
Well, there you go sometimes timing, indeed. Is everything
Michael Spremulli (41:27):
Julia Marie (41:29):
Well, before we close, I need for you to please tell the people how they can find you.
Michael Spremulli (41:35):
Sure. The easiest place is blue ridge astrology.com. You actually want to go there now because I just posted the 2025 Lunar Lookup table completely free. You'll find it right on the main page. You'll plug in your email, it'll be sent to you. And what that gives you are the new and full moon dates. In fact, I have
one right here, which I laminated, and I keep it on my desk because I can't keep all this straight in my head. No one can. So it has all the new and full moon dates for 2025. The planetary station points when planets go direct, including Mercury. So it's a very handy one sheet thing to have nearby to at least have a general idea of what cycle is active. And you can get that for free@blueridgeastrology.com.
Julia Marie (42:24):
Oh, once again, Michael, thank you so much for taking time to share your wisdom with us.
Michael Spremulli (42:33):
Well, thank you for having me, and I look forward to another year around the sun doing these forecasts for you. It's always a blast.
Julia Marie (42:42):
Well, that's our time for today. If you found value in this episode, please share it with two other people so that together we can bring more light to this world. Evolving. Humans is now on YouTube, so head on over and check out the extra content being posted there and hit subscribe so you don't miss anything new.
Thanks for coming on this journey with me. I'm looking forward to building a bright 2025 with all of you.