Evolving Humans
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Evolving Humans
SPECIAL REPORT: Pluto in Capricorn: Secrets Revealed! Ep 152 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
Many of us have been feeling the effects of this planetary influence without knowing it. If your life has been disrupted, especially since the end of September - and you'll learn today just how long a Pluto cycle is - you'll want to give this one a listen.
In this special edition of the Cosmic Weather Report on the Evolving Humans podcast, host Julia Marie and guest Michael, a vibrational astrologer, delve into the implications of Pluto's retrograde into Capricorn.
They discuss Pluto's slow-moving cycle, its intense energy, and its role in revealing hidden information and dismantling outdated structures. Michael explains how Pluto's return to Capricorn since September 2, 2024, has brought significant upheavals, exposing secrets and necessitating the overhaul of failing systems, such as the water distribution system in Asheville, North Carolina.
The conversation highlights the transformative power of Pluto, emphasizing its role in clearing the way for new beginnings. As Pluto prepares to move into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, the discussion shifts to the anticipated changes, focusing on themes of equality and community.
The episode encourages listeners to reflect on personal disruptions and consider how Pluto's energy has influenced their lives.
Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!
For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us
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Julia Marie (00:00):
If your life has been extra challenging the last couple months, you'll want to listen up today as we talk about the Pluto retrograde into Capricorn on this special edition of the Cosmic Weather Report.
Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. My friend and favorite astrologer is with us today, and I'm grateful, so
grateful to have him here with us. Michael is an experienced vibrational astrologer with great insight, and he's also an excellent teacher. So you'll learn something today as well. Michael, I can't express how happy I am that you're here with us today. Welcome back to Evolving Humans.
Michael Spremulli (01:06):
Well, thank you so much. I am always looking forward to meeting with you once a month. We're coming up on our one year anniversary.
Julia Marie (01:12):
I know.
Michael Spremulli (01:14):
So yeah, this is kind of a little bonus session that you and I were chatting about that I think would be helpful to your listeners. Let's talk about the craziness of Pluto for a little bit, because I think that slipped off a lot of people's radars because is kind of the thumbnail. I'll catch you up. So if you have no idea what
we're talking about, it doesn't matter because I'm going to cover you right now so that you know what's happening. Pluto is a very slow moving planet. It takes Pluto 248 years to go around the Zodiac. That's a long time. It spends on average between 18 to 20 years and a sign depending on retrogrades and moving
backwards. So overall, it takes 248 years for Pluto to take its trip around the entire Zodiac wheel. Well, before we start to look at the Pluto cycle, we've got to look at Pluto's energy and see what Pluto is responsible for, because in vibrational astrology, every planet, every sign, every house only serves one purpose.
So Pluto by itself, when it's not aspecting with anything, doesn't do all that much or isn't all that important. However, the energy that it brings when it does impact an ingress into a sign and then form aspects is very intense. Pluto is all about this compulsion drive and even a little obsessive type energy.
Now, in traditional astrology, Pluto is often referred to as the wrecking ball, the destroyer of things to pave the way for things to come, and that certainly has some relevance and some truth to it. But from a VA perspective, Pluto is raw intensity. I refer to it like a dog with a bone energy, where when Pluto's on
the scene, it doesn't leave anything alone until the job is done, and that can be super intense. Well, if we go back and look at the Pluto cycle that's lasted about 18 years or so, you got to go back to 2008, and Pluto, NVA, as well as traditional astrology often ends up revealing secret or hidden information.
Well, you got to go back to 2008 and look at the financial crisis that happened with junk bonds and all the other stuff that I have tried to forget about because it wasn't a fun time for anyone. But there was all this stuff that was happening that was being sold subprime. Mortgages were involved and things were
chugging along until they weren't. Well, that's right at the start of that Pluto cycle, meaning Pluto entered into Capricorn. Now Capricorn is the sign of structure, an order and systems and practicality and detachment. Well, when Pluto shows up, if you think of Pluto as sort of like the wrecking ball, it's like, alright, I'm in here in Capricorn and I'm looking around and well, it looks like your roof needs to be
replaced and your walls have some cracks in them and your foundation's got a big chunk missing out of it, and the electrical system in your house is not so good.
You know what? Let's just demo the whole thing and we start all over. That's the essence of Pluto Energy when it shows up in a sign where things have been fairly stabilized and structured. The last time Pluto went into Capricorn was in 1776 ish. So I'll let you be the history buffs and look and see what was
happening then. It was a pretty disruptive period in time. So alright, Pluto goes into Capricorn in 2008. There's been all sorts of disruptions. I'm not going to list all those because we've spoken about those on previous recordings and podcasts here. But then starting around the beginning of this year, and I don't
have the actual date, it doesn't matter. For our conversation today, Pluto finally said, you know what?
Alright, I've done my work here. It's time to move on. And it progressed into Aquarius because Pluto had evaluated the structures and blown up the ones that didn't work.
We had Covid mixed in there. We had all sorts of stuff happening. Old systems, old ideologies being challenged. All that rolls up under Pluto's purview. Things are kind of moving along. Moving into Aquarius. Aquarius is a totally different energy than Capricorn. Aquarius is about connecting with everyone, being part of the community, the democratization of information and resources where only a
select few is not responsible for everything. We all have a part and we all have access and it, it's more of that community connectivity type of vibe. Alright, that's great until September 2nd of this year, September 2nd, 2024, where Pluto decided to do one last little retrograde or visit in two Capricorn. Now
of course, this is all planned and we saw this coming. So when I'm speaking like this implying that Pluto has a mind of its own, well it may, but we're following the astronomy. That's what we're talking about here.
So Pluto jumps back into Capricorn and says, alright, I want to do one final inspection. Make sure that everything in here is the way it needs to be. Old structures that don't work are blown up. Anything that we
missed on that first demolition, we're going to come in and fix that now so that once I'm out of here, now I'm gone and you'll never see me back in Capricorn again, not in our lifetimes unless they somehow enable us to live to 250 years old. Highly unlikely. Once Pluto leaves Capricorn after this little stint, it's
done. So here's what I found interesting, and I think that's why we are doing this separate section here. I went and looked at some of the major news stories that have evolved since September through where we are at this point, the beginning part of November, and I'm just going to read some pseudo headlines here.
There's been a lot of information, a k, a secrets that have come out within the past couple of months.
That's one function of Pluto. It reveals hidden information. So here are some of the things that I note, and this is not exhaustive. This is admittedly a quick internet search. You had the shake up over at Secret Service revolve regarding details on their failures to protect the former president. There was an article that
dropped on September 25th explaining gaping holes in protocol and there was a whole bunch of things.
It's like the dirty laundry is being aired. Okay, here's one that I didn't see on major news networks, but it's out there if you go look for it. NASA release findings from its unidentified anomalous phenomena, UAP study in mid-September. More secrets, by the way, my personal prediction. I think we're going to get
solid confirmation that we are truly not alone sometime around 2027, but that's another conversation.
But NASA released these findings, secrets, unearthed. Then we switch into Hollywood. P Diddy has a ton of allegations being made against him. Sean Combs, and again, these are alleged, I am just reporting what
the news is reporting, but now we're seeing how far these allegations potentially reach. We're seeing them potentially touch high establishments inside of corporate America. This is Ludo stuff. Secrets coming undone. Alright, the headline for this, I kind of wrote this, I didn't mention it when we started, is Secrets
Revealed and Frameworks Unsealed because we've been speaking about the secrets now with all the things kind of coming out, but then there are frameworks that are unsealed, which we'll get to in a moment. Elon Musk recently, there's been reports that he has been in communication with Putin. I don't
know what the veracity of that is, but that's certainly one of the things that's been alleged.
But now we switch gears. Alright, this is all the secret stuff, but Pluto revamps structures that need to be updated desperately. And we have two major hurricanes within a week and a half, two weeks that create major damage. And I had the experience of living through one of 'em in Asheville, North Carolina where
it was ground is still ground. It's going to take years for Asheville to recover. But let's look at some of the mechanics regarding the hurricane. When Hurricane Helene hit Asheville, no one knew how bad the damage was going to be. No one knew what to expect, what was going on. And then shortly in the days
after, once they were able to get news crews and choppers and people flying over, we discovered how bad things really were. One of the main things that I'm not sure how many people are aware of who don't live in or around Asheville that got exposed and remember Pluto exposes things, is that our water distribution
system, 1800 miles of pipe in the city of Asheville, it looked like you took spaghetti noodles and just basically smashed them up before you cook them.
When you see the pictures and if you want to see the photos, and I'll warn you, they're disturbing search for Swanno Asheville. That's one of the many areas. There's a lot of areas that were hit, but you will see pipe that looks like, how do we even begin to put this together again? That's how destroyed it was. Now, I
want to be very cautious of drawing the lines of where astrology has impact and doesn't overreach. If anything, I'm ultra conservative from the standpoint of not giving astrology more credit than it deserves.
It certainly has a big place, but not everyone who lived through this Pluto thing has experienced a hurricane. Of course not. And it doesn't mean that they're going to be hurricanes whenever Pluto is aspecting or in a particular rowdy sign or whatever. But isn't it interesting, and this is how I'll frame it,
isn't it interesting that when Pluto comes through and exposes this water system that really, really, really has needed to have been updated for I don't know how many years, guess what, you got to update it now or it's not going to work.
Looking at it from that perspective, it's like it's pretty wild. Pluto exposes whatever it is that needs attention. It helps us purge ourselves in a way of things that no longer work that old water system. You cannot patch it together. They've had to lay hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of feet of new water
pipe, 500 feet at a time, test it, make sure it didn't leak, move on to the next, and that just falls in line with Pluto's method of operation. It's like, well, I've been kind of saying in the background, we got to get these pipes fixed. You're not going to take care of it. Well, I'm going to make you take care of it now because it
just obliterated everything and it puts things together. And by the way, I'm not sliding Hurricane Milton. I know that they sacrificed and went through a whole series of challenges as well.
I'm just giving you my perspective from where I'm at. I'm sure if we speak to people in that area, they could tell you things that ended up getting destroyed, whether it be bridges or causeways or highways that
need to be rebuilt. And that's another thing. So many roads were washed away here. Bridges washed away here that obviously need to be rebuilt. So we've got all this stuff happening around, which is kind of craziness. We got the election stuff happening, of course, which is rumbling around. Alright, that's fine.
But let's make it personal because remember, astrology is nothing more than cycles within. Cycles within cycles. I say that every month and I probably will until I leave this earth. So there's this stuff happening at a hurricane level and at these massive allegations and things coming out and all this hidden stuff. But I
want you as a listener to ask yourself, has the last two months been a bit of an upheaval personally in some way?
What systems in your world and in your life have you been forced or encouraged? Highly encouraged to either let go of and embark on a new system or just blow up the old system and throw it out for me was I had a bunch of stuff here on the floor in my basement that flooded that had to be thrown out. That's Pluto,
and some of it was valuable, obviously, but then there's stuff that I've been hanging on to since we moved to this house. So if we look at it through Pluto's, I was like, dude, you haven't touched these boxes since
you moved in 10 years ago. Maybe we need to get 'em out of here. Which is really kind of interesting when you sit back and think about this and are coming to me saying, oh my goodness, I had this whole situation set up. It was running smooth for years and now it's not working anymore and I've got to throw
the whole thing out or all this thing that time I invested into a career or this or that. It just doesn't work because corruption, I got to leave. Julia, Maria, I'll ask you as comfortable as you feel sharing, what has the past couple of months been like for you with regard to this whole Pluto Energy?
Julia Marie (15:21):
Well, for me, I'll just say it's brought to my attention how many different bowls I have in the air and my increasing inability to continue to juggle them. So I know I'm probably on the cusp of making a few hard elimination type decisions as well. I haven't come to that conclusion yet, but it's very evident.
Michael Spremulli (15:48):
Well, here's the thing. You got time, whether that's positive or negative, because Pluto ducked into Capricorn September 2nd and it remains there until November 19th, this whole time period, which by the way, goes after the election here in the States. So again, this close I'm going to get, there'll probably be
some drama unfold host election for a few weeks. But the good news is this LTO leaves Capricorn forever, at least in our lifetime on the 19th and ventures into Aquarius. Now, energy doesn't turn on and off like a switch. So it's not like, wow, okay, everything's going to be sunshine and roses on the 19th
moving forward. Pluto's a slow mover. It's going to take some time. But what happens then is once it kind of gets into the sign and starts to gel, if you will, for lack of a better term, then we can expect Pluto to bring this energy and compulsion in a different way because it's in a different sign.
And the sign of Aquarius is about equality and everyone having access and the democratization of all the things I mentioned before where everyone gets a seat at the table. It had to do this last hurrah to kind of come in and make sure, or what outdated old structures and systems do we need to get rid of that are not
serving anyone. I think Harvey Weinstein was rearranged for something else recently, so it's like it's doing this cleanup in areas that still have some loose ends, and some of you may experience a whole lot of this. Others of you may not experience all that much, but collectively you're probably going to
experience something where a foundation that you become accustomed to or a way of doing things is totally upended. The message that I want to bring is that this is part of the process for setting the stage for the next act.
Forest fires are horrible and they cause tremendous amounts of devastation, but ecologists will tell us that they're necessary every so often to clear the brush so that it sets the stage for the forest to go through the
next cycle. I don't want to go so far to say that Pluto's creating a forest fire, but it's certainly shaking our foundations a bit, and when we know this, it does a couple of things. Doesn't necessarily make it any more easy or fun, but we know that A, there's a purpose going on here and we can start to look at what do
I need to get rid of? What do I need to really just say this worked during the, and that's the thing. Pluto doesn't come in and say, oh, you've been wasting your time all these years. It's like, what has worked for you previously no longer works now, so you don't need to mess with it.
I remember when I first started my assessment business back the nineties, the big thing then to get marketing done was SEO search engine optimization. I'm sure people have heard that term before and some people are still saying that's the way to get things done. But search engine optimization now
compared to the nineties, totally different ballgame. It's not nearly as powerful because now we have social media and other channels and AI and what have you. So that old system, yeah, you could continue to spend a lot of time and money if you're a business owner focusing only on SEO, but that system kind
of ran its course. I mean, yeah, it still has a place, but there are other systems and processes that pack a bit more punch right now compared to the old way of doing things. That's pretty much what I've got to say on the Pluto cycle.
If things have been crazy in your world as you're listening to this, you are not alone, and it shows up differently for everyone. And I would encourage you to leave a comment on this video to indicate how the Pluto cycle's been affecting you because it's interesting to hear from people, and it could be everything
from family disruption to being relocated to having to give up caffeine because their doctor said, you can't have this, so it doesn't have to be a hurricane is my point. It may feel like a hurricane, but it doesn't have to be. So there's various grades of this happening through. The good news is once we get into Aquarius,
we've got 18 to 20 years of this democratization, equalization, rebalance. The true age of Aquarius is now here full force and Pluto's bringing its power into that area to show the world that everyone gets a seat at the table. Those are my thoughts regarding Pluto.
Julia Marie (20:29):
Well, I was interested to hear you mention that this country was birthed kind of in a Pluto kind of cycle.
Michael Spremulli (20:37):
Julia Marie (20:39):
Exactly. I've always been interested with that,
Michael Spremulli (20:42):
And that's breaking away from the old system. It's like, okay, we're leaving England and we're going to kind of do our thing and we're going to break out, and I'd have to go back and look at the transits to see there's some question as to when, what is the birth chart of the United States? Do you count the day the Declaration of Independence was signed? But the general tone is it's like we left the system that worked, but now it's not working for us and we're going to do something different. That's total Pluto energy, Pluto.
If you're thinking of it in construction terms, Pluto doesn't just put a new coat of paint on things. It strips everything down to the drywall and studs, and then you rebuild based on that because it hits at the core.
Julia Marie (21:28):
Now you said Pluto's going into Aquarius soon, thank goodness, but we still have a little bit of shadow effect.
Michael Spremulli (21:38):
There's going to be residual. Yes. It's one of those things. Right now, at this moment, we are looking at Pluto sitting at 29 degrees of Capricorn in astrology for the astrology buffs out there. That's what it's referred to as an antic degree, which is packs a bit more power. And if you think of it as people get attention when they walk into a room and often when they leave a room, so Pluto showing up now, it's at this 29th position, and it's going to be like, I'm going to wave to you one last time before we get out of here and let you know that I've been here and done some work. Will they be residual for the next few months? Yeah, of course. But that'll start to abate as it solidifies into Aquarius, and then once, by the time
you get Pluto around February 28th, it's at two degrees Aquarius, and remember, it moves very, very, very, very slowly.
The moon moves around the entire chart in two and a half days, just to give you some perspective, so it's covering like 13 or so degrees and change every couple of days. It took from November 19th through roughly around the middle of February for Pluto to move two degrees. It's a slower mover and the energy
takes a longer time to kind of transmute. I'm going to say that by the time we start to reach February, most of that capricornian disruption that we've been experiencing at least over the past couple of months should
start to be in the rear view mirror, but it'll take a little bit of time.
Julia Marie (23:15):
Well, I'll just be glad to wave goodbye. That's all I'm going to say.
Michael Spremulli (23:21):
Can I leave your listeners with one thought here?
Julia Marie (23:23):
Michael Spremulli (23:24):
There's a temptation to say hearing this discussion that, oh, Pluto's bad. I'm going to look at Pluto on my chart and I'm going to be worried. No, none of the planets are good or bad. They don't have good or bad intentions, at least from a VA perspective. It's just the energy. The energy's a little disruptive with Pluto
and Capricorn, Pluto's going to disrupt. It's going to be a different type of disruption. It's like equity for all. Let's all get into this together. That's a different type of disruption. It's going to show up differently because it's in a different sign where different energy gets blended, and if there's anything that I'm really
committed to is making people aware that there is no negative, positive, good intended or negative intended planets or signs. It's just different energy cycles. So I say all this not to scare anyone, it's just a matter of categorizing and codifying the energy that we've been dealing with and then getting some ideas
to when that's going to shift and when we get some relief, wherever Pluto's placed in your chart or anyone else's chart for that matter, you've got that drive and compulsion and a little bit of obsession, which is not a bad thing to have if it's channeled correctly, but it could be a bad thing to have.
If you have a predisposition for maladaptive behaviors, you see, it's like there's a plus and minus double- edged sword. Whatever type of mindset you want to approach this with, it applies to all the astrological factors. You can overdo a good thing, and that's what we need to be aware of, especially if we're
predisposed to head down that path, we can hopefully prevent ourselves from veering off into the cosmic ditch.
Julia Marie (25:03):
Perfect. Please tell the people how to find you.
Michael Spremulli (25:07):
Sure. For those who are interested in my work, my consultations and or personalized astrological reports, you can visit blue ridge astrology.com. That's blue ridge astrology.com. If you've got any questions, I'm
very easily accessible. You can leave a note here, but the best thing is send me an email from the website and if you have any questions about what I do or how I may be able to assist you, feel free to ask. And thank you, Julia Maria, as always for having me. I always enjoy spending time with you talking astrology.
Julia Marie (25:40):
Well, and I hope the listeners do leave their comments because I would be interested to hear how this recent return of Pluto into Capricorn has affected people. But now that's our time for today. If you've been
on the fence about a consultation with Michael, now's the perfect time. His consultations also make a great Christmas gift. If you have somebody who's difficult to shop for, maybe consider a gift certificate.
I'm grateful to each and every one of you for your continued support of evolving humans. If you found value in this episode, please share it with at least two other people so that together we can bring more light to this world or now on YouTube. The link will be in the show notes. Click subscribe so you don't
miss any of the extra content I'm posting there. And all of this is to support your evolving journey.