Evolving Humans

Evolving Humans, The Podcast: The Who, What and the Why Ep 125 | Julia Marie

Julia Marie Episode 125

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 The Evolving Humans podcast, hosted by Julia Marie, is aimed at individuals who are curious about spirituality, metaphysics, and the concept of evolving as a human being.

The podcast was born out of Marie's personal experiences and spiritually transformative experiences (STEs), which she details in her memoir, "Signals from My Soul". (Available on Amazon - Link below)

 She shares her journey of interacting with higher intelligence and learning through direct interaction with infinite intelligence.

The podcast aims to explore the non-material aspect of living and how it can be integrated with our physical existence. It also aims to help listeners overcome their limiting beliefs and make better choices in life.

The podcast encourages interaction and welcomes listeners' stories, comments, and questions.

Many thanks to Pixabay's Relaxing Time Healing Sounds124056 and Aleksey Chistilin's Cinematic Ambient Piano 118668 for the music beds for this episode.

Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!

For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us

Evolving Humans with Julia Marie is now on YouTube, and will offer more than the podcast episodes there, so give us a "SUBSCRIBE"!


You can find my book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening here:


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Julia Marie (00:00):
This week on Evolving Humans, the Origin Story. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for  awakening souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation.
I'm your host, Julia Marie, and I want to share a little bit about how evolving humans came to be and explain why me, why this podcast and why now? Thank you for joining me as we continue this adventure together. I know your life is busy and I want to start by acknowledging the choice you've made to invest some of your precious time in this podcast. So how do you know whether this podcast is even for you or
not? Evolving humans is for people who want to understand more about what it means to be human. Maybe you're exploring different modalities, spiritual traditions or disciplines. Perhaps you're an avid reader of spirituality and self-help books because you want to improve your life. You have an open mind
and you recognize there are many approaches to this area of thought that all have something to offer you.
It's time to answer that question.
Are you an evolving human? Well, you're an evolving human if you have a natural curiosity about all aspects of spirituality and metaphysics and you enjoy exploring the world that exists beyond the limitations of our physical experience. You're an evolving human. If you find yourself feeling like you have the ability to stand in the shoes of another human being and you have the imagination that allows
you to consider the possibility of life and other dimensions or on other worlds, you're an evolving human if you can step out into the unknown without fear and with great excitement. So again, I ask you, who is this podcast for? I'll use my own life experiences as an example. I wasn't born knowing. I don't come from a long line of Sears and I didn't discover the secret to enlightenment in some ancient text somewhere. Thankfully, I also didn't have to have a near death experience to blast open the connection to
my higher awareness.
But I did have a series of what are in today's parlance called spiritually Transformative Experiences or STEs that led to a rapid reopening of my awareness. I wrote about all of this in signals from my soul, a spiritual memoir of awakening. If you're curious about what exactly happened to me. For now, let's just say I learned all I know. Through direct interaction with infinite intelligence, I discovered the doorway to
the divine by turning within. My early teachers didn't have any physical bodies, and yes, when all this started, I thought I was going crazy. Imagine sitting in your living room interacting with a group of seven very tall beings that you can sense and feel. You hear their words in your head, but you cannot see them with your physical eyes when you ask them a question in your mind and somehow you just kind of know the answer.
It might take hours or sometimes days for that answer to drop into your consciousness, but it always comes. It always made sense. It was always logical. This process goes on for months and you start to wonder if there's something seriously wrong with you. And by the way, I also argued with these beings because I told them, well, if I can hear you, why don't you just tell me everything you want me to know and I promise I'll write it down. Why do I have to go through this process of mulling over a concept in my
mind for days at a time until I get an epiphany around it? Their answer was quick. It was also very simple, but I believe it's also why it's important for all of us to understand we have to do the work. They told me that knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom comes only through experience. So there's the rub. We can have an intellectual understanding of the principles and the process, but unless we actually put in the time and make the effort on a consistent repeated basis, it's not likely we're going to go much further than thinking about what the possibilities are.
We're never going to have a direct understanding of any of it. The learning process went something like this. A seed thought would drop into my mind and I would know it was a seed thought because it would repeat over and over until my attention was drawn to it. The next step was to contemplate that seed thought in light of the seven principles I was given by my unseen teachers. Eventually insights would
come about that seed thought. One day they gave me a seed thought that I'd been mulling around for a while.
So the seed thought was the seven became three became one. That seed thought actually evolved into a very complicated model that has to do with our chakras and how their levels of consciousness and how they're also microcosms of the macrocosm of the layers of consciousness of the universe. This model involved how the heart center is the point of integration. I was working on that particular concept, sharing
it with my sister as well as the concern that I had that maybe I was going off the deep end and maybe I did need medication. So I asked for a sign from the universe and do you know the very next morning I got it?
I was driving back home after dropping my child off at school in the morning. It was a blustery fall, Washington state day. The sun was coming through the clouds. There was enough moisture in the air to create a rainbow and you can say, well, atmospheric conditions contributed to it, and I'd agree with you because trust and believe I'm a skeptic.
I was a skeptic then and I'm a skeptic now. So back to my drive home, I'm driving home in my car very seriously concerned about the possibility that maybe I'm going off the deep end, that I crossed the line somehow and I needed to seek psychiatric help and never forget, sometimes when these things happen to us because of their very nature, we can seem like we're going crazy and it never hurts to maybe get a
second opinion. Anyway, I'm sitting at the stoplight and I heard the voice that I was getting used to hearing in my mind at this time. It was always only ever a short one or two word phrase, and I'll talk about why that was at another time, but for now, I heard two words in my head, look up. So hands on the steering wheel, I'm looking up and as I look up through my windshield, I see everybody rushing to go to
work, and so I say, is this another lesson you want me to learn?
Am I supposed to be grateful that I'm not part of the pack, having to rush to work, that I get to drive back to my house and spend the day sleeping so I can be awake all night? I heard again, gently persistent look up. So then I looked up above the people that were rushing past me in the crosswalk and I saw the three colors of the stoplight and I said, oh, is this some teaching about green meaning go and red meaning stop
and you're going to tell me some kind of cosmic insight around those colors and what they mean. Finally, quietly for the third time, and yes, for me and for many of us when it's spirit, it comes in threes. For the third time, I heard look up and when I looked past the stoplight, I could see off in the distance part of a rainbow and I thought that kind of looks like it's the neighborhood of where my house is Now as I'm
driving down the road getting closer and closer to the street that I needed to turn on where I lived at the time, I noticed that rainbow was right over my house.
I pulled up in front of my house and I stepped out, stood in the middle of the street and admired it for a moment and started up the walkway. When I heard, go get your sister, it startled me because my sister was in the process of trying to get her boys ready for school. It's a busy time in the morning for single moms and I wasn't going to bother her, but I heard the command again. So I shrugged, went across the street, knocked on her door and said, I hate to bother you, but I'm supposed to show you this rainbow. I
thought it was for her and that's why they wanted me to go get her. She came out and as she stood on the curb, remember I'd been talking to her about this seed thought this 7 3 1 concept, and I'd been sharing my insights with her over the prior two weeks as she stood on that curb and looked at the rainbow, it wasn't just a little rainbow, it was bright and vibrant and brilliant and beautiful as it hung in the sky with literally
the center of the arch directly over my house.
Well, she turned to me with tears in her eyes and she could hardly keep herself from sobbing. She said to me, you know that rainbow is for you, don't you? And a wave of energy ran through me and I said, how do you know? Look at it. She said, and I looked at it and replied to her, yes, it's a bright rainbow. It's really beautiful. It's directly over my house, but what makes it different from any other rainbow and how
do you know that rainbow is for me? She repeated, look at it. That's when I noticed that one leg of the rainbow came up and then there were clouds that broke it, and then the main arch went over the top of the house and there were some clouds on the other side that divided the downward leg into two pieces and a wave of understanding ran through me, and that's when I realized directly over my house was a physical
manifestation of the metaphysical concept I'd been working on the past two weeks.
The seven became three became one. It was a seven colored rainbow split into three pieces. Now this came in response to my request for a sign because I told God, and in this case I'm going to use God because I was raised Catholic and that's the name for the unseen intelligence that is most commonly used by those of the Catholic faith. Please send me a sign. I asked. My need was great and my worry was deep.
The very next morning there was a rainbow in the sky over my house. From that day forward, I knew I was having a conversation with a higher intelligence that originates from somewhere other than my own limited mind, and I realized that this intelligence was responsive in addition to being interactive. Before we go any further, here's just a brief note. You're going to hear me say most of the time them or they spirit
or the universe, when I'm referring to the consciousness that permeates all levels of our existence, you can call it whatever you want.
Some people use other terms like God, the force, the creator, the invisible realm, the field, the Great Spirit source, the Dao, the other side. You feel free to use what other term you're most comfortable with. I just want you to know what I mean when you hear me reference the nonphysical because there's going to be a lot of that on this podcast. The most important thing to remember is this. It's all the same despite the
different labels. It's the cosmic super glue holding everything together. It's intelligent. It's an intrinsic part of our physical reality, and we swim in this infinite sea every day without realizing how much a part of this web of consciousness we are. The principles I learned in those early months in all of those late night exchanges form the essence of what Evolving Humans podcast is all about. Now, I personally took those
principles and spent the next 30 plus years using my life as a laboratory, treating it as an ongoing experiment and living from the inside out, and I would not be sharing what I've learned with you if I didn't know through personal experience and persistent application over decades of my life that it works, but it's not just my life you're going to be hearing about.
There are so many people I've met along the way who are also quietly living their lives inside out. They come from different walks of life, but they apply consciousness and awareness in their own unique way.
Each has found a way to transcend, to some degree or other the mundane world we find ourselves in. All of us have learned to be in this world but not of it, and if we've learned how so can you because after all, we are the same, you and I, so if you are ready to suspend what you think you know about consciousness
and awareness and want to explore the potential available to us all when we choose to live outside the box we put ourselves in this podcast is for You. I created the Evolving Humans Podcast to explore the idea the non-material aspect of living can be easily integrated with our physical existence instead of separated from us.
We're all naturally intuitive. We've simply forgotten how that part of our wiring my life changed forever.
When I became conscious that something wasn't right, even though I couldn't articulate what that something was, I felt as if my life didn't fit anymore like a uniform or a suit. That's too tight. And if there's any of you out there listening to this right now and you are starting to have that kind of feeling as if there's something about your life that doesn't fit, then I say rejoice. Be happy because change is coming.
One of the things that happened to me early on was I would receive simple messages almost, I guess it's called channeling today, but I could find that if I sat down with a pencil and a paper and just waited, words would seem to flow through me from some wellspring onto the paper. I found a short message in one of my early journals, and I just want to share that with you today because it really is at the core of who we are as humans on this planet right now.
You are spirit animated form made up of the energies of both worlds. You are not separate from the greater awareness. You are part of it, and therefore there is nothing between your awareness and the infinite mind. It does not exist beyond your reach, although your little mind cannot comprehend fully the workings of the universe. Still there is much you can understand and that is what we want to share with you. This message taught me that I don't have to look out there somewhere for my answers because I am animated by soul. That same intelligence I sought outside of myself is what gives my physical body life and is the consciousness that animates this physical form and therefore I need to turn inside. I need to look within to find the answers I seek. It wasn't very long after this brief communication that I found myself thinking back on the memory of a visit I made when I was a teenager to a funeral home for a viewing.
When I was 18, my brother drowned in three feet of water at a school picnic. The shock of the news of that sudden loss was like getting a bucket of ice water thrown on me. I didn't get the chance to say goodbye, and I thought it would bring me some peace if I could go visit him before he was buried. Yes, his body was there beautifully laid out. Yes, he looked like he was asleep, but even though I was still very much in an unconscious state as far as my spiritual awakening was concerned, I knew something was
missing. I couldn't feel the part of him that made him my brother. It was as if there was only the shell of him in that box without realizing it at the time. That experience was the beginning of my understanding. There's more to life than the merely physical aspect of our being.
That first message from Spirit I shared with you clarified what I couldn't put into words when my brother died. We are more than our physical bodies. We are consciousness. We have an aspect of our being that is nonphysical and capable of transcending the physical part of our body, and it's apparently able to continue existing even after the body stops working. It took me decades to really understand the implications of
this insight, and even after my awakening was well underway and my life had begun to rearrange itself, I didn't realize just how interactive the universe is. I didn't yet understand this consciousness field is capable of anticipating my need far better than my limited awareness. It took me decades to really understand the implications of this insight. Well, since we're all created the same, it's likely you might also have forgotten the truth of who you are.
The goal of the Evolving Humans Podcast is to remind you about that and help you to see how close you already are. I'll bring you conversations with people I've met who are busy living their lives, listening to their inner voice. You'll hear stories from my journals that illustrate how the principles can easily be applied in your life, and you're going to have access to supplemental material you can implement on your
own schedule. So how can this podcast benefit you? You'll learn how to make better choices. You'll find yourself showing up where you need to be when you need to be there. You're aware of what's coming your way sooner when it's still a whisper, a faint blip on the radar of your awareness by expanding your capacity to sense these vibrations. You're ready to move when the opportunity shows up in your waking
life. The most significant obstacle you have to overcome as an evolving human is your own limiting beliefs.
We'll talk about strategies you can employ to work with not against those beliefs. It's up to you to choose how far you'll go with the ideas. I'll present to you. I chose the all-in approach. You may prefer a more conservative path, but whatever you decide, it's perfect for you and where you are at this moment. You don't need to quit your day job. If you choose to explore the invisible world, it will help if you're willing
to make small changes in your routines and be consistent with them. You'll see significant returns, I promise. Of course, it's up to you to try these things out for yourself, and I always say just take what works for you and leave the rest because I am not here to convert or I simply want to start a conversation.
I want this podcast to be interactive, so I'll look forward to hearing your stories, comments, and questions from time to time.
Now, you can scroll down to the show notes and click on the link at the top of the page. I'm looking forward to having you be a part of the conversation. Well, that's the story of how evolving humans came to be, and that's our time for today. Thank you for continuing to support evolving humans with your downloads and shares. If you've derived benefit from this episode, please share it with one other person
who might enjoy it. And now here's a quote for you to contemplate as you go about your day. Where is God? Where can I find him? We ask. We don't realize that it's like a fish swimming frantically through the ocean in search of the ocean. Ted  Decker