Evolving Humans

October 2024 Cosmic Weather Report Ep 147 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

Julia Marie | Guest: Michael Spremulli Episode 147

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 The Cosmic Weather Report for October 2024, presented by vibrational astrologist Michael Spremulli, delves into the significant astrological events and their potential impacts.

Key highlights include the new moon and partial solar eclipse on October 2nd in Libra, emphasizing balance in relationships and communication, and the full moon in Aries on October 17th, focusing on honesty and personal authenticity.

Additionally, Pluto's re-entry into Capricorn from September 2nd to November 19th signals a period of revisiting and solidifying structures.

Jupiter's retrograde in Gemini from October 9th to February 4th, 2025, encourages reflection and refinement of ideas.

The month also features three major vibrational influences: the 26th vibration (mission-driven focus), the 37th vibration (building personal masterpieces), and the 25th vibration (intense creative energy). These astrological insights provide guidance for leveraging cosmic energies for personal growth and transformation.


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Michael Spremulli's Website

Many thanks to Pixabay's Nature's Eye for the music bed for this episode: Slow Boat Meditation

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Julia Marie (00:08):
You know what time it is. It's time for the Cosmic Weather Report for October, 2024, vibrational astrologist. Michael Spremulli joins us again with the Cosmic Weather Report for October, 2024. Vibrational astrology is an evidence-based, click vibrational astrology is an evidence-based method, and Michael has
years of experience with this modality. His website is blue ridge astrology.com. Welcome back to Evolving Humans. Michael, I always learn so much from our conversations and I'm looking forward to what you've got to say today.
Michael Spremulli (00:55):
Hello, Julia Marie, thanks again for having me. I was looking at the calendar and would you believe we've been doing these for almost a year? I think we started last December-ish.
Julia Marie (01:07):
I believe that's correct.
Michael Spremulli (01:09):
And here we are. Time marches on. I enjoy doing these because it's a good way to focus on what's coming up for the month ahead, and we've got lots to talk about as always. So let's go ahead and dive in. I begin with my normal, I don't want to say disclaimer, but framework for the idea of your mileage will vary on
these forecasts because what we're talking about is the energy that's affecting the collective. How much or little of this energy shows up for you as an individual, as a listener, ultimately depends on what's happening in your natal chart, but you will experience these energies to some degree in various levels of
intensity. So now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about what's cooking. So the first big thing that I want to chat about is the new moon slash partial solar eclipse happening on October 2nd.
Now, we just had in September a partial lunar eclipse. Now the solar eclipse is coming. So let's talk briefly again about what eclipses are in case people jump on the train and have never heard one of these before. I always like to give a little bit of framework so people can know what's going on. So I like to think of eclipses as sort of like a cosmic power boost. They amplify the energy of whatever aspects are
happening. So you have full moons and new moons every month, but when an eclipse happens, it's like an extra jolt of power that lasts longer than the energy from a typical new or full moon. So we have a new moon slash partial solar eclipse, October 2nd, 2024. It actually starts at around 1142 Eastern time, 11:42
AM Eastern time, and it peaks around 2:45 PM Eastern time. Now, we're not going to be able to see it here in the states unless you are fortunate enough to live in Hawaii, but that's okay.
You don't need to see it in order to be able to harness the energy. So this eclipse is actually going to be happening inside of the sign of Libra. So we need to talk a little bit about Libra energy. So remember the signs give a flavor for what's going on. The actual planets that are involved get more specific as far as the
types of energy that are going to be expressed more predominantly. But the sign is important because Libra is all about balancing relationships. A lot of times you'll hear traditional astrologists say, well, Libra is a sign of balance and we've got to strike balance in our lives. And some of that is true. But what the VA
research has indicated is that when we're dealing with people who have a lot of Libra in their chart, which is multiple placements, it's about this back and forth.
It was taught to me by David Cochrane that the great way to summarize Libra is Libra wants to play catch. I'll give you an example. Let's say it's your birthday and I decide to give you a birthday gift. And let's assume I'm a Libra son, which I'm not. I'm a Capricorn. I would give you a gift. Well, what a Libra would typically want then is you wait for the person to look at the gift, unwrap it, what have you, and
then give you feedback on the gift. Oh, this is so great, or it's something I've always wanted, or whatever the case is. It's that back and forth, that equality, that equity of I'm going to throw the ball to you and now you're going to throw the ball back to me. That's the energy of Libra. It's this balance distaste for
hierarchy. We're all kind of on the same level playing field, and that's the energy that VA has determined is predominant when Libra is activated. Alright, well that's kind of interesting.
So in this new moon, we have three planets that are inside of Libra. When the moon during the new moon cycle, so you've got sun, moon, and mercury. Well, the sun shines a spotlight on whatever it is that's
important to us in our life. Whatever it's aspecting with, it makes that front and center at that given moment. I like to think of it as a spotlight on center stage showing you this is what we need to look at.
Well, the moon, which is also involved, regulates our feelings, our emotions, our learning, our history. I heard another astrologer recently said, if it wasn't for the moon, we'd all be dumb because we have no memory of things. The moon brings back memory, feelings, emotions, ancestry, anything from our past,
the moon is related to. And then mercury is in there. Mercury is the connector of thoughts and ideas.
So we have sun, moon, and mercury inside of Libra. So this is going to shine a spotlight on relationships, communication, and the need to balance elements of these relationships because Libra likes balance. If you think of the symbol or the archetype, it's the scales of balance. So it's creating this opportunity for us
to take a look at how we relate to ourselves and others, and that's what this new moon energy is all about.
Because when we have this focus on the balance of how we're treating ourselves and others, it helps us find the true meaning behind these interactions. But we're not just talking about sun, moon and Mercury, because if that was the case, it sounds all like sweetness and light. It's like, oh, new moon's coming. We're
going to get to know our people a little better. Life is good. And yeah, all of that is certainly possible.
But you also have Uranus in the mix. Uranus is sort of like the cosmic wild card and Uranus is operating and it's not in Libra. It's actually, I don't know if my chart up, but it's on the other side of the wheel. And in fact, as we're talking here, I can go ahead and just pull this so that we can see. I believe that Uranus is
going to be in, hang on, wait, you hear me typing here as we're pulling up transits on the fly. And yeah, Uranus is actually ces a quadrat to Mercury. Don't worry about the technical term, but Uranus is clocking in inside of the sign of where are we here in Taurus. So Taurus is all about going with the flow, just kind
of seeing what happens. So some of that energy's coming in, it's not going to be nearly as predominant as the Libra energy, but Uranus is what we want to focus about because it's this cosmic wildcard.
It might shake up some relationships that we are in because Uranus energy is all about wanting to live in the moment, break out of the norm, make sure that we're focusing on what's here. And noun, Uranus doesn't really care about what happened yesterday or what's going to happen tomorrow. It's like what's
going on now? So how this new moon energy can manifest and because of the eclipse, it's going to linger longer than it typically does than a typical New Moon or full moon. Expect maybe some shakeups with the people who you are closest with. This could be a breakthrough or a breakdown. It's going to help you
find the balance and authenticity with the people who you are close to. So that's something to keep an eye out for. It's not inherently bad or good. Rarely in VA are things just clear cut, good or bad.
It's what you do with the energy. So you might find out something about somebody who you didn't necessarily knew, and you might discover that someone might be a collector of hummels. I'm just using a crazy example here. And you may be a collector of Hummels, like, oh my goodness, I had no idea we had
this in common. We should go to the Hummel convention. You also may discover that someone close to you may have been keeping some secrets that you didn't know about that could potentially change the trajectory of the relationship that you're in. So be attuned to that during this period. Another area that can
get affected is communication because of Mercury's involvement. So the important takeaway here is that it's a good opportunity for you to clear the air, so to speak. If there's a relationship that you're involved with, whether it's romantic or personal, platonic, it doesn't matter.
And there are things that maybe you've been wanting to say or express that you haven't quite gotten your arms around to really bring to the forefront. This could be a good time to do that, to share whatever's on your mind that may be weigh in on your heart, but you have to be prepared for some potential unexpected
reactions. Why? Because Uranus is involved and that could make things a little lively. This opportunity though, to present yourself and share what's on your mind in this new moon. And remember, new moons are where we plant our intentions that could help set that relationship in a completely different direction,
be it positive or negative. It all depends on what the context of the situation is, but the idea is we want to be focused on the things that we can impact based on the energetic properties. And then the last piece that is related to this new moon slash partial solar eclipse is personal growth.
Uranus could push us to embrace change because it doesn't like old stale things. So if you've been stuck in a rut, this new moon can end up giving you a little bit of a shakeup to try something new, break out of that stagnation that you may be experiencing. And because it's happening in Libra, the sign of equity and
balance and this playing catch back and forth, this newness could involve interacting with other people who you know well or maybe don't know all that well, but it's a new horizon and a new opportunity. So generally, when a new or full moon happens, the energy lasts for about a week or so. It's estimated that
you'll really feel this energy for up to four weeks. Again, it depends on what's going on in your natal chart, but that's something to take advantage of because eclipses, you got a couple of them a year, a couple of lunar and solar eclipses.
If there are changes you want to make related to the areas that I just highlighted, this is a great time to plant those seeds and put those initiatives into action. And don't shy away from the unexpected because it's a grab bag, you may end up unearthing some things. I was like, Ooh, I didn't realize we were going to
get that type of a reaction. Okay, well, so what? The only constant in the universe is change, and Uranus loves change. So that's something to keep an eye out for a pretty big event in astrological terms on October 2nd and use that to your advantage. So we can't have a new moon without a full moon. That's
what's next. The full moon is happening on October 17th at 24 Aries at 7:26 AM So Aries, the energy behind it is about brutal honesty. And remember, I've given these to you from a vibrational astrology perspective. Depending on what system of astrology you may know or be familiar with, there may be some variations to this. But Aries from a VA perspective is about, Hey, I want to know the blatant truth
rather than live with a lie. Aries wants to be authentic and often asks what's really, really happening here?
So one of Ari's superpowers is the, to be honest, they often provide honest feedback and they like to receive honest feedback.
And when we're talking about whether or not you or your colleagues or family members or associates have a lot or a little of a certain sign in your chart, it goes back to placements. I touched on this a minute ago, and a placement is simply how many planets do you have in that sign? If you don't know, there are
many sites online where you can end up just drawing up your chart to see. But especially if you're aware that you're either a sun sign Aries, or you have an ascendant that Aries is sitting there, or maybe your moon sign is an Aries, those are often referred to as the big three people who have those involvements
plus others will tend to experience this energy. And the same holds true for the New Moon, but just replace that with Libra. So when we look at this full moon in Aries, we have to go back to see when the New Moon was, because there's always a new moon and six months later we have a full moon.
So the New Moon in Aries happened on April 8th. So I always encourage people when a full moon is about to roll around, think back six months ago to what you were doing. What plans were you putting into place? What type of activities were you working on? What seeds did you plant? If you planted those seeds
of getting to the core of honesty and who you are and wanting to be yourself and not adhere to other people's agenda, this is all Aries type of energy. What did you do six months ago that sets the stage for you to harvest now because full moons are about harvesting. And with this full moon, if you put in some
work between April and now, you may begin to see the fruits of that labor. Maybe you started a business, maybe you started a social media channel. Maybe you just wanted to go and do something in your community that was true to you.
Maybe you like going out and cleaning up parts of the highway that need some maintenance and what have you. Whatever it is. I always say the content isn't nearly as important as the context. It's time to reap those rewards. It's also time. If you haven't done any work, it's not too late. It's never too late because
people cycle in and out and they're aware of different astrological influences at different times. Now can be the time to shed and get rid of things that are not you. Let's use career for an example. Maybe you stumbled into a career because you were pretty good at it, but you always felt like you were wearing
someone else's clothes because it just didn't really make your heart sing. Well. This Full Moon in Aries could set off a chain of events where you say, you know what? I'm done with this. I want to go do something that is meaningful to me that I'm also good at, that I really enjoy, that I can really wrap my
arms around so that I can truly be me and not have to wear that mask. Because remember, when Aries runs into dishonesty or incongruencies, it is not happy.
It rather would know the harsh truth of a situation than have things sugarcoated. So the Full Moon in Aries is like this reminder that says, Hey, remember you're the author of your own story. If you don't like the way the story's going, maybe it's time to rewrite it. And rewriting it is letting go of things that no longer serve you. We manifest on a new moon. We release and harvest on a full moon. So this full moon
in Aries on October 17th can be a time to let go and cast off things that just don't fit with us. And you may have been doing those things for years. That's all right. Don't beat yourself up over it. Ask yourself though, if this isn't me, what is? And just kind of open that door for expansion with regards to, or you
may already know what it is that you want to do.
Maybe you want to be a gourmet cupcake baker. Or maybe you want to live someplace totally different from where you're living now, and you might feel constrained in the environment or community that you're in. This full moon could set you up to release the things that are not working. So that then opens up
space for you to step in to what will potentially work. So there is the new moon slash solar eclipse and full moon for October. A lot going on there as we start to hit the fall season here. Any questions on either
of those before I move forward?
Julia Marie (20:24):
Nope. As always, you gave a very thorough and complete assessment of the situation and suggestions on what I can focus on. So thank you for that.
Michael Spremulli (20:35):
Cool. Alright. Yeah, I always like to give some ideas just to get the mind popping on how to use this stuff, one thing to know about it, but then what do we do with it?
Julia Marie (20:45):
Michael Spremulli (20:47):
So now we got to talk about a little bit of old business that's resurfaced and that is Pluto reentered Capricorn. And that happened on September 2nd. I don't think we mentioned that during last month's forecast. I might've, but I don't think I touched on it. I may have just touched on it, not dug in enough.
There's only so much we can cover or we'd be here for six days. Well, what's that all about? Well, if you may recall going back many years ago, in early 2008, Pluto entered into Capricorn and there was a whole bunch of disruption, financial meltdown, and Pluto is an 18 to 20 year cycle. Pluto's one of these cycles
that's running in the background that you may not even pay attention to on a daily basis, but it's kind of there. So Pluto adds compulsion and intensity and almost a little bit of obsession.
It can unearth hidden information and it often dissolves structures that are no longer working. So if you fast forward all the way through the pandemic, when Pluto was nearing the end of Capricorn, there was all this upheaval. It's like the way we knew life was totally turned on its ear and everyone was kind of
pulling their hair out. And then it popped into Aquarius and Aquarius because Capricorn systems and structure and practicality and it's like this is the way it's got to be. You got to eat the vegetables and if you're not, you're not going to grow up to be a functional, healthy, proper adult. That's what Capricorn
energy is about. So it kind of took care of that business. Then it moved into Aquarius and Aquarius is about being part of the network, the democratization of information and energy and opportunity, and we've seen some of that.
But on September 2nd, Pluto went back into Capricorn to take care of some unfinished business. And it's going to be there from September 2nd through November 19th. And this is the last time Pluto's going to be in Capricorn, probably for both you and my lifetime because it's not going to move into the next sign
beyond Aquarius until 2043. So as far as I'm concerned, it's pretty close to a lifetime, if not maybe a little bit of change over toward the end there. So what's the deal? What do we need to worry about during this time from September 2nd through November 19th? You may have some disruptions to your systems,
your structures, things that you thought were kind of settled may be a little unsettled because Pluto can have that type of influence. The way I like to think of this, this is not like a total remodel of a house.
If you go in to take a house down to the studs, that's what Pluto did during the pandemic and the financial meltdown of oh eight. And it just kind of blew everything up and new structures had to be put in place. If
you use the house analogy, it would be taking everything out, taking things down to the studs, rewiring, replumbing, all that stuff. It's not going to be as severe, but this is sort of like before the final coat of paint goes on, Pluto's coming back into Capricorn to say, how's your structures doing? Are you doing things
from a practical way? Do you have new structures to work on? Because the old ones, they're gone, they don't work anymore. And it may turn up the heat and nudge you a little bit to make sure you've got the walls all smoothed out and the area is clean before you come in and finish the house so that once your
structures and systems are in place, you can then paint it, put down tile or rug and furnish the house.
But you can't do that until you get the structure in place. So this little revisit into Capricorn may have you questioning some things that you thought were finally settled that may be a little bit of a revisit to see what's shaken there. And it gives us one last opportunity to get our stuff together before it moves into
Aquarius for close to 20 years. So this is not a bad thing, it's almost like a redo. It's like if you missed anything, we're going to give you one more shot. Because Pluto's intensity is fierce. Pluto does not play.
And when it is involved and you're blending the Pluto energy with the Capricorn energy, it can be like a cosmic renovation of sorts. So that's September 2nd through November 19th. And then once that moves out, major disruption should start to abate both at a global level and at a personal level.
So something to be aware of. Next thing that's happening here, there's lots to cover. We have Jupiter going retrograde October 9th through February 4th, 2020 fifth in the sign of Gemini. Wow. Well that's interesting. So what's going on here? Well, we got to look first to see when Jupiter entered Gemini, it
crossed into Gemini's territory on May 25th, 2024. Now Jupiter expands thoughts and ideas. It's often very warm and welcoming and opportunities can show up when Jupiter presents itself in various sections of the Zodiac. Well, with Jupiter jumping into Gini back in May, that sparked a whole bunch of new
ideas. And I hear this from my private clients. They're saying, I got an idea to sell these falafel sandwiches that my family loves. I think I may get a food card and try to sell them down by the courthouse or whatever the case is. So from May through now, Jupiter and Gemini has probably surfaced a whole bunch of ideas for you to consider.
Gemini is about curiosity. It wants to know how things work, it wants to know what's out there. It's like a kid just turning the knobs and pulling the levers to see, oh, what does this do? What happens here? What about this? It's about being curious in the world that surrounds you when Gemini is activated. And
because Jupiter is there, it's expanding all these potential horizons. Well, you could do this or maybe you can do that, or maybe you can live overseas or go here. So you got all these ideas running around in your head and you've had a few months to think about them because it went in on May 25th to Gemini, but I
just mentioned it's going to retrograde for a few months from the 9th of October to February 25th. Here's what this cycle is all about. It gave you a few months to sit back and look at a whole bunch of different ideas, whether it be relationship related or personal work, fun, wherever your Gemini creativity
exploration tends to be for you, that could be what has gotten activated, at least from a thought perspective.
But now it's time to sift and separate out. Alright, we looked at a bunch of ideas. Some of them may be really good, some of them may be pretty lousy. So it's time to edit. And that's the idea with a retrograde.
Retrogrades are not inherently bad despite what pop astrology says, and they try to scare you with mercury retrograde. Mercury is a time to reflect and retrogrades rather or a time to reflect. We're looking backwards now. So now it's like you got more ideas than you can ever use in a lifetime. Now it's time to figure out which ones make sense for you so that you're not necessarily barging ahead and selling those falafel sandwiches down by the courthouse immediately. But maybe it's time to run the numbers. What's it going to cost you? What's your product going to cost? What's the labor involved? Can you make any money?
Are you going to enjoy doing it by asking these questions? This is the time to ask the questions from October through February because it gives you the ability to then discard ideas and explorations that might sounded good but might not have any legs so that you can focus on the ones that do have the
greatest potential and that resonate with you. So it's not a terribly long cycle, but it gives us a little pause. It's like we're pumping the brakes on the idea machine because then it will resume forward motion Gemini, Jupiter will on February 4th so that you can then have your plans in place to go and explore
deeper things that make the most sense. So again, just to summarize, Jupiter will be going retrograde from October 9th, 2024, all the way through February 4th, 2025. So we have that happening. Alright, now as always, no forecast would be complete without a couple of key vibrations that are active throughout the
And I always like to preface this section of the forecast by saying there are dozens of vibrations that are active every month, some for a couple of days, some for longer periods. My goal here is to share with you the ones that are going to be active for the longest period of time because they have a greater potential
impact on you because they're sticking around longer, the energy is lasting longer. And just like with everything else, depending on what's going on in your chart, some of these may get lit up more than others. But here's what we're talking about as far as some vibrations that are active, and there are three of
them. One of them is a holdover from September, and we're going to talk about briefly the 26th vibration, which is basically a combination of the 13th vibration times two. Don't worry about what that means, I'm going to break it down.
It is a sense of mission, often a shared mission. That's what the 26th vibration is about, and that started on October 23rd. So as you're listening to this, you may be feeling this already because it lingers until, when does this cut out here through the 9th of October. Alright, so it doesn't run extremely long, but it's been
kind of running in the background since late September. So 26 vibe is this intense mission. I got to do this. It's like this is what I was put on this earth to do, whatever that means for you. And it could mean a whole host of things. But the 26 vibe is like this intensity to want to focus on what it is that is important
for you that you feel compelled to rise above mediocrity on. It's not about just kind of dabbling around.
Think of artists, for example. True artists, and I know you can relate to this, Julia Marie, when someone is an artist and they have the calling, they feel compelled to paint or work with clay or take photographs.
And if they don't do that, they're not happy. That's the type of energy, not necessarily only artistic, but whatever that 26 vibe is like for you, whatever your calling is, that's what's getting stirred up with this active vibration. Now you've got three planets that are aspecting in the 26th vibration, and that gives us
more specifics about how the energy is going to form. And it's Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. And I like those planets, especially when we're talking about our personal mission. Why Jupiter makes things big and expansive and helps broaden our horizons. Saturn helps keep us tethered to reality and it takes out
things that are not essential so we don't get lost in the glitz and glamor. And then we have Neptune in there. And Neptune is what is ideal for you as an individual. And that varies of course. Remember in VA we look at the energy pattern, what's driving things.
We're not stuck in the archetype world, not that archetypes are bad, they're important and they're powerful. It's just a different philosophy and a different way of looking at this. So with Jupiter's Saturn and Neptune active in the 26 vibration, this period can bring about a feeling of like you've got this unseen
force or this deep seated desire to excel and achieve at a really, really high level. You may be calm, cool and collected on the outside, but beneath the surface you might feel this momentum build and it's like, I know what I'm going to do. I've been working at this and this is important and I'm going to really expand.
Maybe I'm going to open a second hotdog cart or maybe I'm going to finally make that move across the country. But this idea of whatever it is that you feel like you've been put on this earth to do really builds during this so you can make some headway.
The other thing that you can expect is breaking through to new levels. Let's say you're studying screenwriting and you're writing a movie treatment or for something during this period, if you put in the work, you could end up hitting a whole new level, unlocking a new level in the way that you would
approach that screen writing. This is not a time for striving for mediocrity. As I mentioned before, it's for swinging for the fences because you just feel this and those listeners who this is resonating with, you know what I'm talking about. It's like I just feel like if I don't open this all organic farm, I feel like my life
is just not going to be complete. You just feel this desire within you to need to do something. And of course the organic farmers is just one of many examples that come to me on the fly.
I don't put the examples in my notes in advance, I just kind of go with what inspires me. And some of them are bizarre, but I do that so people remember 'em. It's also about a time when you're not necessarily shouting this out from the mountaintops. It could be about quiet dedication to you just doing your thing
and everyone else goes to sleep at night and you're researching and learning and expanding and putting in the time. That's the Jupiter Saturn Neptune combination. Because Jupiter makes you swing for the fences, Saturn keeps you in line and Neptune still focuses you on what it is that is magical and idealistic for you.
So now is the time to embrace that hidden drive and channel it into your pursuits. Again, this started in September around the 23rd and wraps up around the 9th of October, the 26th vibration. Use it to rise above mediocrity.
Alright, what else do we have going on here? Here's a longer one. We have the 37th vibration, and that is active from October 8th through the 20th. That's a long spread. Remember small transits, they impact our lives, but they don't really radically change them. Longer transits. And this would kind of end up in that
category moderate to longer, really tend to steep us in that energy so that we can feel it and get used to it and then maximize it. So the 37th vibration is about the best way to describe it. It's like building your masterpiece over time. So think about Michelangelo sculpting one piece at a time, very slowly focused,
not rushing, letting things unfold, movie making, composing, restoring the model T Ford that your great- great-grandfather bequeathed to you and it's in your garage. That's what the 37th vibration is about. What is your masterpiece?
What is it that is near and dear to you? This isn't the same vibration as the 26th where it's doing something that you put out into the world for everyone to see. And it's like your mission in life. This is a different type of vibe and you can certainly put this out into the world if you wanted to, but it's more
personal. So what is your personal masterpiece that you've been working on for maybe months, years, or even decades? Well, the planets that are showing up in the 37th, five are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. And these planets are all about bringing success in projects and activities that have some sort of fun, youthful,
visionary and inspirational component to them. So if you're working on something that is important to you, like maybe writing a children's book or doing something that might help save the ecosystem in a particular location where you live, Uranus breaks you out of the norm.
Neptune helps you focus on that ideal. And Pluto adds even more cosmic fuel to the fire with its intensity. So this 37th vibe from the 8th of October through the 20th can put you in a space that is even a bit transpersonal and spiritual because it's a connecting to the universe in a way that isn't necessarily
mercurial, although it can be. But it's dealing with projects that really capture your inspiration and imagination that are not quick, but you get a nice boost during this timeframe. Again, 37th vibe. October 8th through October 20th. And then we have one last major vibration that is active and that is the 25th
vibration. And it is active through October 21st through November 1st. So the 25th is an octave of the fifth vibration. The fifth vibe is about free flowing creative energy. Well, five times five is 25. And that intensifies this creativity, this energy that we're experiencing.
And if you'll notice, that kind of coincides a little bit with what we saw. It's going to be on the tail end of the full moon energy. Remember, astrology is nothing but cycles nested within cycles, within cycles. So you can look at individual cycles and how they impact things, and then you can see how multiple cycles
come together and it really is a beautiful tapestry. So anyways, what have we got going on here? 25th.
Vibration is super creative, and the phrase that you'll probably dislike, especially if your 25th vibration is highly active, is, well, we don't need to change that. This is the way it's always been done before. That is like nails on a chalkboard to someone with a strong fifth or 25th vibration because it's super creative. It
just wants to kind of play and explore and see what's going on. Well, what are the planets that are involved?
We have Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto all aspecting in the 25th vibration. So Saturn takes out what's not needed. Neptune is the search for genuine, idealistic, and attractive magic, not the glitz and glimmer, but what is real, what is ideal for you and Pluto is bringing in that intensity again. So when you see these
planets show up, this is a time when you're often able to notice inconsistencies and hypocrisies that might be shown to you, whether it's in family situations, work situations, you're able to see, no, that isn't quite right. That's not the real deal, that's not magical because Saturn keeps us honest. Saturn's there to strip
things down to the studs at least so that we can see what's really going on. So during this time of creativity, it's not just about churning out a bunch of stuff, but figuring out what it is that's really going to work and discarding the rest During this period, it's best to engage in activities and organizations that
have the same level of standards as you do and not lower your standards to accommodate them.
Well, what does that mean, SPER mule? That means if you find yourself in situations where you're being asked to compromise on what is ideal for you, that you not be so quick to take the bait because this is a time for you to actually make progress in the area of what is ideal for you through this creative
expression. But if you're around people or organizations that are telling you to drop your standards, it's not going to be all that great anyways. No, resist that because you know better than anyone else what is important to you and what your standards are, and you can pursue this idealistic, magical pursuit in a way
that is still pure. That's what Saturn does. It keeps us honest, as I mentioned a second ago, and Pluto has this intensity, the dog with a bone like energy so that we could stay on track, do the dirty work, do what
needs to be done to bring your vision into reality. And again, this is the 25th vibration active from October 21st through November 1st, and that Julia Marie is what is happening for October, 2024.
Julia Marie (44:34):
Sounds like there's a lot here to work with, especially if a person is on a creative bent.
Michael Spremulli (44:43):
Absolutely. As I was pulling this together, you see the theme. I have no idea what the theme's going to be until I start running the calculations and seeing what shows up. And because VA has some pretty hard and fast rules for interpreting things and making sense of information, the meanings of the energy, whether it's
planetary or sign based, those don't change. But when you put them together in various components like a recipe, that's when the magic happens. You can take the same ingredients of flour, sugar, butter and eggs,
and create an infinite number of recipes from that based on the proportions used, how they're mixed, how long they ferment. Same thing with astrology. You got building blocks, but it's how they get assembled that makes everything unique.
Julia Marie (45:37):
Well, I personally am excited. I have a couple of creative projects that maybe now's the time to actually work
Michael Spremulli (45:44):
On that, as do I. I'm looking forward to the month of October. Some months can be more tedious than others, but you've got the eclipse energy in there. You've got Jupiter now taking a little bit of a hiatus saying, all right, you got all these ideas, now you got to make sense of them. So from a creative standpoint, October's looking quite strong.
Julia Marie (46:05):
Well, as usual, Michael, it's been inspirational. Before we close though, can you tell the people how they can find you?
Michael Spremulli (46:17):
Absolutely. In fact, I meant to mention this earlier. I've got a free two hour intro to vibrational astrology class, completely free. I'm doing it in partnership with Artisan Tarot. They restore old artistic tarot decks.
That's actually happening on October 13th. You can find that along with all the other information about what I do at private consultations@blueridgeastrology.com. If you're interested in the class, it's blue ridge astrology.com/free class, and it shows you how to sign up. Again, completely free just to kind of dive a little deeper into the tenants of va. And I thank you again for this opportunity to share the monthly update.
Julia Marie (47:05):
Well, I'll be looking forward to November,
Michael Spremulli (47:09):
As will I.
Julia Marie (47:11):
Well, that's our time for today. I'm grateful to each of you for your continued support of evolving humans.
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