Evolving Humans

Cosmic Weather Report July 2024 Ep 130 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

Julia Marie | Guest: Michael Spremulli Episode 130

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In the July 2024 Cosmic Weather Report on the Evolving Humans podcast, host Julia Marie and guest Michael Spremulli discuss the astrological events of the month.

They highlight the influence of Jupiter entering Gemini, which will last for a year, and its expansive effect on curiosity and exploration.

They also discuss the full moons in Capricorn on June 21st and July 21st, which signal a time for personal evaluation and change.

The new moon on July 5th in Cancer is about protection and care for oneself and others.

Neptune's retrograde from July 2nd to December 7th is a time for reevaluating dreams and ideals.

Three vibrations are active in July, encouraging community, progressive change, and exploration of big ideas. The overall theme for July is change and exploration.

Many thanks to Piotr Witowski (Relaxing Time) New Age Music 162655 on Pixabay for the music bed for this episode.

Michael's Website

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Julia Marie (00:00):
It's that time of the month again. It's time for our Cosmic Weather Report for July, 2024. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. Vibrational astrologer. Michael Spremulli is back with the Cosmic Weather Report for July, 2024. Michael has years of study and experience with this research based and
scientifically validated system of astrology, and I can't wait to hear what he has to say about the coming month. Welcome back to Evolving Humans. Michael,
Michael Spremulli (00:59):
Pleasure to be here. Julia Marie, thank you again as always for having me.
Julia Marie (01:04):
Well, you know what to do. Alright, take it away.
Michael Spremulli (01:08):
Lots and lots of stuff to look at here and some of it going way back, believe it or not, to the end of May. So the reason I would even speak about a transit that happened in May is because it is one that is going to affect us for the next year. So let's talk about what happened on May 26th, 2024, and that is the planet Jupiter entered into the sign of Gemini. The reason we're talking about this is because it's going to be
around for a year. Jupiter spends about a year in each of the Zodiac signs. It takes it a full 12 years to get around the Zodiac. When it's in a sign, it activates that sign. Think of the circuit being completed with Jupiter and energizes the sign itself. So in order to break this down, we've got to look at the energy of Jupiter and the energy of the sign itself.
So Jupiter makes things really, really big. That's the definition based on the data in vibrational astrology.
And most other systems actually have come to that conclusion as well that Jupiter is expansive. The way that I like to think of Jupiter is think of it like a old school pump that you would use to pump up a basketball or a inflatable raft or anything like that. It makes things bigger. Whatever Jupiter aspects with it blows it up, it puffs it up, and most of the time that's good, but it can go a little too far because you can end up putting too much air into a basketball or a raft. And if you overload it, what happens? Boom, it
blows up. So it's important to keep that in the back of our minds because too much of a good thing can be not so good of a thing.
So we've got Jupiter energy that's going to be expansive. Well, where's it going to be expansive in the sign of Gemini. So we have to look now at what are the energetic properties of Gemini, and then we blend the two energies together. So Gemini is the sign of curiosity. Gemini is about asking questions. The worst thing you could do to someone who has a lot of Gemini in their chart, if they ask questions, is either
answer them minimally or not answer them at all because it's going to frustrate them to the end of the earth. So what does this mean with Jupiter hanging out in the sign of Gemini for a year? Well, we've got some good and a little bit of bad, but not a whole lot. So the good is this, since Gemini is about learning, exploring new things, making new connections with ideas and or people for the next 12 months, it puts
the collective in a situation where it's time for us to explore and ask questions.
And those could be mundane type of questions or really philosophical or deep questions and anything in between. So the whole idea of curiosity, adaptability, even some duality because when Gemini is activated, it invokes this piece of duality where you may be attracted to ideas and thoughts and curious about things that might not seem to go together. So one example is someone may be a fitness fanatic and they like to work out and it really energizes them and they're about eating the right food at the right time, but they might discover an interest in bread making. And if you're looking to keep fit, you might say, well, wait a minute, how does that work? Well, with Gemini, it works. The whole idea then is balanced and figuring out that you probably don't want to have a fresh loaf of bread three times a day, but these are the type of things that could show up under Jupiter's influence of Gemini.
On a more practical sense, this is the time to look at making new personal and professional connections.
Remember, Jupiter makes things big. So this is the time to explore areas that might involve stepping outside of the comfort zone just a tad being a little bit more adaptable than usual because it's all about this curiosity being ignited. So this rides with us all the way through next May. It'll vary for you as an  individual depending on where Gemini is in your chart and how it specifically gets activated. But lean in to this period of exploration. This is not the time to say, well, I've carved out a spot. Things are
comfortable. I don't need to worry about exploring new ground. On the contrary, this is the perfect time to explore new ground. And the thing to keep in mind is you may start exploring things and quickly discover, oh, well, wasn't what I thought it was going to be.
Baking bread might be very challenging and there's a lot of steps involved and it creates a little bit of a mess and you may not like it, that's cool, but you wouldn't have known that you didn't like it unless you went through the process and machinations of doing that. So that's the good associated with Jupiter's ingress into Gemini. There's a little bit of bad, and I don't even say bad. I'd say something that's a little
annoying, and that could be some scattered focus because with ideas coming at you from all these different directions and Jupiter making those ideas bountiful and full and wonderful, you might end up getting a little unfocused because your attention is spent here and then here and there and it's diverted in a bunch of different locations. So that's something to be aware of. You might also experience a bit at times,
and this certainly won't last at a fevered pitch for an entire year, but there may be periods of information overload that are more than normal because of the rapid amount of data coming at you from different perspectives.
And this could induce a little bit of anxiety, maybe a little bit of restlessness. Again, I wouldn't classify these as doom and gloom by any means, but it's something to be aware of because energy is just energy and it brings with it positive and negative components overall. I like Jupiter does good things. As long as we don't get out of control and become distracted and let our mind get flooded with new information and
it blows up, that's not good. But the idea of expansion, connectivity, joviality, all of that energy that gets pumped through the sign of Gemini, which then could expand opportunities and ideas and really give us some new perspectives on existing situations. So that's very, very cool. I'm excited about that. I've already started to see and feel some of the effects of it, and I suspect that you will too. That was going back to, as
I said, May 26th.
We need to talk a little bit about the full moon that is happening in June. On June 21st at one degree of Capricorn seven minutes, which is also when the summer solstice kicks off. So the net net of this full moon is its time to get your stuff together. And I'll explain what that means because this full moon is unique insofar as when July's full Moon rolls around on the 21st. Guess what? It's also in Capricorn. Now that doesn't happen all that often. So we're getting two full moons in the sign of Capricorn separated by a
month apart. Now let me explain what's going on here. And even if you're not all that familiar with the intricacies of astrology, this will make sense. Each sign of the Zodiac is divided into 30 degree segments.
When we put all 12 of those together, you get a full circle 360 degrees.
So just bear with me here. It sounds complicated, but it really isn't. June 21st is when the full moon occurs inside of the sign of Capricorn, but it's at the beginning of the sign. It's like knocking at the door. Hello, what's going on in there? The moon is inside of Capricorn, barely in the sign, and it's almost like the wake up call to say, alright, it's time for you to start figuring stuff out. But before I digress, I got to cover the
meaning of the moon. The moon of course regulates our feelings, our emotions, our habits, our patterns, history, previous incarnations, things that are part of us at an emotional level from previous experiences and in vibrational astrology. The idea of the moon reflecting the past into the current moment is what the whole theme of it is about. This is where our habits and patterns and the way that we react to things
ultimately come from.
Now, the sign of Capricorn is about practicality. It's probably the most practical sign of the Zodiac because the energy that's associated with Capricorn from a VA perspective is the ability to detach and observe what's going on. So when we combine the energy of the full moon, which is all about looking at, alright, we've done a bunch of stuff, here we are, what are we going to embrace as being complete and what are we going to let go of that hasn't worked. That happens every full moon. The specifics will vary
depending on which sign the full moon is in. But in this situation, because we have the full moon in Capricorn, it's almost like that coach from back in high school who was like, come on, give me another lap around the track. You can do it. I don't want to do it. Yeah, well, you have to do it.
It's time to make it happen and get it done. Capricorn is all about taking care of business, stepping back from the situation and looking at where we are, what needs to be done, and then doing it even if it's not glamorous or fun. But remember I mentioned it's at the very first degree in Capricorn, which means it's telling us, Hey, wake up. You got some changes to do. You've got to do some renovations on your person,
internal and or external. But we don't know exactly what those are at this stage of the game because it's just letting us know In June's full moon, it's time to reevaluate, see what's working, see what isn't, and make adjustments where need be. Much like that grumpy coach who is sitting on the sidelines saying, give me another lap around the track. But we don't know at this point necessarily what all those ins and
outs are, and just by the nature of the planetary cycles, you get a full month to figure that out.
So you might have some ideas initially, ideas like, it's time to make a change. It's time for me to do something. Maybe I need to address my health. Maybe I need to get into a different career. Maybe I need to get a different spouse or partner. That'll show up in a whole bunch of different ways. But the first full moon in Capricorn ignites that curiosity in us to say, alright, where do I need to do some maintenance and repairs? That's another way to think of Capricorn energy. It's like the maintenance person of the charge because it just does what needs to get done. It separates out the emotion. It often just kind of puts us on that path of like, well, here's what you got to do. If you don't want the result, then don't do it. If you do want the result, you got to put in the work pretty cut and dry.
So there may be some initial confusion. It's like when the full Moon hits my life isn't where I want it to be. I'm not sure how to make it better. I'm just not feeling right, or whatever the case is, the energy is such that you got to hang in there and ride that out because for the next month until the full moon in July, which is happening, and that's also on July 21st, so literally a month apart, but that's happening at 29 degrees of Capricorn in eight minutes. Remember 30 degrees in a sign. It's starting at the beginning and it's kind of passing over it almost like a laser beam through that sign through the whole month of the end of June and all the way almost through July coming up to the 21st. So the idea is that by the time the July Full Moon and Capricorn comes around at that point, it should be clear to you what it is that you need to
work on.
You may get clarity early in this cycle. It may take a full month, but the idea is be open to what it is that needs some work and then go do the work. And then also remember, the Full Moon is a time to let go of things that aren't producing for us. So let's say you enjoy eating a bag of candy every day and you realize, you know what? I've been doing this for a long time. It started during the pandemic because I needed some comfort, and now I realized I'm eating way too much candy and replace candy with anything,
alcohol work, any other type of thing that you can end up doing too much of, eating too much food, whatever. This could be a wake up call for us to let go of things that may have served us, that could have helped you get through the pandemic because you needed something to clinging onto for stability purposes, but it's not serving us now.
So I'm excited about this Full moon. You don't see this as I mentioned all that often where they both land in the same sign two months in a row. But when this happens, you take extra notice because it's sort of like a way to give us a little maintenance window for us to work on our lives. And if we look at the summer solstice starting on the 21st, it's kind of preparing us for dealing with the summer astrology is
cycles within. Cycles within cycles. You have cycles that last a year, a month, a week, a day. Some of them can last for just a few hours. So with the summer solstice kicking off, that's one of the two major shifts of the year. It's switching gears, helping us look at what we need to do now for the next six months, and then the winter solstice comes and gives us a little checkpoint along the way to say, all right, well how's all that working for you?
What do you want to keep? You want to get rid of a long-winded answer only to say that this is a great time to look at where you need to make some adjustments. And these two full moons help bring you that objective clarity. It's not necessarily going to be all roses and honey, but to know what you need to do at least gives you the information to then begin to figure out how to implement said changes. So those elements that we just discussed kind of catch us up to where we are to July. Any questions on the June
elements before we get into the July components?
Julia Marie (17:41):
No, I just am grateful. It's a whole month. We get a whole month to get really clear about what it is we need to do moving forward. So that's the good news.
Michael Spremulli (17:58):
It is, and the bad news, if you want to look at it that way, to give everything equal time, it may not be fun at times. You might have to let go of some stuff. You might need to introduce some new stuff. You might need to say, you know what? I've put on a few pounds. I have to do some physical activity, or I'm not sleeping well enough and I've been cutting it close with not nearly enough sleep that may need to become
a priority. So think of this whole cycle from June through July as maintenance for our body and soul.
So as you know, when we talk about New Moon full moons, there's always a new moon that's kind of related to it. So let's talk about the July new moon, which happens on July 5th at 14 degrees cancer in 23 minutes. So new moons are about planting seeds. Full moons are harvesting what we have planted and letting go of things that aren't needed. We plant our seeds during the new moon period, and that's at July
5th. So cancer is the sign of protection, and that's a little bit of a different interpretation than traditional astrology, but according to the data, cancer energy is about protecting ourselves and loved ones and watching over our cosmic egg. David Cochrane is the father of vibrational astrology, and he came up with that. Well, he uses that term. I don't know if he created it originally, but the idea of the cosmic egg is we
want to take care of things, people and situations that are important to us.
So just like an egg, certain things can get through the egg's membrane. If something smashes an egg, then it can destroy it. So we've got to run this balancing act of how do we protect ourselves and our family and our community and people who we're connected with in a way that makes sense that doesn't go off the deep end. So let me explain what I mean by this. Cancer, as I said, is safety, security, protecting that
cosmic egg is front and center. So this could mean during this new moon, you decide to really inquire or look out for those in your world who might be having some sort of issue or struggle. Maybe someone's feeling a little down and you're concerned about it, and it's like, well, what can I do to help? It's not about fixing everybody's problems, but it's about extending this energy of protection to those who are close to
Now, it could be very literal. It could be maybe you need to put a security system in your house because there's been a bunch of break-ins in the neighborhood. It can mean that. It can mean making sure that you have enough money saved away for you and your family, and the event of a rainy day should hit and there's a disruption in your career and the ability to generate revenue. Maybe it's cooking healthier or
smarter for your family because you're wanting to protect their health. So the idea of protection, again, is both literal and figurative, but the idea of cancer and energy really wants to look out for its own. Now, there's a little bit of a rough side to this as well. Sometimes if cancer energy is very strong, we take care of our own, but we might not have as much concern for other people who are not inside our cosmic egg,
and therein lies some problems.
So my idea on this and astrology is just a bunch of ideas that have been validated over time, is during this new moon in cancer, which is about protecting ourselves and our people, why not try to extend that a little bit to those people who are outside of our direct sphere of influence, family and community? And that
could look a whole bunch of different ways. I mean, simple way that may sound a little surprising is maybe you notice that there's an animal running around in the area that doesn't seem to have a home, a dog or a cat or whatnot. Maybe you extend that area of protection to get the humane society involved, maybe get them picked up into a safe situation and run through medical and potentially adopted out. So
there's nothing wrong with protecting ourselves. I think as humans, we're here because we've evolved through the ability to be able to survive and protect our family and our community and ourselves.
But I like the idea of extending that cosmic egg principle out a little further because just imagine for a second not to get all rose colored glasses, but if everyone just did one thing to care for others outside of their own personal, I mean, it could be as simple as holding the door open. This is not all major stuff. A lot of it runs the gamut from daily stuff where not beeping the horn at someone who cut you off all the way to maybe taking care of someone who may be close to the end of life. And you've got everything in between during this full, the new moon on July 5th, on or around that time, is it time to plant your seeds of protection? How are you going to do that? Think about what it is that's going to be most important for you to protect how you're going to about doing that, and then who is going to end up benefiting from that?
And that could show up in a variety of ways, but that gives you an overall indication of what to expect around that July new moon and be able to take advantage of it. Alright, here's another thing that's happening in July, kicks in on July 2nd and it runs through December 7th. So another long transit. Now remember when you hear these long transits, one of the things that took me forever to understand in
astrology until it just clicked one day because someone explained it the way that I'm about to share it here, and that is longer transits equal, slower moving planets. The moon runs through the chart and spends about two and a half days in every sign each month. As I mentioned before, Jupiter takes about a year to get through a sign. So when we have a long transit that's happening for months or even years, the planet's moving slower, which means that energy is just kind of simmer in there in the background, may
not be front and center, but it's like the undercurrent.
So what am I talking about? I'm talking about Neptune retrograde. Now, everyone gets all scared when you mention the retrogrades. I don't because it just means a period to reexamine and go inside. And Neptune retrograde is nothing like a mercury retrograde. So what is it? Well, Neptune is the planet of what is magical and idealistic for us as individuals, and that varies as much as there are individuals in the
universe. So what's magical to you is going to be different than what's magical to me, and whatever is magical to those of you who are listening, it could be something as simple as winning the lottery. That's the default thing because we don't with money, we think we can get anything that we want, but there's many other things. It's like lending the job of your dreams, getting into the relationship of your dreams,
going to the Super Bowl, whatever's ideal for you.
The phrase that was going around years ago is, oh, to die for that chocolate cake is to die for whatever is quote to die for you rolls up under Neptune now because it's moving backwards, at least perceptually from Earth starting on July 2nd through December 2nd is this is a time for reevaluation of what is it that is magical to you and spoiler alert, that can change throughout our life. We're not locked in. There were things that I was very, very interested in and excited about in my twenties and thirties that have morphed and evolved over time, and that's okay. That's cool. So because Neptune enters into this retrograde period for six months, that gives us a good long period of time if we choose to work with it. If not, it's just of there. It's sort of like turning a light on in a room and you're in another room.
The energy's still there, but you're not benefiting from it. It gives us an opportunity to look at what it is on a grand scale that is important to us and magical. It may be living in a shack in the woods. It may be winning a competition that you're involved with. Maybe you do competitive barbecue. I give a variety of wacky examples because what may sound wacky to one person, it's like, oh, that's exactly what I want to
do. So it doesn't matter. I always use the phrase, it's not about the content, but it's the context that matters.
So I want to get you thinking from that context of if you had a magic wand and could create the perfect lifestyle or environment or something that is magical to you and you can go poof, and there it is, what would that be? What has it been and what might it need to morph and evolve into?
So that's something to just file away starting in July through December, and you can get some clarity in these areas during that period. And it's not something you need to work at like a dog with a bone. You got six months, just let it. The fact that you're hearing this now and that it's floating around in your consciousness could be enough to start awakening that idea of evaluating where your hopes and dreams are right now and where you want them to be. So the fact that it's going retrograde gives us the time to put that together When it goes direct after December 7th, then we start to put that into action. But this is not the time to say, you know what? I want to move across the country. I'm going to start looking at real estate. No, no, no, no. That's not what this energy's about.
You can certainly do that, but it's not maximizing the energy to its full effectiveness. So that's a goodie that we've got in July. As always, no vibrational astrology forecast would be complete without looking at some of the vibrations that are happening through July. Now, I think the last time we got together, there was only one major vibration that was active for the whole month. Well, that happens sometimes. Here we've got three that are active. And what's interesting, and you'll see this connect, there're three separate
vibrations that are active and there's some overlap of planets. But you'll notice a common theme here, which somewhat goes back to the whole full moon situation that I spoke about at the top of the episode.
So let's break these vibrations down. The first one starts July 4th and runs through the seventh. So it's not a tremendously long period of time.
What we're looking at there is Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn active in the 27th vibration. So the 27th vibe is based off of nine times three. Again, I don't want to get too much into the mathematics behind it because I know some people's minds can glaze over, but I do find it important to show my work so that you realize where this is coming from. So this 27th vibration is about community and working together. Nine is the
vibration of community. When it's multiplied times three, that's that free flowing trine type energy where the energy has to flow freely. The planets that are involved are Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. Well, Jupiter, as we know, planet of expansion. Uranus breaks us out of old routines and gives us a little dose of liveliness living in the moment. And then we have Saturn coming in, which is the cutting away of
anything that is not necessary, that is not needed Now because Saturn and Uranus are together and they're connecting with Jupiter that modifies the interpretation.
So during the fourth through seventh, this is a time for a progressive approach when looking to make changes, well, where are those changes going to be potentially in our communities, because that's the vibration that it's active in. One of the mantras of VA is the planets serve the vibration. Think of a vibration. The seventh is calm still and quiet. Nine is community, 11 is restlessness. Whatever vibration the planets are in, think of that vibration as the arena. And then the planets are in there activating things
inside of that structure or theme. So when we're talking about community, we're talking about our family community, our friends, people who we work with, people who we worship with. Any place where you feel at home, this four through seven period of July 4th through the seventh, during that phase, it brings this progressive approach. New ideas potentially come to the surface to make some changes.
Jupiter makes things big. Uranus is that break out of the old Saturn is let's just cut away anything that we don't need. This is the time to look at what do we need to maybe kick to the curb as it relates to our community and our interaction with our community, and where do we need to work together to make some positive change? And collaboration is key, especially in the 27th vibration because it has that third or trying vibration energy in there as well. And that's where things need to flow easily during this time.
It's not about going alone. It's how can we work together to make some change and make an impact that'll benefit those who are with us. So that's the first one. Again, that's July 4th through seventh, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn 27th vibration. So now we look at the next vibration that's active, which is July 11th through July 14th.
Again, not a huge amount of time. Four days here, and we have Jupiter. Well, that was active a moment ago in the 27th vibe, but it's active here too. Uranus, same thing. But here's what's different. Ludo shows up now. So July 11th through the 14th, you've got Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. So we swap out Saturn for Pluto. And this is in the 25th vibration, which is five times five. Well, the fifth vibration is all about free
flowing, creative energy. It's not really even work it, it's kind of like fun. And the way I used to describe the fifth vibration when I'm doing consultations is think of a child at play, specifically one who sits down at some sort of instrument, a piano or a keyboard, and they just start playing music. No formal music training, no schooling. It just flows, just works for them. That's the energy and the essence of the fifth vibration.
So we like that. The fifth vibe is usually pretty good because things just kind of flow naturally when that's activated. The planets that are involved are now about Jupiter and Uranus. We know what the meanings of those are. Ludo is intensity. It's the dog with a bone like energy, meaning we're going to do this. I don't care how long it takes, it's going to dig in and sink its teeth into something and make something massive
happen. So what I came up with for this to kind of summarize it is these planets support big and progressive change. So there's a lot of change in the air that's starting to happen at the beginning of July with the fourth all the way up through the 14th. And it's about encouraging those around us and to play with those around us to look at a new way of doing things.
This is not about preaching or getting on a high horse or being holier than thou, but it's about looking at new ways to let the energy flow change. And because it's in the fifth vibration, the 25th vibration, I should say, that energy lends itself to make people more adaptable to going with the flow. Remember, five is about free flowing energy. And then we got these planets of changed, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto
coming in there. This could be a time where things change for the better, and you're able to get people on board collectively to embrace that change. Because as human beings, we're lousy at change. That's just the way we're wired. We don't like it. Some people claim they like it. Most of us don't. I put myself in that category. There's various varying degrees of that. But if we're looking to make some changes in the
groups that we're involved with or even within our families, this 25th vibe helps that energy flow very easily and explore new ways of thinking.
Now remember the full moon starting in June, and then the one in July is also about kind of stepping back and figuring out, Hey, where do I need to make some changes? So there's change happening everywhere, personal level, community level, collective level, but we're still not done. We've got one last vibration for July, and it's active from July 17th through the 21st. And here we have some different planets. And this is
also happening in the fifth vibration. The previous one with the 25th, which is five times five here. This is a pure five vibration, and the planets that are active are Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune or Mercury connects thoughts and ideas, potentially new ideas. Jupiter makes them really, really big. And Neptune is what is idealistic and magical to us. So from the 17th through the 21st of July, this is a time to put the
exploration hat on and explore big ideas, big dreams, new plans, and kind of start to flesh some of that out.
Now remember a few minutes ago we just spoke about the new moon happening where you're planting different types of seeds for protection in the cancer area of your chart. But when we're looking at Neptune's involvement here, and we know Neptune went retro goes retrograde on July 2nd, it kind of brings that up again for us to say, alright, well let's explore some options. Maybe you want to try some travel. You might travel and say, this is too much nonsense. I don't want to deal with the lines. And that's
all right, you tried it, but it's the time to start exploring and explore big. If you're wanting to do something that is on a grand scale, and it should happen to align with this time frame from the 17th through the 21st, it's a good time to test the waters, try a new recipe, try a new way to work, try a new motor conveyance, try something different, but big because Jupiter is this expansive energy that broadens our horizons.
So when we look at all three of these vibrations that we're looking at here, the 27th, the 25th and the fifth, it's a lot of energy that is designed to interact with our communities and then also be free flowing to usher in some change should we choose to take advantage of it. Remember, astrology of any kind does not make you do anything. It is a weather report. It lets us know when to seize the day for certain activities.
So I'm interested from the collective standpoint to see what the month of July has in store because I think there may be some shifts of perceptions at large. How is that going to look? I don't know. But peoples may be coming to different conclusions and starting to look at different ways of doing things. And that can manifest in a variety of different ways. But when we look at the grand picture, July is like this
adjustment phase. And then when we look at the personal things, the maintenance phase on us as individuals could really help us get set up to slide into the last part of 2024 from a completely differentperspective. And that's what I have for this update.
Julia Marie (39:59):
Well, it sounds to me like the watch word for June through July is actually change. Opportunity for change. The energy is a supporting change. If a person has been feeling like there's something in their life they need to adjust or want to, as you say, explore, this is the perfect time to do it.
Michael Spremulli (40:27):
And one last thing that I'll add to that, exploration doesn't guarantee that you're going to get to where you want to go on the first shot. Exploration is just that if you think of explorers in history, they had to go through a lot of stuff to ultimately discover something that was valuable, habitable, and ultimately a civilization was built. But you're not going to get there if you don't start the exploration process. So
change and explore, I think are the two themes for the month of July. So get out there and change and explore.
Julia Marie (41:05):
Well, as always, Michael, it's been a great show. But before we close, I want you to please tell the people how they can find you. And I know you've been working on something behind the scenes. Yes. Can you share a little bit about that project of
Michael Spremulli (41:25):
Yours? Yes. I'm very excited about it. I have launched a completely free online community, the Blue Ridge Astrology online community. You can find it@blueridgeastrology.com. There's a link right on the top of the page where I share a bunch of additional things. I've got several articles on there on the new
and full moons. I put all my daily forecasts there. I put my weekly forecast there. But most importantly, there's a spot for you to ask questions. And I encourage that, and it's in its infancy, but I've got some great plans for this community. And one of the things that I have been saying is it's drama free astrology. We welcome all viewpoints, we welcome questions. I want people to be able to ask questions regardless of
their knowledge of astrology, whether they're an expert astrologer or they're just curious. So I invite everyone who's listening to check that out@blueridgeastrology.com, and you'll see the link right in the nav bar up at the top. And I look forward to seeing you there.
Julia Marie (42:35):
Well, that's our time for today. Thank you for continuing to support evolving humans. If you are benefiting from this podcast, please recommend it to at least one person in your life who might also appreciate it. You can now leave us a text message by clicking the link at the top of the show notes page.