Evolving Humans

Starseed Awakening: A Conversation Ep 133 | Guest: Elies Hadi

Julia Marie | Guest: Elies Hadi Episode 133

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Julia Marie, host of Evolving Humans, has a conversation with Elies Hadi, a spiritual guide for lightworkers, healers, and star seeds.

Elies discussed her upbringing in a traditional Asian family and her journey to spiritual awakening, which was triggered by a breakdown at work.

 Hadi quit her job and spent a year traveling and attending spiritual festivals, which led her to become a life coach in 2016.
She also shared her realization of being a star seed, a being reincarnated on Earth but originating from the stars.

Hadi believes the collective mission of star seeds is to raise the vibration to support collective ascension.

She now focuses on helping star seeds remember their purpose and activate their gifts.

SPECIAL THANKS to Dream Protocol from Pixabay's The Light of the Universe Ambient Soundscape for the music bed for this episode.

Elies Hadi WEBSITE

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Julia Marie (00:00):
Today we're talking about everything Star Seed. If you're curious about Star Seeds, you'll want to listen to this episode and stay tuned for the special gift my guest has for you. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation.
My guest today is Elise Hudy. She has been guiding lightworkers healers and star seeds in their awakening journey since 2016. She focuses on helping women remember their calling, activate their gifts, and fulfill their highest vision. She's also the host of the star Seeded Goddess podcast where she
shares about all things woo woo. In a playful yet powerful way, I want to welcome you to Evolving Humans. Elise, thank you for being here with me today.
Elise Hadi (01:19):
Thank you for having me, Julia.
Julia Marie (01:22):
I always like to start the show with the same question. What was it like growing up in Elise's home?
Elise Hadi (01:33):
I grew up in a very traditional Asian family where the father is the authoritative figure. So a lot of, I would say maybe the word isn't so much toxic, but kind of disempowered masculine as an example in my life where I have to ask for permission from the man of the house. And even since a child, I felt that was
very suppressing and I couldn't breathe. And so I guess though the beauty of it is that since a child, I understood the power of freedom and really the one thing I was searching since a child was freedom because of the suppression that I had as a child. And that kind of, I guess opened up the pathway to towards liberating my soul in a way.
Julia Marie (02:39):
Now, from what I read, your Awakening journey took some years. I found the story very interesting and I'd like for you to share that if you would please.
Elise Hadi (02:53):
That will be a long story in it.
Julia Marie (02:56):
Well, we can just have the highlights the way it was years. Yeah,
Elise Hadi (03:02):
Yeah. I was just thinking where do I start? So since I started with my father, I'll start with my story of how my father passed away. And so when my father passed away, it was definitely a trigger to the healing journey because before that I was still in college when my father passed away. So things like spirituality was not even in my radar at all. And I remember he passed at all age. However, it was unexpected. I
mean, I don't think people really expect someone to pass away at a certain time, so to speak. And so I had to work through that grief for many, many, many years. And it was crazy because I didn't know there could be so much trauma resulted as a result of that, which end up unpeeling even more trauma beyond
that. So I started working with healing through grief about the loss of my father and what it means, and that led to a whole bunch of father healing and a whole bunch of mother healing, and this kind of like a never ending healing, as most of you have experienced. I thought I worked through this before. Why am I here again? So yeah, that took a lot of years as you have mentioned, which is the highlight of the first moment, that spur of the journey, if you may.
Julia Marie (04:49):
Well, I say as far as healing our family wounds and our ancestral wounds, it's like peeling an onion. Then what happened?
Elise Hadi (05:02):
And then after that, so that took a few years. So by then I was already working and then I ended up working in a bank for seven years doing what I hated every single day. It was even a surprise that I lasted seven years looking back, but that was in it for seven years because obviously I wasn't awakened to anything yet until one fine day when I was totally triggered by an event at work, which clearly wasn't
about the thing. Then it was just like a catalyst, and I ended up being in the toilet of my office for an entire one hour. So I went missing an action for an hour during office time because I was hiding in the toilet, and I just found myself sitting there and crying and my whole body was shaking and I couldn't do anything to stop it because I knew I had to get back to work, but I couldn't.
My body was trembling, the tears were just flowing, uncontrollable for an entire hour. And I remember when I was finally done crying, I stood up and got to wipe my tears and things like that, and when I looked at the mirror, I saw myself and I looked at my own eyes and I was like, there is no sparks left in
this eyes. This is like, oh boy, what have you done to yourself? Then I remember telling myself, which I guess it kind of become a promise without knowing that girl, find that spark back and never ever lose that again. So that is another awakening moment, and that moment is still a moment that I come back to
because I promised myself that. So looking at the mirror and looking at the eyes for that spark is a constant realignment check that I still do till today and after that moment. So obviously I knew that something has to change and I knew it has to be with the work because I already knew I hated it. I just didn't know what else.
After two weeks, I did take that two weeks to calm myself down. Don't get too emotional, I rationalize things. But at the end, basically I decided to quit without a job, and so I quit my nine to five at the time and ended up taking one year break and traveling around the world and going into spiritual festival, like a
Disneyland journey, I guess going on one event to the next one, retreat to the next, and kind of just finding my foot on something until eventually I came into the realization that I wanted to be a life coach.
So that's how I started my life coaching business in 2016, which eventually evolved into what it is today.
Julia Marie (08:33):
I always find it interesting that if we pay attention to the signposts along the way, eventually we'll end up where we need to be. But I can't imagine that one of your wake up calls was a breakdown in a bathroom at work.
Elise Hadi (09:00):
A hundred percent.
Julia Marie (09:01):
Okay. So that just proves my point. Spirit's going to do, they're going to take whatever avenue is available to them when the time comes, they're going to use whatever is needed to get us moving in a different direction.
Elise Hadi (09:23):
And what was interesting from the experience was also I learned that the body doesn't lie. The body had been holding on that trauma, which was why I couldn't stop the shaking and crying no matter what, and it just bursting out.
Julia Marie (09:44):
Well, all of those records are stored in the body and they're not just from this lifetime if
Elise Hadi (09:53):
Exactly. If
Julia Marie (09:54):
You explore a little bit, there'll be oftentimes events in our current incarnation that will create a resonance that's like an echo or it's very similar in some way to events that have happened in our deep past, maybe this planet, maybe another planet, other lifetimes for sure. And when we hit those points, it'll trigger all of
it going all the way back to the very first event. Totally. That has to be processed through the physical vehicle. It sounds to me like that sum of what was happening in that bathroom. So we're going to talk about star seeds today and we'll get into I guess how you found your way to that. But before we begin that
part of the discussion, can you tell me what your idea, concept definition of a star seat is? Just generally speaking?
Elise Hadi (11:00):
From my understanding, star seat basically is someone who reen it into earth, however they originated from the star and enhance the name star seat.
Julia Marie (11:12):
And I include beings from other dimensions as well. It doesn't necessarily have to be another planet, but it can be other dimensions. They come from some place other than this
Elise Hadi (11:25):
Earth. Exactly.
Julia Marie (11:27):
Yeah. Okay, so I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.
Elise Hadi (11:33):
So we're talking about the same thing. Yes.
Julia Marie (11:36):
When exactly did you realize you were a star seeded?
Elise Hadi (11:42):
It was probably around 2020, which was pretty recent reason comparing to the entire journey because the funny thing was right at the beginning of my spiritual journey, which was around the time where I started my business in 2016, I was already surrounded by star. Everyone around me was talking about how they
come from the star and how they met their star family, and I was just like, Hmm, this is too much for me.
I'm just starting to meditate, so let me just quiet my mind. That's all I need to do. And yeah, they are around me all this time. Right. I mean, talk about soul family being with us without me knowing, obviously. And around 2020 perhaps if I were to give a specific time, it was in Bali when I was actually
staying there at the time, and there was this one night where it was completely dark because we had a silent day where all the lights had to be turned off for the night and there was no vehicle.
So it was completely silent, completely dark. And I remember looking at the stars and then I had this profound feeling of home, of coming home that I've never felt before, not even in my physical home. And I was like, oh, wait a minute, what is this feeling is new. I like it. And then I heard a voice that says, you are home. This is home and we are always with you. And at that moment I was clicking all and
connecting all the dots. I'm like, oh, I'm from the star. So that's my awakening moment, which sounded really simple. And at the time I remember laughing too because that's it that simple and it took me that long to figure out, but it's okay, I know now. So yeah, that was how I realized I'm one.
Julia Marie (14:05):
I'm just curious, do you ever remember as a child feeling different from your family members or you didn't maybe belong there or anything like that?
Elise Hadi (14:25):
Not with my family member, but in general.
Julia Marie (14:28):
Even in the world? Yeah, even out in the world. Yeah. Okay.
Elise Hadi (14:31):
Exactly. In general, I do realize that
Julia Marie (14:36):
Elise Hadi (14:37):
Always do things opposite from others. And so not necessarily I'm not a rebellious child, but I just a bit different from other people in terms of how I think about what I feel. It's just like I'm the odd one out if you may, but then I think as a child, I think it's normal. I didn't think about it too much. I just go ahead and do me. It was only until when I was maybe teenager, then I started to care about what people think
and then I started wanted to fit in and wanted to belong. And I think that was when I started to kind of lose who I am. But I do remember as a child I was pretty raw actually.
Julia Marie (15:24):
So what would you say, just in general, I know that sometimes feeling like we don't belong or that we're out of place are some characteristics in general of a star seed. What are some of the things you understand to be characteristics of star seeds?
Elise Hadi (15:39):
The most common one exactly is what you say. You often feel like you don't belong and you constantly stick for home and for community and you can be in hundred community and still feel alone and out one out. And another thing I realized is they're very drawn to the stars, whether it is astrology or astronomy in
one way or another, they're just very drawn to it. That's another characteristic that I often found, and sometimes this is something that a lot of my students share with me, which surprisingly, actually I didn't realize it until my students share with me, which obviously they are mostly stars and they are sharing with
me how they find that for them, they're able to see some physical traits in a human that allows them to identify that those other traits or starts it, whether it is from the color of the eyes or something about the features that are very distinct.
That's what I heard a lot, although that's not how I identify. I cannot identify more on a feeling level of that knowingness. But I do know there are people who can identify like that and based on their sharing is that usually they are pretty spot on. So those are the few common ways and being an empath, being in
creative, all those things that are pretty commonly found when you are in spiritual journey anyway. But the distinct part of the star, I will say, is the part of feeling that connection with the stars and not belonging and finding home part is the most commonly heard.
Julia Marie (17:32):
Yeah. I will also add to your list heightened sensitivities, and it can be sometimes just a chemicals or being in big crowds like people overwhelmed because a lot of star seeds are also creative and innovative too. That would be another thing is they tend to think outside the box. Just out of curiosity, do you have
an affinity for any particular constellation or formation when you look at the sky at the night sky?
Elise Hadi (18:05):
No, I actually am not able to spot which is which. And also from where I am in Indonesia, at least not in the entire country, but where I stay, I don't actually get to see bright stars all the time. At most I see a few star. So that moment that in Bali was a rare phenomenon because it was silent day and it was a once a
year event in Bali, and I was in Bali for three years and I only managed to see the Milky Way once.
Julia Marie (18:41):
Elise Hadi (18:42):
The other two time it was cloudy, it was rainy. So I see nothing. And that's funny because that makes it even more obvious that that moment was meant for a reason. So when I look at the stars, I don't specifically see a connection because I couldn't see them. However, I do feel a strong connection with
Palladian as well as the Laurian and to some degree the Syrian. But the Palladian and Laurian are what is the strongest for me at this point.
Julia Marie (19:17):
The PAs would be hard for you to see. They're really hard to spot in the sky. I was just curious because as a child I was always drawn to the stars, the three stars in the belt of Orion and the sword. I always oriented myself to that. It made me feel comfortable. I don't necessarily believe my connection is there,
but for some reason it was like a stellar touchstone for me that had some kind of comforting feeling to it.
Elise Hadi (19:51):
That's beautiful actually. You have a physical tangible thing to work with if you may. Yep.
Julia Marie (19:59):
You discover accidentally, but probably on purpose that you're a star seed. How did you integrate that information into your life?
Elise Hadi (20:09):
Interestingly, the integration is seamless and I feel it is because I was surrounded by star seed the whole time and that's when I was like, oh, this is what it meant by having a star family on earth and that I knew everything about seed by then. I have always knew. I just didn't think I'm one. So there was not so much a
new information that I need to integrate. And even finding myself as one wasn't that surprising. It was more like, oh my God, what took you so long? So the integration is surprisingly seamless, and then there
isn't much changes in my life in daily life, so to speak. And then the next thing I knew in my work, I think a year later after that or so then I started talking and sharing about star seed because I feel called to and
then one thing leads to the next, and then I ended up creating courses and working with star Seed. And again, those just kind of happen naturally.
Julia Marie (21:22):
In general, what do you think if there is one? The overall mission of Star Seeds is,
Elise Hadi (21:32):
I believe it is to basically play our part in collective awakening, whatever that means for that individual. And I believe each star seed carries their own gift. Doesn't have to be complicated. It might just be a gift of love and that if that is your gift of love that you feel like that is your calling to share love and that's all
you do 24 7, that's amazing. In general, I would say the collective mission is to raise the vibration so that we can support this collective ascension in one way or another.
Julia Marie (22:13):
That's in alignment with what my perception is too. I tell people when they ask me, well, what can I do? I
don't feel like I'm doing anything. And I say, well, you're here. You're here on the planet. You carry a frequency and being mindful of your frequency and keeping yourself centered and in as good a place as you can with your own vibration makes a huge difference.
Elise Hadi (22:46):
I want to quickly add to that. So related to this Starci topic is a lot of time starci things, they have to do this big role ammunition, as you say. However, as you said, star seed carries a specific frequency and a lot of time your presence alone is healing and is activating. And that's what a lot of star seed did not realize,
including myself, until I realized that, oh, this is why a lot of people tell me I feel so calm around you, and then I'm doing nothing. But that is because of the frequency that I'm carrying alongside with whatever other frequency that I might be activating at the time. But just understand your presence carries a
frequency, like you said, and that alone is doing the job. The being is the main job. Yes.
Julia Marie (23:47):
Just be who you are. And the thing that I've found that intensifies the impact of that is when a person is being who they are and they're aware, they are conscious that they are being who they are, that intensifies the field and magnifies the impact. A person who is not aware that they're a star seeded would not have
the same impact as one who does that is moving in a location or into a place with the understanding of what it is they carry.
Elise Hadi (24:31):
Definitely the power of intention and just quickly it came through me again that the stars it because of that feeling of not belonging and being overly sensitive. So sometimes they might go into hiding and they don't really want to be out of the world, out in the world, which kind of defeat the entire purpose of being
on earth. But we come here on earth for a cosmic play for a journey, and that involves human, which is why we are here. So yeah, if you identify as a Starship and this speaks to you, then perhaps it's a calling to come out of hiding whatever that means to you, and then be more out there to share your energy with the
world in a way that is still grounded, is still supportive, understanding your boundary and things like that.
But I just realized this funny paradox where we are meant to serve, but we want to be alone. So it's like, but we can be both. We can be having the time to be alone and we can have the time to serve. However, there are period of time that people go into that hiding period, if that makes sense. I call it like the hermit
period, but if people who are not aware, they might go into hermit for too long and they didn't even realize they're hiding.
Julia Marie (26:00):
That's true. What led you to the work you do now? Let's just put it that way. How did you end up doing what you're doing now? I mean, you have life coaching as part of your arsenal of things you offer people, but you're also really star seed focused now. So how did that come into being?
Elise Hadi (26:23):
So 2016 was when I started live coaching, and then when I moved to Bali and had that star seed awakening, it was a period of my time where nothing in my business was working. And it was weird because logically weird, but it totally makes sense now. But it was like I was doing everything so to
speak, and it was not a new business. Why was nothing working? And then I realized it was because I was hiding. Interestingly, we were talking about this because I call myself a life coach because it's general enough. There is nothing spiritual about that. However, the clients that come to me are very spiritual and
we work on a very deep spiritual level. However, I just don't want to really be seen as that woo one because I want to fit in. And I came from corporate, so there was this integration if you made that I needed.
And so when I was in Bali, suddenly I just go on and like, okay, I'm done hiding and I'm going to come out of my spiritual closet. And I started to on purpose putting the word spiritual on my title as though that matters. But it's help in that owning the identity, if you may. And I started to at the time, teaching people
how to work with your angels. That is my part of coming out of the life coaching and into the healing world. And then that eventually one thing leads to the next and eventually teaching people how to raise
their vibration. And then the download came through and that's how I ended up creating a star seed healing program. And then focusing very specifically on star seed in the past few years.
Julia Marie (28:27):
Do you work with other star seeds primarily now, and you say they all have something in common? What is that thing they all have in common?
Elise Hadi (28:37):
I think what I meant by a lot of stars, it has something in common, and that is they know that they are here for a bigger reason than just to go through life unconscious and awakened. They might not use that word because they still don't know what they are, but at least they know that there is something in
common where there is more to life than this. I'm here for something, whatever that something is. So that is something in common that I see a lot.
Julia Marie (29:12):
Yeah, I would agree. Now I always ask my guest the same five questions before I close down the show. So are you ready for your five questions?
Elise Hadi (29:23):
Julia Marie (29:24):
Okay. Three words to describe yourself.
Elise Hadi (29:31):
Playful, innocent, joyful.
Julia Marie (29:37):
Three words to describe your spiritual journey.
Elise Hadi (29:42):
Rough, fun, and fulfilling.
Julia Marie (29:51):
What's your greatest spiritual lesson?
Elise Hadi (29:55):
Learning that surrender is the best action to do.
Julia Marie (30:02):
I think that's a tough one for every person in a human body.
Elise Hadi (30:08):
It still is for me, but that is the greatest lesson and I'm still deepening into that.
Julia Marie (30:14):
Yeah, it's surrender is very powerful. What's your concept of God or higher intelligence?
Elise Hadi (30:25):
All there is the all encompassing, all is one, all there is.
Julia Marie (30:31):
What's your final message for the evolving humans? Listeners?
Elise Hadi (30:36):
Allow yourself the opportunity to explore inside yourself. What if there is something bigger than this
human mind? What if there is indeed a star itself inside of me? If there is, what would my star itself want me to do? Say and be anxious. Be open to your star seat awake journey, whatever that might look like for you.
Julia Marie (31:12):
Well, that was good. Before we close this show, please tell the people where they can connect with you and share the special offer you have for the listeners
Elise Hadi (31:22):
So you can connect with me and share your aha moment if you'd wish, from today's episode at Elise hadi via Instagram. Or you can find all the information in general in my website, elisehadi.com. And then you'll find the link to the special offer in the show note. So I've created a special 30% of for my Star
Seat Awakening course is designed to help you remember who you are, why you are here, and what you're here for, and focusing a lot on activating your star seat codes, DNA, activation, remembering yourgigs, awakening to your calling, and really bringing that vision into reality in a way like from the five D to the treaty. In that sense,
Julia Marie (32:11):
I want to thank you for spending time with us today. I really enjoyed our conversation.
Elise Hadi (32:17):
Thank you for having me, Julia. It's a pleasure.
Julia Marie (32:22):
Well, that's our time for today. Thank you to each one of you for continuing to support this podcast. If you found value in this episode, please share it with two other people so that together we can bring more light to this world. If you want to leave a message for the show, a suggestion for a topic you want to hear
more about or a question you'd like me to answer, please scroll down and click the link in the show notes below and leave me a text. I can't wait to hear from you. And now here's a quote for you to ponder as you go about your day. We are all visitors to this time, this place we are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love, and then we return home. 
Australian Aboriginal Proverb