Evolving Humans

Wayshowers, The Divine Feminine & Soul Integration: The Channeling Project Pt 1-Ep 134 | Julia Marie

Julia Marie Episode 134

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The Channeling Project begins with a session from January 2024.
Your host moves into a light trance state, and the observer asks the questions.

Some of the topics covered in this episode are:

The role of our human senses as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.

We talk about way showers, and the importance of the Divine Feminine Energy at this time.

We explore the process of co-creation with the universe, emphasizing the need for alignment with one's desires and consistent nurturing of these desires.

The concept of soul integration is also discussed, likening it to re-hydrating dehydrated food, where consciousness is the water that brings awareness to aspects of oneself.

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For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us

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You can find my book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening here:


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Julia Marie (00:00):
Evolving Humans is two years old this month, and our mission is to add more value for you, the listener.
This episode is channeled material brought through in response to questions in real time. If you feel this adds value to your life, please let me know. It's easy to do. You can leave me a text message by scrolling down to the show notes page and clicking on the link at the top of the page. And now some of the topics
in this episode are how our senses are a bridge between the physical and spiritual world wayshowers, the divine feminine co-creation with the universe and soul integration. We recognize the sound quality of the following tape is not up to standard, but we hope you will focus on the quality of the information.
Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for awakening souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. We are here. You may begin.
Kristin R. (01:26):
Namaste. Thank you for being here today. Do our senses act as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual realm?
Julia Marie (01:39):
The simple answer to that question would be indeed they do. They are the channels that are used to translate the signals that are coming from the subtle realms into the context of your physical or material experience. So yes, indeed they are in form and also in function, a bridge between the two. And the more
one pays attention to the information that your physical senses are processing, the greater the connection to all of the knowledge that is being transmitted to you. On constant basis, we stream data continuously, almost in a looping pattern in order to hopefully pierce the strong connection that is created with the
limiting belief patterns stored in the human mind. So when we are attempting to transmit a message, we stream it on a loop and attempt with the various sensing systems of the recipient to determine which channel is going to be the most successful at receiving the message. So the short answer to your inquiry is
yes, they are.
Kristin R. (03:44):
Thank you. Can you explain the way, show and expand on their roles in the multidimensional universe?
Julia Marie (03:57):
A way show is one who has in most cases traveled this path before but perhaps has forgotten that they know the way. So there is some cosmic humor in that. However, the point of the way Sho is simply to hold up the light and indicate here is a path you may want to consider. They're not necessarily striving to
lead someone along the trajectory that they have chosen for themselves. They rather want to indicate to the general collective that this may be a path they might want to consider for themselves. It is about holding up the light to illuminate a potential choice, so to speak. Do you understand?
Kristin R. (05:04):
Yes. Thank you. Do you have any words you'd like to say about the importance of the divine feminine energy specifically in this time?
Julia Marie (05:20):
At its very core, the field in which anything that is created exists would be the energy of the divine feminine. The creative spark itself is the masculine aspect, but the void, the field of limitless potential that is feminine. And so we would say that the time has come, especially in this quadrant of creation. The time
has come to reengage with the field of limitless potential in a way that allows creation to come more in alignment with its own true nature. And that is that it enters into a dance, a give and a take and a balance
and an ebb and a flow with a more natural rhythm than currently exists here in this space.
The masculine has been out of balance for eons, especially here in this entire quadrant of creation, not just on this planet, but this entire area. Hence the preponderance or the increased frequency of war and
conflict and possessiveness and power over rather than in cooperation with all of those energies without the feminine, divine feminine component are unbalanced masculine. And that's what is being experienced here at this time. So the question about the divine feminine and its importance is a timely one for without
the reawakening of an understanding as to what the role of the divine feminine plays in the creative process itself, there will be no resolution to this imbalance. The bottom line is it is the field into which the seeds are sown. Without it, there is no creation despite what those that lean towards active manifestation
and that type of creation would assert as their position one cannot simply aggregate energy willy-nilly andpush something out into the world and expect that it will be balanced in its expression if there is no infusion of the feminine qualities of nurturance, of care, of love, and of an understanding that without that
feminine aspect to the creation, whatever it is that is formed is not in balance.
So do you understand?
Kristin R. (09:02):
I believe so, yes. Can you explain how we co-create with the universe?
Julia Marie (09:12):
The most important thing to understand first is that you, each of you is the universe. So you are in effect co-creating with yourself. You are a densified expression of spiritual light. You are light in form. The universe from your perspective is light without form. But understanding that it is a spectrum and not a
polarity is a good first step. And your intention, again, as in the previous inquiry,
Coming together in alignment with your highest expression of whatever it is you would create, and being mindful always of the feminine aspect of that expression is critical in doing the co-creative dance with theuniverse, the field is responsive and it will project to you what it is you are yourself anticipating as far as
your experience goes. Again, if you lean more heavily on the masculine aspects of the creative process, you are going to experience an unbalanced creation in effect. In other words, the field into which you are planting your seeds is not properly tended, nurtured, watered, however you wish to portray the analogy.
So we would say in the dance with the universe, be in alignment with your greatest desire. Be mindful of the service or the care or the nurturing that is required to foster a successful creation and remain consistent in your purpose for having the desire to create whatever this is in the first place. Do you understand?
Kristin R. (11:41):
Yes. What is soul integration?
Julia Marie (11:48):
That is both a complex and simple question at one and the same time from the perspective of your human
Self. The human mind can make this quite a complicated situation. When one considers the parallel universes the multiverse itself, the different levels and layers of consciousness, the multiple facets of reality itself, this can become complicated. However, from the perspective of the soul, it is always is now
has been and will be whole. And therefore there is no such thing as reintegration for there was never any separation from the perspective of the soul itself. So the reintegration or integration process is somethingthat is native to the aspect of the soul that is in materialized form, so to speak. It's a matter of expanding
your awareness to include the awareness of other aspects of your being, no matter the place, the planet or the plane in which that aspect of your being may concurrently be residing with you in your current state
of awareness here as an incarnated being on earth.
So it is a reremembering or reconstituting is almost as if you are pouring water into a packet of dehydrated food and it comes to life suddenly the water being consciousness, the water representing awareness. So you are simply in the process now of pouring water onto aspects of yourself, of which you
are not at this point in time aware. So are you reconstituting something? No. It is more a matter of yes, integrating at a consciousness level here in the material realm to the best of your considerably limited abilities, the reality of who you are as a soul through expanding your awareness of same. Do you understand?
Kristin R. (14:29):
So when you speak about the rehydration and the liquid, would you say that fractals of our souls are what consciousness is? Awakening, pulling together an awakening to show how they're interwoven?
Julia Marie (14:51):
We can apply that model if you prefer. Yeah. The water itself is representational of your conscious awareness of the vastness of your own being. So the consciousness is the water, rehydrates the dehydratedfood, and makes it come alive again, in the same way that your awareness would expand to include these
other aspects of your being, thus giving them greater life at your current level of awareness than they had prior to you becoming aware of them.
Kristin R. (15:35):
I see. Thank you.
Julia Marie (15:42):
Well, that's our time for today. Thank you for tuning in. If this episode resonated with you, please take a moment to share it with someone else who may enjoy it and take a moment to click the link at the top of the show notes page to leave us a text message. Go ahead, do it now. Your feedback is important to us. Until next time, remember to live Inside, Out.