Evolving Humans

She Talks to the Animals, and You Should, Too! Ep 121 | Guest: Deb Hennen

Julia Marie | Guest: Deb Hennen Episode 121

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You'll hear from a professional animal communicator this week.

Julia Marie interviews Deb Henin, a certified animal communicator, reiki practitioner, and animal hospice consultant.

Deb shares her journey from growing up in a household full of animals to discovering her ability to communicate with them telepathically.
She explains how she facilitates a two-way dialogue between pets and their owners, helping to resolve issues and deepen their connection.

 Deb also discusses her experiences with animals in spirit, explaining that they are made healthy and whole again after crossing over.

She encourages pet owners to talk to their pets, include them in family conversations, and seek help from animal communicators if needed.

Deb's Website

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Julia Marie (00:00):
Do you want to know what your pet is thinking? Do you wonder how they're feeling? Stay tuned to hear how you can deepen your connection with your animal companions. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. 
Deb Henin is a certified animal communicator animal reiki practitioner and animal hospice consultant. Deb has always had a special connection with animals and found her true calling in telepathic communication with pets and bridging the gap between pets and their humans. She facilitates communication, opening a two-way dialogue between you and your beloved companion, and she's the founder of Heart to Spirit. I've been waiting quite a while to have an animal communicator on, so welcome to Evolving Humans.
Deb Hennen (01:23):
Thank you, Julia. I'm very excited to be here.
Julia Marie (01:27):
Let's start at the beginning. What was it like growing up in Deb's house?
Deb Hennen (01:35):
Well, we always had lots of animals. I always just felt more comfortable with animals and people felt like I had some kind of special connection. At that time, I didn't know anything about animal communication or that it was even a thing growing up. My father was in the Marine Corps and we moved a lot, went to 12 schools in 12 years. My mother was a nurse. It was a very strict household, but my mother was always there to soften things.
Julia Marie (02:16):
It sounds familiar. I was raised in a quote, military brat household as well, and had a similar moving around experiences, yet you learn to adapt.
Deb Hennen (02:31):
Yes. And animals. Our pets were always kind of my refuge.
Julia Marie (02:37):
So I'm curious, what kind of exotic pets did you have in your home?
Deb Hennen (02:44):
When I was still living at home, we had two raccoons named Gina and Raquel, and my father built a really cool enclosure forum, and so we'd hang out with the raccoons and play with 'em. They were really interesting. One of my very favorite pets was my skunk peppy Le P. He was descented, but he was just really cool.
Julia Marie (03:19):
Now, you talked about having an early experience with your pony, big Red. Can you share that?
Deb Hennen (03:27):
Yeah. It was kind of funny now when I look back on it, but Big Red didn't have a very good beginning.
We kind of inherited him after someone my uncle knew had him and he wasn't getting any attention and apparently even kids had been mean to him. And so I was in high school at the time and we got Big Red and we had about two acres that he could run around on, and I was the one who would feed him and take care of him. And he was always pretty feisty though We didn't ride him or anything, we just wanted to
give him a good life. So one day I went back to go do all the things for him and he bit me and I didn't even think about it. I reacted and I reached up and bit his ear. Well, of course he reared, I ran. But after that we had a very calm relationship. We understood where we stood with each other, and I like to think of it as sort of my first animal communication.
Julia Marie (04:50):
Oh, what a conversation. So let's talk a little bit about how you went from wanting to be Dr. Doolittle when you grew up to becoming a professional animal communicator, and when did you discover that animal communication was a real thing?
Deb Hennen (05:08):
I had a 45 year career in IT information technology, which seems to be kind of the opposite end of the spectrum from spiritual work. I'd always had that, and I was a foster for greyhounds for a number of years, and one of the women had gone to an event and came back talking about an animal communicator, and this is only about seven years ago, and I just couldn't get enough information from her. I'm like, wait,
what? This is a real thing. I need to learn this. Found out who the communicator was and reached out to her. Found out she was going to be holding a two day seminar. I just had some really good experiences in the seminar and this instructor was going to be offering a nine month training program. And so I was, yes, sign me up. And after nine months of training and about another year of practice, well, she assured me
that I was ready.
Julia Marie (06:25):
You always had an affinity for animals anyway, so this is a natural fit.
Deb Hennen (06:30):
I feel like it is.
Julia Marie (06:33):
Well, let's say I'm intrigued by what you do. What can I expect if I come to you for a reading?
Deb Hennen (06:40):
I do most of my readings remotely. I use a picture of your pet to enable me to connect with the pet and then connect energetically, telepathically, intuitively. Then I tell people we can have a conversation with your pet, so we'll see if the pet has anything that they particularly want to bring up, get all the questions answered and just let the animal lead the conversation.
Julia Marie (07:20):
That's really cool to allow the pet to be the one to be the primary speaker during the conversation.
Deb Hennen (07:31):
Exactly. And they're very excited for that. A lot of them, of course, have never had that opportunity. They communicate with their people with behavior or vocalization, things like that, and most pet parents have an intuitive sense to what their pet needs or wants, but this does, it puts it in a whole new light where we can actually put words to it.
Julia Marie (08:04):
What are some of the common questions that pet parents bring you?
Deb Hennen (08:09):
Is my pet happy pet parents, especially the ones who are looking for an animal communicator, they really care deeply about their pets and treat them as a member of the family and really want to know are they happy? Is there anything they need? I think that probably the second most common might be for a behavior issue. Pets tell me that just because the pet parent thinks it's an issue doesn't always mean they
think it's an issue. And sometimes a little discussion on both sides and coming to an agreement is just what the family needs. Yes, I'm that intermediary to help the negotiations along. And then I would say probably the other most common question is when a pet is approaching their end of life and the pet parent wants to know, are they ready? Well, first of all, when I ask the pet, are you ready? I've learned that they
ask ready for what? And some of the additional training that I've been doing in these years is learning how to phrase questions as pet parents, we want our pets with us as long as possible. We don't want 'em to be suffering. And so by getting the pet's perspective on their own end of life, it can really help the situation. It's going to be emotional no matter what.
Julia Marie (10:08):
If a pet has passed on, can it communicate in the same way that human loved ones do?
Deb Hennen (10:18):
Absolutely. It's all energy and it's all telepathic communication. When I'm communicating with pets, my process we could call it is the same whether they're living or passed on. I do speak to a lot of pets who are in spirit because again, pet parents want to know, are they okay? Are they happy? What are they doing?
And it's really interesting the different things that we've learned.
Julia Marie (10:54):
What are some of the things you've heard from pets? On the other side,
Deb Hennen (10:58):
They sort of describe the other side for me, and sometimes they're like, now it's important. I need you to tell my mom this and describe it for her. And what they've told me is that when they first cross over, they are made healthy and whole again. And they show themselves to me in sort of a younger, more lively version of themselves,
Julia Marie (11:30):
Just like the humans.
Deb Hennen (11:32):
I just do pets.
Julia Marie (11:35):
That's interesting though, from my perspective. That's interesting. It's just like the humans do. Yeah.
Deb Hennen (11:40):
Okay. And then the next thing they tell me is they update the records. And so I think they're talking about the Akashic records, a record of everything that's ever been and ever will be. And they kind of download their life experience and update everything that they encountered experienced in their life. And then they tend to just chill for a little bit, try new things. I actually spoke with a dog recently who didn't like swimming when he was alive in his body. And he said, now, make sure you tell my mom that I'm
swimming. He said, she's going to be surprised. And when I told her that, she said, oh, he did not like swimming at all. So yes, I am very surprised. So it's really fun. It's always exciting to me, and I always approach it with curiosity and really wonder because they're just so amazing and they want to share this information with us
Julia Marie (13:00):
And look at all your learning too. So it's expanding your own knowledge base too.
Deb Hennen (13:06):
That's very true. Yeah, that's very true.
Julia Marie (13:10):
What if I, I don't necessarily want a reading, but I just want to be able to experience a deeper connection with my animal companion. What should I do?
Deb Hennen (13:21):
I say, first of all, talk to them. They understand everything we say. Now, they may not choose to listen, but they do understand. Any pet can understand what we're saying. Talk to them, explain to them what's going on in the family. If you're considering moving, not that you need to get their opinion, but let them know. I've had so many pets talk to me say they were so panicked when they saw moving boxes or saw things getting put in boxes and didn't know if they were going to get put in a box or if the people and the
boxes were going to leave and they were going to be left. And so talk to your pets. Let them know what's going on. And another funny thing that pets have said to me is they brought home a new cat and didn't ask me,
Julia Marie (14:28):
Well, humans assume the pet wants a companion.
Deb Hennen (14:34):
Exactly. Not all of them do. That's always interesting. And the response from the pet parent is always interesting as well, because it's something they never thought about.
Julia Marie (14:49):
Well, most of us understand that animals have some level of consciousness.
Deb Hennen (14:55):
I believe they have souls just like we do. They have emotions and feelings just like we do.
Julia Marie (15:04):
One of the most profound conversations I ever had was with a three-legged black lab, and that's when I first understood, whoa, there's wisdom here.
Deb Hennen (15:16):
Yes, there's some of the wisest beams I've ever talked to. I'm sure people have noticed when they're sick or they're sad that their pet will come and try to be next to them. I had a really interesting conversation with my dog when I was sick, and she was laying right next to me. And so I asked her what she was doing, and she said, well, I am taking away the sickness. I said, whoa, how cool. And I said, well, make sure you let that go. I didn't want her hanging onto that sickness. And she goes, oh, I know. They can
have a little attitude as well, but they're here for humans, right? They're here to have those deep relationships with humans.
Julia Marie (16:17):
Well, I'm aware of more than one instance where the human in the household was battling cancer and then the pet dies of cancer and the human ends up surviving, and it's no coincidence in my world. So it's You just validated that we need to give them more credit. That's what I say.
Deb Hennen (16:44):
Julia Marie (16:48):
Now, I'm sure you've had some unusual experiences over the years. Can you share maybe one or two of those?
Deb Hennen (16:57):
It was actually in that two day seminar when I was just kind of blown away, and that's the moment I decided, this is what I need to do. I'll be honest, the first day of the seminar, I got very little from the animals, but I'm one of those people who always thought I needed to be in control, and that's been a huge life lesson for me. But learning to be able to just kind of let it flow and follow the animals lead has been
wonderful. But towards the end, there was a dog who came in and the other dogs that were there started barking at her, and I was really curious. And so we were asking our instructor and she said, well, communicate with her and see what she says. Before I could even try to connect with her. She came over and she laid her head on my lap, and I didn't even know this dog.
Wow. She came over, she laid her head on my lap and I saw the most amazing picture. She was walking down this beautiful, almost like a long driveway with beautiful flowers and trees on both sides, and as she got closer to the end, it just got brighter and brighter and brighter, and I still get chills from it when I tell the story and I kind of broke free. It was almost like I was in a trance or something, I don't know. But it was just like, whoa. And I told the instructor what I had seen, and I said, I think she's getting ready to
cross over. And my instructor said, absolutely. Pets can see auras, and this dog's aura was changing. Her energy was changing. She was separating from this world and starting to reconnect with the other side, and that's why the other dogs didn't want her around. It was so, like I said, it just blew me away. It was the moment I knew I had to do this.
Julia Marie (19:48):
That's pretty incredible. Well, what's interesting to me is human spirit communicators, just my own perspective, they will actually do a medium selection process. They will find a way to get their person to the medium that is most capable of communicating on their behalf. And what you just said is pretty much animals can do the same thing because out of all the people in the room, she knew you would. There was a resonance in your field that would allow her to be able to communicate.
Deb Hennen (20:27):
Oh my gosh, I never thought of it that way. That's so amazing.
Julia Marie (20:32):
And I'm getting goosebumps, so I know what I just said to you is true. I'm learning a lot today. Thank you for coming on the show.
Deb Hennen (20:39):
Oh, my pleasure.
Julia Marie (20:41):
If you were going to encourage pet parents to do one thing, what would be
Deb Hennen (20:47):
It's going to be talk to your pets, include them in the conversation, and if you are having issues, then reach out. Things can be improved, whether it's a behavior issue, whether it's end of life, whether it's just that you want to have a more in-depth relationship with your pet communicators can help not only share their voices, but share their emotions and feelings. And I am the first to say, if I don't know an answer to something that your pet suggests, I'll find it for you. I will research it and let you know. I've had pets tell
me what medication they need. I've had pets tell me what kind of therapy they need or what kind of training works best for them. They know things and they have opinions, and it's just so cool to learn.
Julia Marie (22:00):
Pets are people too.
Deb Hennen (22:02):
Exactly. Pets are, they
Julia Marie (22:03):
Have personalities. They have personalities and wants and likes and dislikes just like everybody else. They're just wearing a fur coat.
Deb Hennen (22:12):
Exactly. Or feathers or scales or
Julia Marie (22:15):
Feathers or scales. Let's not leave out the reptiles.
Deb Hennen (22:20):
Julia Marie (22:22):
This has been a wonderful conversation. Like I said just a minute ago, I've learned a lot, but before you tell the people where to find you, I have five questions I ask all my guests, so are you ready for this?
Deb Hennen (22:40):
Julia Marie (22:42):
Three words to describe yourself.
Deb Hennen (22:45):
I would have to say, first of all, I'm a very caring person. I care deeply about my pets and my family. I guess second would be genuine. I believe that people should always tell the truth no matter what, and you can trust that I will always do that. Third, I would say I'm a spiritual person. I'm not a organized religion person, but I am a spiritual person.
Julia Marie (23:26):
Three words to describe your spiritual journey.
Deb Hennen (23:30):
Amazing. Truly amazing. It has been enlightening. There's so many aspects of our world, our universe, that I had no clue about, and it has been educational, life changing. I know that's two words.
Julia Marie (23:56):
That's okay.
Deb Hennen (23:57):
Life changing. It really has changed my life.
Julia Marie (24:03):
So what's been your greatest spiritual lesson?
Deb Hennen (24:08):
My greatest spiritual lesson is that I have everything within me that I need. When I first started, I thought, and I don't know why I thought this, but I thought my intuition was outside of me and I had to pull it in, but I understand that my intuition is part of me and my higher self is part of me.
Julia Marie (24:43):
That's why my tagline is live from the inside out.
Deb Hennen (24:48):
Oh, that's beautiful.
Julia Marie (24:50):
What's your concept of God or source or the universe or that higher power?
Deb Hennen (24:56):
First of all, I pretty much use all those terms interchangeably.
Julia Marie (25:00):
Me too.
Deb Hennen (25:02):
I don't know that. I think that there's one being, I feel like they say God is in all of us. God is in everything. The plants, the animals, the car we drive and everything is interconnected, and I feel like that's God, that's spirit.
Julia Marie (25:36):
What's your final message or tip that you would have for the evolving humans? Listeners?
Deb Hennen (25:43):
I would say believe in yourself. If you feel like you're getting a message, whether it's from your pet or some other situation, believe it. When I first started learning animal communication, one of the things that our instructor told us is to trust. Everybody has intuition. Everybody can do what I do, but it starts with trusting yourself and believing in yourself.
Julia Marie (26:23):
Well. With that, I want to ask you to please tell the people how they can find you, because I'm sure they're going to want to,
Deb Hennen (26:32):
My business is heart to spirit. That's the word heart, the number two, and the word spirit. So you can find my website@hearttwospirit.com. My email is Deb at heart, two spirit.com. I'm also on Facebook again, heart two Spirit. Have you noticed a theme here?
Julia Marie (27:01):
Yeah. It's been wonderful having you on the show. Like I said already twice, I learned a lot today from you and your experiences with the various animals that you have encountered, and I appreciate you taking the time to share your wisdom with the listeners.
Deb Hennen (27:22):
It's been a great pleasure for me. Thank you so much.
Julia Marie (27:27):
Well, that's our time for today to every person listening now, thank you for continuing to support this podcast. If you found value in this episode, please share it with two other people so that together we can bring more light to this world. If you need clarity about a current life situation or want to hear from your loved ones living on the other side of life, go to Julia marie.us and click the book Now button on the homepage. And now here's a quote for you to ponder as you go about your day. Learning how to
communicate with animals is just like learning any other language. The more you practice, the better you become. Karen A. Anderson