Evolving Humans

Our Primary Lesson, Faith, The Divine Within & More: The Channeling Project, Pt 4 EP 149

Julia Marie Episode 149

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 In this episode of Evolving Humans, host Julia Marie channels a profound conversation as The Channel about the limitless potential within each individual.

Kristin Raftery guides the process, and we are grateful for her assistance.

The discussion explores the concept of divine alchemy and the journey of remembering one's own magnificence despite the limitations of the physical world.
The Channel emphasizes the importance of connecting with one's inner light and the power of faith in transcending physical constraints. They discuss the nature of reality, the essence of truth, and the continuous process of creation through thoughts and words.

The conversation also touches on the interconnectedness of all beings and the significance of recognizing the divine within oneself and others.

The episode concludes with a reminder to explore with curiosity and to nurture the desire to understand beyond the physical realm.

Many thanks to Pixabay's AlexWitLight's Music healing frequencies 184989 for the music bed for this episode.
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The Channel (00:00):
More content from the channeling project on today's episode of Evolving Humans. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for awakening souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation.
Kristin R (00:35):
Can you talk about how within each of us lies a profound power, a divine alchemy that has the potential to transform every aspect of our being?
The Channel (00:53):
The beauty of your journey here is you carry limitless potential into a place with great limitation. The tragedy is you carry limitless potential into a place with great limitation that includes the veil of forgetting your own magnificence. It is far more difficult to deconstruct the human concept of who you are as a soul.
This impossible process is seldom achieved by beings who incarnate on this planet. Yes, earth is a classroom and it is filled with lessons. The primary lesson for every being that incarnates here would be to remember your own light, your own power, your own magnificence, and if you have any inclination
towards firsthand experience of your own true potential, and start wherever you can and immerse yourself in however much of your own light you can access at any given and know that this light is your true identity, the more you are able to connect with who you truly are, the greater the potential for you to be
able to express that authentically into this dimension.
We observe that you hold the keys to your own freedom. It is as if you are both the jailer and the prisoner at one and the same time you are in a prisoner of your own making built with limiting beliefs and yet at one in the same time you hold the keys to your own freedom and most of you are not aware that all you
have to do is open the door and step out of that cage. It is often said by many that you fear your own light and we would in many ways tend to agree.
However, if you are able to surrender that trepidation, that fear, surrender that and know that you carry a higher wisdom, a peace within you that is waiting to be expressed into the world, this is the path forward.
You are beings of infinite power and incredible potential and yet you do not even recognize that within your own being. So start where you can imagine a pool of light that is your light and allow yourself to step into that pool and be immersed in it and just allow yourself to feel that light and then perhaps use
your imagination to see that pool grow larger to where it is a lake and then eventually an ocean and perhaps even a universe of light. That light is you, no matter the quantum of light that you can comfortably perceive, be it a small pool or a lake or an ocean or a universe. Allow yourself to expand into
that and know that that is the truth of your existence.
Kristin R (06:37):
How do we direct the energy of the I am presence towards the healing of the nations? At a soul level,
The Channel (06:51):
The most important thing would be to understand that you are that energy and that there is per se, no need to direct that energy in one regard or another. Simply allow yourself to be it and broadcast it out into the world where that energy is conscious and it knows where it needs to flow and what needs to be
accomplished to just allow yourself to be the conduit through which that energy flows and know that that is who you are as fundamentally that is who you are as a soul. You are that energy, the energy of the I am.
You are the sound of creation in solidified form and therefore aligning yourself with your true resonance can bring the discernible shift in your own experience of who you are as a soul.
Kristin R (08:24):
Thank you. Would you say that faith is a living presence within us, and would you agree that faith allows us to transcend the perceived constraints of the physical world and enter the limitless potential of the divine? Can you elaborate please?
The Channel (08:54):
Faith in and of itself is not necessarily always sufficient to bring forth the desired understanding of how the unseen world works, but it is enough to at least open one's mind to the possibilities and the potentials that are available. Faith in yourself, faith in who you are as a being above and beyond just your physical
aspect is a critical component in your capabilities as far as allowing yourself to expand into who you truly are. If you do not harbor a belief that there is something that exists beyond what can be perceived by the five physical senses, then it is nearly impossible to be able to comprehend one's own potential, at least the
potential that extends beyond the physical realm of being. So faith is necessary in order for you to progress.
Kristin R (10:46):
Thank you Is the world we perceive around us a true representation of reality or merely a shadow created by our own minds?
The Channel (11:06):
What you perceive around you through your physical senses is what you are capable of perceiving through your physical senses, but that is a mere sliver of the reality of what is around you at any given moment in time. As you expand your awareness to include your nonphysical perceptions, that is when
you begin to glimpse the true nature of reality and its multi-dimensional expression for every physical object, there are multiple dimensions of expression for that object. So just imagine as you stand in your room and look around at the physical objects that are there and know that there are multiple dimensions in
which each one of those objects exists. So yes, the short answer would be this reality that you see around you is a mere shadow of what true reality actually is and you will not be able to properly apprehend that until you leave this physical existence behind you. Yes, there will be a loss of certain aspects of physical
existence that are not present anywhere else, but you'll have a better grasp of reality itself and the multidimensional nature of it when you are no longer chained to your physical senses as a way of perceiving reality in general.
Kristin R (13:25):
Thank you. What is knowledge and how can we know anything? For sure. Is all knowledge relative or are there some truth that transcends individual perspective?
The Channel (13:47):
Truth absolute truth transcends both time and space and we would say that knowledge is one mind's interpretation of something that is true. The challenge is in determining what is the core essence of whatever the principle is that's being put forth. So your question does presume that there is a difference
between knowledge and the essence of whatever that is or what you would call truth, and we would agree with this. Always allow your discernment to lead you down the path and do not pause in your search until you are satisfied with what you find and then always allow yourself to be open to what may come as your
awareness expands knowing that the truth itself is immutable and unchangeable and therefore the expression of certain principles may change and evolve over time, but the essence of that principle, the truth of that understanding will always remain the same.
One way to discern these truths is to search through many different schools of thought, the statements of many keepers of wisdom until you find the common threads and these common threads make up the fabric of what is truth, the fundamental foundations upon which everything else all of their understanding
is built always allow whatever it is that you are exploring to hit your field when you are in a neutral state so that you can best perceive what actually resonates as true for you versus what does not. This will help you sort out what is useful from what is not.
Kristin R (17:02):
Thank you. Can you talk about how we're always in the process of creation, whether we realize it or not, how every word, every thought, every belief is a command to the universe. A directive that the divine presence within us follows without question. And why is it so important to be mindful of our thoughts and
The Channel (17:41):
The common understanding is that the universe is responsive and that you are engaged in a conversation with infinite intelligence every moment, with every breath you take, whether you are asleep or awake, you are creating your own reality individually and collectively and therefore the kinder you can be to
yourself in thought, word and deed, the kinder you can be to yourself, the lighter, the vibration that you emanate will be and thus progress is made. You do yourself a great disservice when you continually act as judge and juror and denigrate your very efforts at improving your understanding of yourself and why you
are here.
We have said it before, be kind to yourself, be gentle with yourself, be patient with yourself. You have chosen to take on an incredibly challenging task to come here and learn how to transcend the limitations of material. Existence is not easy and often the injuries sustained when you are young tend to color your
experience as you grow into adulthood and there comes a time in your life when it is important to be the loving parent that perhaps you did not experience. You must learn how to do that for yourself likewise, to extend that self same kindness to those around you whom you know are in need of forbearance. It is the
one shore way through is a dark path you find yourselves on at this moment in time.
Kristin R (20:57):
Thank you. What happens to the soul when you adopt a powerful stance? Accept your divine essence and let the everlasting flame within you radiate its brightness, illuminating the world with your truth
The Channel (21:24):
When one is able to achieve that alignment with the human aspect, with the soul that allows for the soul to express itself fully into this realm unimpeded by any limiting beliefs or hesitation. Now this is a rare phenomenon here. It has been demonstrated by some of what you would call your great masters. However
that is for the most part, the exception and not the rule. The more you are able to allow your unfettered light to emanate into the world, whether you speak or not, the more that raises the vibration of the environment around you. And this would include the scene and the unseen aspects of that environment.
You created an instrument through which your soul was going to express into this world. And yes, that instrument comes with an ego. Your ego has its place. It is necessary for your survival as a physical being. So when you are able to bring yourself into alignment with the light of your own soul, ego also
knows to step back, maintain its place and allow the soul its fullest expression. It will be a great day on this planet when humans are able to speak to each other from that higher place and interact with each other without allowing their humanity to detract or distract from the essence of the soul to soul communication. You hear a lot of that in your conversations these days speaking soul to soul, and yet many of you truly understand what that means. You're on the right path. Do not despair. Continue to strive to see the light in one another and acknowledge that light and know that within each and every one
of you there is a spark of divinity crying to be set free so that it can express into this world what it has come to experience.
Kristin R (24:46):
Thank you. Can you talk about the radiant field of divine energy that's within us and that encircles our being, protecting, empowering and connecting us to the infinite source of all creation?
The Channel (25:05):
Those two things you mentioned are one and the same. That radiant field is the infinite source and the infinite source is the radiant field. Human mind tends to want to parse things into ever smaller bits of the quantum field, and yet it is an indivisible field with no beginning and no end, and therefore the
deconstruction of infinity itself is a waste of time and energy. The protective capacity or aspect comes from one's understanding that one is that field and therefore since that is all there is, there is no need to protect one from oneself. You're powerful creators and yet for the most part you do not recognize or
understand how effective you are at manifesting what it is you want to experience in this world. And many of you complain about the circumstances you find yourself in and yet you won't take a moment to contemplate what your part in creating those circumstances are. So that is always a good place to start.
You are one with the light and you are that light, and yet you often forget that the light is where your power lies and acknowledging that within yourself you have that infinite potential can be a good first step in your being able to achieve more of your latent dormant potential than you are currently capable of expressing.
Kristin R (27:27):
Thank you. Can you talk about how connecting with your inner flame of creation can open us to this infinite wisdom of the universe, the guidance of our higher self and the divine beings who are always with us supporting us on our journey?
The Channel (27:53):
It would be an interesting journey for each of you to simply intend to sit in the light of your own creative flame, the light of your own soul, sit in that light every day and actively experience what it feels like to be that light and imprisoned within to some degree imprisoned within a physical body that comes with
certain limitations. Learning to identify more with the light that you are by identifying with the light within as opposed to focusing on your physical body will bring about great change within your consciousness. That in and of itself will transform how you move in the world and it is a simple matter of
allowing the light that is within you to hold sway over the other aspects of your being in particular the physical.
Kristin R (29:12):
Thank you. Would you mind sharing your thoughts on this quote from the great third century mystic plot quote? Since we look towards the outside away from the point which we are all joined together, we are unaware of the fact that we are one. We are like faces turned towards the outside but attached on the
inside to one single head. If we could turn around then all at once, we would see God ourselves. The all.
The Channel (29:57):
One of the most important truths to be expressed here today is that you are each of you indeed one cell of a greater organism, and yet you identify so completely with your own isolated aspect that you forget the other cells in the body of which you are apart. Understanding who you are is indeed an inside job and the
answers are not found looking outside of yourself except to the extent that if you look around you with the intention of seeing the God in the other and thus yourself in the other, that is a different matter For the most part, when you look outside of yourself, you see the other as separate from or different from who
you are instead of recognizing that each of you is God in expression no matter what that expression may be, each of you is God expressing into this world. So we would encourage you to turn around and look
within and if you are looking outside of yourself, see the other as a mirror reflecting back to you what it is you need to see most in yourself. And those are our thoughts.
Kristin R (31:50):
That's beautiful. Thank you and thank you. I'm always so grateful to connect with you. Do you have any final thoughts or lessons you would like to share today?
The Channel (32:06):
Continue to explore with the curiosity of a child wherever it is that you are led and know that understanding will come over time and will continue to unfold and expand as you nurture within yourself that desire to understand things that transcend your physical existence. You are indeed each and every one
of you, multidimensional creatures who at least until this point, have focused primarily on your physical or near physical aspects. You have not even yet begun to apprehend your potential as even as incarnated beings here on this planet. We look forward to continuing our conversation with you and we are grateful
for the opportunity to share our perspective. Know that as we engage in these conversations, we too learn and grow for that is the nature of creation itself, is to learn more about the function and the organization
of being through engagement with various aspects of oneself. So we invite you to continue to expand your concept of who you are by your very nature, and allow those insights to change how you move in the world. For now, we express our gratitude and look forward to our next conversation,
Kristin R (34:41):
Much gratitude as well. And I look forward to our next conversation as well too. Thank you.
Julia Marie: (34:53):
Well, that's our time for today. To all you evolving humans out there, thank you for continuing to support this podcast with your subscriptions and your downloads. If you benefited from this content, please share it with two of your friends so that together we can bring more light to this world. Please leave a comment
below and hit the subscribe, like and share buttons while you're on the YouTube channel. And now here's a quote for you to ponder as you go about your day. You are powerful creators yet for the most part, you do not recognize or understand how effective you are at manifesting what it is you want to experience in this world. - Delivered through The Channel