Evolving Humans
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Join your host Julia Marie, and listen to stories from people just like you who have been where you are.
Julia shares the wisdom she gained over the decades in a simplified, practical way. Her goal is to shift your beliefs around what is possible as a human being, evolving.
With practice, we all have the capacity to learn to connect more deeply with our higher wisdom.
The way Home is found by turning within and listening to the part of us that knows who we are and why we are here.
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Evolving Humans
Get a Jump Start on 2025! The Universe will Support You Nov 2024 Cosmic Weather Report Ep 153 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
There's a lot going on this month, and if you've been feeling you'd like to get a jump on 2025, then you will definitely NOT want to miss this episode! The Universe is supporting your big dreams at this time, but you'll have to take action to make it happen.
The November 2024 Cosmic Weather Report on the Evolving Humans podcast, hosted by Julia Marie, features vibrational astrologer Michael Spremulli.
Michael provides an in-depth analysis of the astrological events for the month, emphasizing the significance of the new moon in Scorpio on November 1st and the full moon in Taurus on November 15th.
He explains how these lunar phases are ideal for setting intentions and releasing what no longer serves us.
Michael also discusses the impact of various planetary alignments, including a grand trine involving Mercury, Mars, and Neptune, and the Mars-Pluto opposition, which collectively encourage deep introspection, commitment to long-term goals, and the pursuit of dreams.
Additionally, he highlights the influence of the 25th, 15th, and 31st vibrational energies throughout the month, urging listeners to explore, question, and embrace the mysteries of life.
The episode concludes with practical advice on navigating the upcoming Mercury retrograde that will pay us all a holiday visit. Double check those travel plans!
Many thinks to PIXABAY's Relaxing Time for the music bed for this episode: Relaxing Music Pt 1 - 141198 by Relaxing Time.
Michael's website
Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!
For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us
Evolving Humans with Julia Marie is now on YouTube, and will offer more than the podcast episodes there, so give us a "SUBSCRIBE"!
You can find my book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening here:
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Julia Marie (00:00):
Time again for the Cosmic Weather Report for November, 2024. There's a lot happening this month, so you'll want to stay tuned. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. My favorite astrologer is back with
us today, and I'm so happy to have him here. Michael spr is an experienced vibrational astrologer with great insight. His approach to astrology is both unique and practical. He combines his expertise as a therapist and workplace personality expert with modern cutting edge, scientifically validated interpretation techniques. His website is blue ridge astrology.com. Well, Michael, I'm so happy to
welcome you back to Evolving Humans.
Michael Spremulli (01:15):
Thanks, Julia. Marie, it's a pleasure to be here for the November update. Before we get into the update though, I just want to take a moment to express a heartfelt thank you to a lot of your listeners. For those people who may not know, we were directly hit with Hurricane Haleen and you were kind enough to send
out a little blurb explaining our situation, I wasn't even aware of that until I started seeing your people show up. Some sent their kind regards and notes of concern and some booked consultations. I appreciate each and every one of them, and this is why I do the work that I do because when we connect with people
like you have a community behind them who kind of all ride in the same vibration to bring it back just to baseline. So thank you to you and to the listeners who reached out very much appreciated.
Julia Marie (02:07):
Well, if I'd have told you I was going to do it, it wouldn't be a surprise.
Michael Spremulli (02:12):
Well, that is true, and in the midst of all the cleanup which we're still dealing with, it was a very pleasant surprise.
Julia Marie (02:19):
Good, I'm glad.
Michael Spremulli (02:20):
Let's get into November. November is going to be a very interesting period of time, and I'm not one of these sensationalized astrologers. Oh, everything's going to be falling, but it's going to be a little intense, so let's just dive in. As you know, in every month we have a new moon and a full moon. New moons are when we plant things, meaning intentions, seeds, ideas. Full moons are when we harvest things kicking off the month on November 1st, Friday, November 1st, there is a new moon in the sign of Scorpio at nine degrees and 35 minutes happening at 8:46 AM Eastern Time. New moons are when we get our intentions together, ideas, things that we want to put into existence. Before we get into where and what is going on
here, we need to look a little bit at the sign of Scorpio from a VA perspective. Now, traditional astrology says the Scorpios amongst us can be secretive and be a little conniving and all that, and some of that may be true, but we bring it back to the underlying energy process.
Scorpios, and if you have Scorpio rising, Scorpio is your sun sign heavily aspected Scorpio, and if you have no idea where that is and you need help finding Scorpio in your chart, email me, I'll help you do that for free. hello@blueridgeastrology.com. There's a very simple way to do that, but Scorpio is about wanting to fuse with whatever it is that it is connecting with. So in relationships, it's the merging of two people and becoming fused as one standard joke amongst astrologers is you never date a Scorpio but you marry them because Scorpios are all in. They want to go all the way in and get in that zone. It's all about
being in the flow and not having to really think about that merging. It just sort of happens. Just to give you a little background as far as some professions that you'll see a lot of Scorpios in downhill skiers, they just fuse with the idea of becoming one with the mountain and getting in that zone and getting lost in that
whole idea of just being one with nature in the moment.
Heart surgeons, they get into that very delicate area of the heart where things are very, very tiny and they've got to do a lot of small incisions and sutures. They've got to be in the zone. You want physicians who are dealing with difficult medical procedures, who have strong Scorpio because they just lose themselves in that environment. That's the energy that Scorpio is bringing to the table. It wants to give their heart and soul to something and totally immersed themselves and become fused with it. And when you're in something as a Scorpio that something gets you to the zone and it's not about being obsessive like Pluto, but it's just really immersing yourself. Alright, so that's a little background on Scorpio. Well,
what's going on here? Well, the New Moon is in Scorpio, which means this is a wake up call for us to say, all right, now that we've got the moon in this sign, what is it that really, really stirs you that has been nagging at you for years, decades even, that you want to commit yourself to and immerse yourself and fuse with?
And that could take a variety of things. It could be relationships, it could be job hobby, it could be a way of living where you live, you live in the mountains versus living at the beach. What is it that has been in our minds? This is what I encourage people to think about, to manifest regarding this new moon. What is
it that is just a constant theme that shows up for one person I spoke with recently? It's like, I've always wanted to open this cupcake shop. I want to open a cupcake shop. I've thought about it, I haven't really put any effort into it. And this was several weeks back and I kind of give them a heads up about Scorpio,
new Moon happening in November, and they said, now's the time. And in Earn is starting to look at some mechanisms to figure out, all right, well what's going to cost to get rolling?
What's the revenue going to be? All those types of things. So on this new moon, it's a time for you to get serious and plant those seeds that really fuse with you. This isn't about, well, I think I want to change jobs. Now that's not Scorpio energy. Where do you want to immerse yourself in? It's sort of like when
they say the best way to learn a language is to go to the country and live there that the language is spoken in. That's very scorpion because you're just throwing yourself in and getting steeped in all of that on the 1st of November. And remember, new Moon energy and Full Moon energy typically lasts about a week in
change. You've got a good period of time there to get the ball rolling and figure out where you want to fuse and truly immerse yourself. But wait, there's more.
It's not just the New Moon in Scorpio, we also have a grand trying happening between the following three planets, mercury, Mars, Neptune. Now Trines are all about where energy must flow freely. It's like if the energy doesn't flow easily and freely, we're not having a good time. Mercury Mars, Neptune is about
creating a situation where we're able to just dive in and do the actual work. It's Mercury, Mars and Neptune all training at the exact same time and date of the New Moon. What does that mean? Well, when we look at the energy of Mercury, Mars, Neptune, that's about pursuing dreams because Neptune is what
is magical to you. So now you're getting a double dose of where do you want to fuse? And hey, it's probably a good idea to fuse in something that's been idealistic for you because Mercury connects the thoughts and ideas together.
Mars gives you the drive to want to make something happen, and then Pluto shows up or Neptune rather and says, okay, well what's that like to die for experience for you? Is it opening that cupcake shop? Is it maybe taking that vacation that you've been dreaming about for 10 years? What it is is going to be
different for every one of you who are listening. But the idea is when we put these energies together from the trine and the New Moon, this is an opportunity to really look at moving forward in a way that connects with you at this magical level. It's intense. It'll bring work, it'll bring challenges, but because this energy gets stamped in for a while, it's a good opportunity for you to get the ball rolling on something that you've been thinking about. When Mars is present, Mars is the action.
If Mercury and Pluto were a Neptune, rather were there just by themselves, then we'd be thinking about it. Yeah, someday, somehow some way I want to do something. But Mars says, alright, that time is now and let's pursue it and let's make it happen. Now there's one other little aspect. Some months it's just the new
or full moon and that's it. But all the energy at play gets activated for about a week and change. We also have a Mars Ludo opposition, and that is correct because I'm looking at the chart right now when we're looking at Mars planet of action, which was involved within the trine, we also have Pluto that it's opposing and Pluto is about raw passion. Let's just do it compulsiveness obsessiveness. So we've got that layer of energy to work with as well. And I find it interesting, we look at the data and then I start to do some extrapolation and these are just ideas.
I'm not saying that this is the end all be all, but I find it interesting that this new moon with these aspects happens now two months before 2025. It's almost like the universe is saying, alright, you've been saying you want all this change in your life. You've been complaining about your entire situation. Well now I'm
giving you a golden energy palette to work with so that you can get ahead of 2025 and start now if you choose to do so. And when we look at the meta meta message, it's like that kind of makes sense because we're able to switch gears fuse with something and then get our ducks in a row so that when 2025 hits,
we're not here on January 2nd saying, how's this year going to be different for me? It's never too late to make changes, but wouldn't you want to get out in front of it with a two month lead? Now's a good time to do that. A very advantageous new moon from my perspective. Any questions on it before we go to the full mode?
Julia Marie (12:16):
No, what you just said makes perfect sense because I'm actually starting a program to teach myself how to better create an online course and it's a 12 week course. So I guess my timing is perfect because the release date would be in January.
Michael Spremulli (12:39):
Well, there you go. And it's really interesting if you're listening to this, I obviously have some interest in astrology and then a lot of people don't have an interest in astrology. That's okay. But it's kind of funny how sometimes these cycles end up lining up for us if we're just kind of in that flow state. Even if you
know nothing about astrology and then you start to look at what's happening in the sky, we hear that a lot. It's like, well, gee, it's funny you mentioned that because here's what I have planned and you just shared a beautiful example with that. Take advantage of this new moon hit the ground running in November. It
occurs actually on Friday, November 1st at 8:46 AM in the sign of Scorpio. You can't have a new moon without a full moon. So we have one of those too. 15 days later, full Moon is happening in Taurus on Friday, November 15th at 5:28 PM Taurus is one of those signs that often gets mislabeled as well.
We want it to creature comforts there. Taurus likes to just kind of hang out and relax and not do a whole bunch of work and eat bon bonds all day. And that's not really what Taurus is all about. Taurus is about the energy associated with Taurus is about unfolding from within and sometimes that gets misinterpreted
as someone being lazy. Someone has a lot of Taurus in their chart, they really are a go with the flow type of person. And that doesn't mean lazy. I'll share a personal example here because I think it fits coming out of this hurricane. One thing that's been disrupted for me is I have not been able to get back into doing my
daily astrology updates. I just haven't had the mindset. I can't seem to pick the date. This is a traumatic situation. I know that term is used a lot and it's thrown around very easily in conversations, but this has been traumatic, but I came to the conclusion it's like I'll know it when it feels right, I'll know it when it feels right to get back in.
So as I was preparing the forecast for you, I realized that, oh, okay, we got this new moon happening on November 1st. Well, that feels right to me. And I have Taurus in the career section of my chart, which is at the top in the 10th house. Even though we're talking about the full moon here, I'm just giving an idea of
what Taurus energy is all about. And because it affects me personally, I figured I'd share this. It's like Taurus can't be pushed. You just cannot push a Taurus. They'll know when the time is right. And for me it's like this makes perfect sense to say, all right everyone, I'm back. Thanks for your concern. Now I'm going to try to get the show back on the road. So with the full moon happening in Taurus on November
15th, this is when we kind of let stuff culminate and then release because Taurus looks to find the beat in life and go with it.
When we look back six months from the 15th of November and we looked to see when the new moon in Taurus occurred, that was May 7th at 18 22, 18 degrees, excuse me, 18 degrees in two minutes, May 7th.
I always like to say when we're talking about full moons, ask yourself, what were you doing back in May?
What seeds did you plant in May? Because now's the time to reap the harvest from those going with the flow tarus type seeds and reaping your rewards. Or what do we need to cut loose? Because full moons are not about manifesting, but harvesting and releasing things that don't work. Maybe you tried to force
something six months ago that didn't quite work out. Maybe you decided to buy a hotdog cart and sell hotdog someplace in the park even though all your data and all the information said, yeah, it's probably not good, but maybe you tried to give it a shot anyways and hope to make some money, but you realized
you just ended up going several thousand dollars into the debt.
Well now the time may be to release that and say, I tried it, went with the flow, didn't quite flow. So it's time to let go of that. This full moon is I think an important time for us to tap into the flow, see what has been working, develop those things further that have worked and then release the things that really
haven't. And the good news is we get these opportunities every year. There's a new and full moon in every sign once a year. So once you become familiar with the general themes and tones, you begin to look at opportune times to start to engage in various activities. Full moon at Taurus, November 15th, 5:28 PM
good time to release anything that has been getting in the way and then focus more on being in the flow and not rushing because toss do not like to be rushed.
Alright, those are the two biggies for the month. It's important to note that our favorite mercury retrograde experience is about to happen. That happens on November 25th at 22 s 39, and it goes direct on the 15th of December, which is great in some aspects. So as you know, I don't freak out about mercury,
retrogrades or any other retrogrades for that matter. Retrogrades are a time to check in and reevaluate.
And because it's mercury and deals with thoughts and ideas, it's the time to reevaluate thoughts, ideas, and how they're connected. Because it's happening right before Thanksgiving and goes all the way through right up till Christmas. This is a time to check and recheck your holiday plans. Make sure you book that
hotel even though you think you did and make sure you got the receipt. Make sure your travel modes are set up, whether it's plane, train, or automobile, and it gives us time to pause to make sure that our thoughts, ideas, and information is connected correctly.
Could there be some travel disruptions? Sure, may they be different than what happens on any day-to-day type of basis maybe. But that's not what's important. What is important is check things retrograde or revisit anything that is important to you in the area of communication, the connection of ideas and
anything that involves planning. And again, because this is during the holiday season, there may be some bumps in the road regarding transportation and what have you, but you can mitigate a lot of that if you stay on top of things. And even if you booked, let's say some travel arrangements six months ago, it's
probably a good time to check on those to make sure nothing has changed because airlines and other methods of conveyance will change schedules sometimes. And you may have lost the email. So do what retrograde encourage you to do. Check stuff out.
Alright, well no forecast would be complete without talking about vibrations. And we got a couple that last almost throughout the entire month of November. So the first vibration is the 25th vibration, and that's a higher level of vibration of five times five. Well, the fifth vibration is about wanting to play and be curious, likes to live in a world that is not, and where curiosity reigns. Well, the 25th vibration
intensifies that even more. So it's almost like this idea of feeling I got to explore, I got to get out of my shell, I got to go looking and doing something. You may be a little bored if the current with your current situation, the idea of being creative, inventive, and having a playful type tendency. This vibration is active
all the way through November 3rd through the 18th. But we got to look at the planets because the vibration is part of the equation, but the planets are the other half, and we have Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto all connecting in the 25th vibration.
So what's that all about? Well, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto gives you the gift of being able to really quickly discover inconsistencies and hypocrisy in whatever you may be involved working on working with or working for. This can show up in your company's way of doing things, your political affiliation, your religious affiliation, your community affiliation. This is the time where you're able to step back and say,
wait a minute, we're saying this, but we're really doing that. And there's a disconnect there because Saturn and Neptune wants to seek the real magic, the real idealistic magical situation, not the window dressing, not the party line. And then we got Pluto there that adds this intensification. And remember, this is all
occurring in the 25th vibration. So the way that I piece all this together is that from the third through the 18th, it's a time to explore, ask questions, knock on the doors, figuratively and literally go beyond the surface and find out is there.
You may end up discovering that there is and life is good, but you also may end up discovering that what I'm a part of and what is being said is not actually what's happening in reality. And then you have a decision as to whether to make some changes or corrections or if that works for you, you have free will. I
think the key energy of the 25th vibration is explore. It's not work when the fifth and multiples of the fifth vibration are involved. I always like to reference a child that play in a brand new game room or toy room.
If you've ever seen an infant or young child show up in a room where there's all these new toys that they never experienced before, they're looking at this, they're picking it up, they're turning it over. If something has items in it, they'll dump it out on the floor and see what it's play.
It's like this is an excellent time to explore what magic you generally are drawn to and see if it's genuine or does it maybe need to be removed and started afresh and hit a little bit of a reset button. Again, 25th vibe Saturn, Neptune. Pluto happens from November 3rd through November 18th. Now, as if that weren't enough, and remember this gets stacked on top of the new and full moon energies as well. So energy does not cancel out other energy. It all gets combined to form this giant cosmic pot of chili or stew or whatever you prefer, or vegetarian soup if that's your thing. The idea is that it all blends together. So now we also
have the fifth, excuse me, 15th vibration active. It's not quite as long. It goes from November 12th through the 22nd and Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus are involved during that period. Alright, so how is the 15th?
Because it is a multiple of five. How is that different from the 25th? Five is still that core playful vibration, but then we multiply five times three to give us 15. Well, the third vibration or trying, because that's basically everyone says, well, I don't know about vibrational astrology, I just know the basic five aspects. Well, you're doing vibrational astrology because when you get up into the higher orders, all we're
doing is dividing the wheel into different segments that are aspects. So anyways, I am going off topic here, but five and three. Five is playful creative energy. Three is this desire for harmony because it's the trying element when trying connect. The energy needs to flow freely for us to feel comfortable, happy,
successful. When things are not flowing easily, that's when trines end up creating difficulties and they can. Everyone says, well, trines, it's a smooth sailing.
Well, it can be if the energy is flowing easily, but if there are blocks in your world that are preventing that energy from flowing naturally, it's not going to be a good time for you. So you've got Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus in the middle of this 15th vibration doing its thing for about a week or so, or about 10 days. Well,
Saturn and Jupiter is this great ability to organize things. Saturn takes out what's not needed. Jupiter helps you grow and expand your horizons, but the two together are like a check dam system so that you're not growing too fast and going off into the weeds. And then Jupiter makes sure that you don't strip everything down to the studs so that you never grow. So it's actually a good time for organization and expanding horizons, growing businesses. But we have Uranus in there too, where Uranus breaks us out of the norm.
Starting to notice a theme here. This whole November is getting out of the norm and moving forward into more in the moment, things that are real, things that are lively, things that don't have a whole lot of glitz and glimmer. We're focusing on what is real, not what people tell us, not what the media tells us. And that
doesn't mean just go believe anything you want. It means look for the evidence. I'm an evidence-based astrologer. And evidence doesn't lie. Science can lie. When people say follow the science. Well that's partly true, but a better way to phrase that, and this is from my teacher David Cochran, is follow the evidence because evidence is what it is, it's not manipulated. So this is a time for us to kind of sift through all the things that are out there that are being shown to us, and then we have to figure out, alright, where's the evidence?
What makes sense? What's legitimate versus what might be a bit hypocritical or not as it's being told to us? Again, you can't just go make up your magical beliefs. You got to look at the evidence and see what's going on there. So this 15th vibe can help nudge you out of an area where you might've felt stuck and start to embrace new discoveries where the energy can flow much more freely for you. Alright, one last vibration for the month of November, and it goes from November 2nd all the way through the 23rd, and that obviously is running concurrently with the 25th vibe, which goes from the third to the 18th. There's some overlap there. What is the 31st vibration? This is about big picture, mystery of life type of stuff. So
the 31st vibration, when that is active, it sparks in us this idea that life is a mystery that we can't necessarily fully comprehend.
And the 31st vibration prompts us to accept the unknown and the mysterious, it basically says, Hey, you're not going to get answers to everything, but you may get some insights and do your best to use those insights to make your life as positive and as rich and as fruitful as possible when the 31st vibration is active. And you'll see this is kind of the linchpin in all of this. The 31st vibration feels dissatisfied with
common or pat answers to questions, especially when we're talking about religion, philosophy, and politics. The 31st vibration is like this spiritual awakening, and that showed up I think in August. I don't remember the 31st vibe was active for a period of time. As I was going through my notes, I remember seeing it. So it was there. Different planets were involved and we'll get to the planet shortly. But from
November 2nd to the 23rd, this is a time for us to ask ourselves, are we just being given simple or common answers or is there real depth here?
Is there real meaning here? Are things just being glossed over or do I need to look at this from a different perspective entirely? Now, the planets that are aspecting are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Well, Uranus breaks us out of the norm. Neptune is what's magical to you, and Pluto is this compulsion and this intensity. This brings by itself these three planets, this transpersonal and spiritual flavor to things. People tend to find success and happiness and fulfillment in projects and activities that may have a youthful visionary and inspirational component. This time from the second to the 23rd of November, it's a soul searching time in the truest sense of the word and realizing that life is a mystery that is meant to be explored. And it's up to us to find the path of exploration that makes the most sense. Remember because just a second ago when we were talking about that little spread in November from the 12th to the 22nd with the 15th vibration, it's kind of breaking out of the old norms.
And the 25th vibration is also about exploration, finding the true magic, not the magic that exists in Times Square or in designer labels. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but if that's where the focus is on the external rather than the internal, you may want to shake that up a little bit and see how that's working
for you. So during this 31 vibration period, which is active most of November, which, and this is as close as I'm going to get to this, it's kind of interesting that it's causing us to do some soul searching right in the middle of the US election and the weeks that follow it, I have no idea what's going to happen. I'm not a
political astrologer, it's not my bag, but I think during the time leading up to and after this 31 vibe is going to be present, having all of us question what's happening, what are we doing? Is this real or are there things that we need to explore further and at a more deeper level going into the core meaning of things
rather than just a surface analysis with what has been laid out or handed to us. And that is what's happening for November, 2024.
Julia Marie (32:39):
Well, as always, I appreciate your analysis and exposition of what's coming our way. This month feels like it's a time to go deep, go inside, reassess, but also take advantage of the opportunities that are presenting themselves.
Michael Spremulli (33:02):
Absolutely. And it's, intense is a good word, but intense doesn't mean bad.
Julia Marie (33:11):
Michael Spremulli (33:11):
I think that's an important thing for folks to take away. We may feel a bit compressed, but the old analogy of you take coal and pressurize it, and that's where the diamonds come from. I despise cliches, but that
just showed up for me now, so I figured I'd share it
Julia Marie (33:31):
Makes sense to me. Now, before we close, please tell the people how they can find you.
Michael Spremulli (33:38):
Sure. I'm at blue ridge astrology.com, blue ridge astrology.com, and my website has all the information about the services that I offer, including one-on-one consults, as well as individualized astrology reports. I will be back on social doing my updates with a slight modification shortly on all the majors, TikTok,
YouTube, Facebook, et cetera, and you can get to all that from the website, blue ridge astrology.com.
Julia Marie (34:10):
Well, that's our time for today. If you've been on the fence about a consultation with Michael, now is the perfect time. They also make great gifts. So in case you have someone who's a hard to shop for person, maybe consider a vibrational astrology consult with one of the best in the business. I'm grateful to each
and every one of you for your continued support of evolving humans. If you found value in this episode, please share it with at least two other people so that together we can bring more light to this world.
Evolving Humans is now on YouTube. The link will be in the show notes. Click subscribe so you don't miss any of the extra content I'm posting there. It's all to support your evolving journey.