Evolving Humans

Time to Get Going! May 2024 Cosmic Weather Report Ep 120 | Guest: Michael Spremulli

May 01, 2024 Julia Marie | Guest: Michael Spremulli Episode 120
Time to Get Going! May 2024 Cosmic Weather Report Ep 120 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
Evolving Humans
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Evolving Humans
Time to Get Going! May 2024 Cosmic Weather Report Ep 120 | Guest: Michael Spremulli
May 01, 2024 Episode 120
Julia Marie | Guest: Michael Spremulli

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My friend vibrational astrologer Michael Spremulli visits Evolving Humans to discuss the astrological events for May, 2024 that will be impacting our lives. This time, he's bringing good news!

He highlights the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which he says will bring a sense of forward movement and progress.

 He also mentions the April Mercury retrograde in Aries, which provided a time for introspection and self-discovery.

The New Moon on May 7th in Taurus and the Full Moon on May 23rd in Sagittarius are also discussed.

Spremulli advises listeners to surround themselves with progressive and interesting people during this month, as the energy is conducive to exploring new experiences as a result of the 1st Vibration active from May 2 -26th.

He also mentions the 16th vibration active from May 1st to 6th, which helps clarify what is really important to us.

All in all, the Cosmic News for May is excellent! Take advantage of these vibrations that will help propel you forward on your path, and perhaps change the entire trajectory of your life.

Vibrational Astrology Website

Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!

For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us

Evolving Humans with Julia Marie is now on YouTube, and will offer more than the podcast episodes there, so give us a "SUBSCRIBE"!


You can find my book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening here:


Show Notes Transcript

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My friend vibrational astrologer Michael Spremulli visits Evolving Humans to discuss the astrological events for May, 2024 that will be impacting our lives. This time, he's bringing good news!

He highlights the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which he says will bring a sense of forward movement and progress.

 He also mentions the April Mercury retrograde in Aries, which provided a time for introspection and self-discovery.

The New Moon on May 7th in Taurus and the Full Moon on May 23rd in Sagittarius are also discussed.

Spremulli advises listeners to surround themselves with progressive and interesting people during this month, as the energy is conducive to exploring new experiences as a result of the 1st Vibration active from May 2 -26th.

He also mentions the 16th vibration active from May 1st to 6th, which helps clarify what is really important to us.

All in all, the Cosmic News for May is excellent! Take advantage of these vibrations that will help propel you forward on your path, and perhaps change the entire trajectory of your life.

Vibrational Astrology Website

Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!

For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us

Evolving Humans with Julia Marie is now on YouTube, and will offer more than the podcast episodes there, so give us a "SUBSCRIBE"!


You can find my book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening here:


This transcript was prepared using ai, and therefore may contain some errors.
Julia Marie (00:00):
Vibrational astrologer. Michael SPR is here with the Cosmic Weather Report for May, 2024. Welcome to Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. Vibrational astrologer. Michael SPR is back with us today. His approach to astrology is both unique and practical. Vibrational astrology is researched based and the techniques are scientifically validated and Michael has years of study and experience with this system of astrology. His website is blue ridge astrology.com. So Michael, welcome back to Evolving Humans. It's a pleasure to speak with you again.
Michael Spremulli (01:07):
It's a pleasure to be back. Thanks for having me, Julia Marie.
Julia Marie (01:10):
Now I know you've got a lot of stuff to talk about today, but before you get into your report, can you maybe give us a theme for the month of May, 2024?
Michael Spremulli (01:21):
Sure. I think if I had to summarize it in a sentence, it's like it's time to get going. This is a good month. I think the collective at large is going to feel like things are finally moving forward and I'm going to give you some examples of what that looks like from the astrological side of things. So this should be a very, very positive month. Not to say you won't have little knocks and dings along the way, but overall this is about making progress.
Julia Marie (01:52):
Good. Finally, it's about time. Yeah.
Michael Spremulli (01:56):
Well for you, me and everyone else, I hear you.
Julia Marie (02:01):
Alright, so it's your show. Take it away.
Michael Spremulli (02:05):
Alright, well let's start here by and as always, astrology from month to month, there's overlap from the previous month into the current month. So before I get into something that happened just a few days ago, I always like to remind everyone these forecasts are like a weather report. Your mileage will vary depending on what's going on in your natal chart. And before I even get into what I was going to talk about, let me mention something that I didn't even have in my notes. The eclipse happened back on May,
April 8th, and that's a good example of what I talk about when I mean your mileage will vary and it's like a weather report. So we know that this eclipse happened and there was this line of totality, and if you were lucky enough, I was not this time to be in or close to that line of totality.
You got the eclipse at that full experience when the moon went in front of the sun, created that Corona. It was absolutely wild, beautiful, empowering, all that. But let's say you lived down in south Florida, you didn't see much of that actual eclipse happening, but it was happening. You were just in a different part of the country where you didn't get to experience the visual as much as those who were in the line of totality.
Well, the same thing holds true with daily and weekly and monthly transits. Depends on what's going on in your birth chart as far as how much of that you're going to experience. Everyone experiences the energy of these transits to some degree, but based on what's happening in our own chart, we'll dictate as to how much or little of these energies and events that I'm going to go through here that will affect you on a
personal level.
So having set the stage with that, let's talk about what happened on April 20th, and that is something that hasn't occurred in astrology in about 14 years. And I'm referring to the Jupiter Uranus conjunction inside of the sign of Taurus. So that happened on April 20th, and I want everyone to think back to around the years 2010 to 2011 because that's the last time these two planets were conjunct. It only happens every 14
or so years. So the reason I want people to think back to that time, if you can figure out what might've been happening in your life, it doesn't mean you're going to get a replay of that, but it does mean that you could anticipate similar energies. So what energies are we talking about with Jupiter and Uranus? These are two fantastic planets to aspect. So this kicks off the theme of having a very positive forward moving
month because even though this Jupiter, Uranus conjunct had peaked on the 20th, these are slow moving planets.
So we're going to get this energy for a good long while. Definitely weeks ahead. I mean the apex of it was on the 20th, but it lingers. So what are we talking about? Well, in vibrational astrology, every planet serves one function and regulates one process. So Jupiter regulates expansion and makes things big When Jupiter's involved, it tends to have us explore things, broaden our horizons, maybe even bring some good
luck to the table. But Uranus is right along there with Jupiter and its energy by itself is very lively, intense. It breaks us out of the norm. It likes to live in the moment and focus on the here and now. When we combine both of those energetic principles from Jupiter and Uranus, this is all about moving forward, creating good luck for ourself because we're doing things in the right place at the right time.
There's expansion that's present with the two of those planets aspecting together, helping us look and explore and expand into areas that maybe we even thinking about for a long time or maybe we haven't even been thinking about them, but opportunities then show up because of these two planets aspecting and connecting their energy. Lots of favorable things come about when Jupiter and Uranus blend their
energy together. And because it's happening in the sign of Taurus, it has to do with the natural unfolding of things. Remember in va, our definitions of the signs are a bit different than the traditional definitions because it's based on the data that has been observed and conducted through the research. So in va, Taurus is all about an unfolding from within. It's almost like an organic unfolding and it's a natural
process. So when Taurus is activated by something as strong as a Jupiter Uranus conjunction, this kind of puts us on the launching pad and lights the fuse, so to speak, and then we just kind of do our thing.
It's not like we have to go out seeking a whole bunch of radical change and looking for that next horizon and where we're going to go because Taurus just likes to go with the flow kind of unfold. So even if you have no idea what is next for you in your life, whatever that means, whether it's in the relationship department or the work department or getting along with others or any other thing that you can think
about, that generally becomes very clear and self-evident when Taurus is involved because taurus's nature is just let things unfold naturally and with Jupiter and URA is coming together and kind of lighting that fuse, this could be a pivotal change because with my private clients, I've been getting a lot of people coming to me saying, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I may be tired of a relationship or a job or
this or that, but I don't know what to do.
I don't know where to go. I don't know what the next step is. And what I've been telling folks, obviously specified to where their placements are in their chart is just be aware that there's a shift coming. I did a consult actually this morning where someone was telling me, I don't know, things just feel different and they're not into astrology as far as tracking it on a day-to-day basis. So when did this difference kind of
start? So it kind started on Thursday or Friday last week, and over the weekend it felt like I kind of got sent into a different orbit and I explained the whole Jupiter Uranus thing and they said, yeah, that's kind of where I'm at. I'm not sure what's coming. It feels like it's good and it's different. And that is Jupiter, Uranus in a nutshell because Jupiter's good Uranus here and now breaking you out of the norm.
So that's a very exciting aspect that again, if you want to get a general tone as to what you might be able to expect energetically, see if you can go back to 2010 or 11 and see what was happening for you during that time. And don't focus on the actual content, but rather what was the energy? Were you excited? Was it a matter of transition where you're leaving something and moving into something that was more
favorable for you at the time? And that can give you a little bit of a heads up as far as what to anticipate as this unfolds and don't fret. It's like, oh, I missed the date of the transit now this is around a while. So it's up to us to harness the energy and then implement it so that we could just kind of ride this cosmic wave,
which is a very good place to be in.
Julia Marie (10:25):
Well you said a while. How long is that while?
Michael Spremulli (10:28):
Yeah, that's a good question. So when we have full moons and new moons, that energy generally lasts a week or so. You've got this because these planets move so slowly. I mean they're still very much close together. You've got at least a month or so to feel the initial ignition, so to speak, of this energy. But then once you get the ball rolling, you've got it. So by the time this airs, you still are well within the window to wake up, dial it in, see what's going on, and be aware of these potential change and shift that these planets
are ushering in. So at least for the next month or so, probably longer, it gets hard to pin it down to exact influences. But the slower the moving the planet is, the longer that energy aspects because it just takes longer for, and both of these are kind of in the outer planet range. Uranus certainly is. Jupiter is sort of in that intermediary spot, but it takes Jupiter about two years to go around the whole chart so you got a little
bit of time, don't squander it,
Julia Marie (11:43):
Right? What's next?
Michael Spremulli (11:45):
That's a big deal. So that should bring some much needed change and relief to folks who have been searching for that. The other thing that I want to make mention of and we haven't even gotten into this month yet is everyone was panicking about Mercury retrograde. Retrograde. I think it went in on the sixth, I don't remember exactly. It goes direct on April 25th, which for me, this past Mercury retrograde
hasn't been all that bad. Some of them knock you around a little bit more than others. What has it been like for you? Have you had the typical Mercury retrograde stuff going on? How has that showed up for you over the past three weeks or so?
Julia Marie (12:31):
Well, I replaced my laptop and last week I had to get a new printer. So a lot of devices related to
Michael Spremulli (12:40):
Communication. Okay, so forget everything I said about me because for you it obviously beat you up pretty good and it can happen that way. Again, it comes down to what's going on in your natal chart. For me, I hardly remember, it's like I keep up with this stuff because I want to know what's happening. And when it went in and I just pulled my sheet here, mercury actually went retrograde on April 1st. I remember that now because that was kind of like a little cosmic joke, ha, April 1st, but going retrograde,
other than a couple of little things, this one didn't bug me all that much, but here we are speaking with you and you had some of those issues and challenges regardless on how much or little someone felt this retrograde is important to realize where this is happening. And that is in Aries. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac.
That's where that's I am. Who am I? What am I bringing to the table? That's what Aries energy is all about. And because Mercury retrograde there, it gave us this little time to pause and reflect and ask ourselves, who am I indeed? Where do I want to be going? What's happening? What's working? So it gave us these three weeks or so to do a little bit of introspection, roll things back and think before we take action. And what's interesting, and I was thinking of this before we were getting on to do this forecast for
your listeners who are new, go back and listen to these forecasts for the past couple of three months because you'll see the story unfold. It's almost like we're here now in May where lots of things are being able to unfold and develop and have this new start, but we've been building up to this through the planetary cycles up to this point that Mercury going retrograde, retrogrades are time to reexamine and
rethink and reevaluate.
So if we've done that and we did our homework, we might come out of it thinking, okay, now I know who I am or have a clearer picture of who I am and what direction I want to head in so that we can then add the Jupiter Uras conjunction on that to help get us to where we have to go. All of astrology fits together like a thousand piece or probably more like a million piece jigsaw puzzle, and it's pretty amazing when we piece all that together. Mercury went back to direct April 25th, which should now, if we've done the
homework of thinking about who are we, where do we want to go, the clarity can now begin to seep in.
And because it's an Aries at the beginning of the zodiac, give us that fresh start in some area of our life as we enter into May here with the various aspects that are forming. The good news is we don't have to deal with another Mercury retrograde until August. So you're off the hook for the whole summer. Mercury doesn't go back retrograde until August 5th, and then it's going to be in Virgo, and we'll talk about that
when it gets there. So hopefully people navigated this retrograde fairly easily. Let me ask you this, just out of curiosity, how long until we got into the retrograde did you start having the technical issues? And we went in on April 1st.
Julia Marie (16:14):
The technical issues with the laptops started a few weeks prior to that, but it was right around that time that I decided not going to be able to fix 'em, going to have to just replace it and the printer just up and died last week. It just quit printing
Michael Spremulli (16:34):
And that happens and it was mildly annoying, I would imagine. Maybe a little frustrating, but now you've got a new laptop and you got a new computer and a new printer rather, and then you're able to move forward and jump back into things. Not all that catastrophic. I cringe when I hear some folks out there get so worked up about Mercury retrograde. It's the end of the world and it's just not. Is it annoying? Yeah, it
can be, but you survived. You're here. I'm here and life is good. Alright, so let's take a look at new and full moons and just as a refresher, for those of you who may be new or haven't heard one of these in a while, new moons and full moons happen every month. New moons are a time for us to plant our seeds, make your intention set the intentions, because new moons are new cycles where things end up growing out of.
So when the full moon rolls around every month, we have 12 times a year when we have the ability to put our intentions out there. I mean certainly you can make your set intentions anytime, but to get a little bit more of that cosmic oomph, you could do this on or around a new moon to be in conjunction with that cycle. So New Moon happens May 7th, 18 degrees of Taurus and two minutes now Taurus, wait a
minute. I just mentioning Taurus a little while ago because of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. Indeed I was, well now we're back in Taurus again with a new Moon on May 7th. And remember, Taurus energy is about naturally unfolding and answers the helps us answer the question of what's next without forcing it. Because the tar and energy, it's just like, well, let's just see what happens. Don't enforce it, let it unfold,
see what's going on.
And it often reveals itself to us. So we've got this Jupiter Anus conjunction happening in Taurs. We also have a new moon happening in Taurus. So this is the time to get the wheels in motion for changes that you want to bring about. You might not know all the details of the change. You may want a new career or a new place to live, and it's like, well, I don't know how I'm going to do all that, but it doesn't matter. You
put it out into the world, you set the intention right around that new moon so that you can capture the energy. Remember, at the end of the day, all vibrational astrology is is we're studying cycles and patterns.
That's it. And we want to align ourselves with these planetary cycles and patterns so that we can maximize what we want to do in this universe in our lives so that we're going with the flow with the current as opposed to working against it.
So remember Taurus, they tend to get really into the mood. A good way to agitate someone who's a Taurus is if you're watching a TV show or a movie with them is talk throughout it. They don't like that because it interrupts their flow. So I think the important lesson of this new moon happening when it is,
and again that's on May 7th, 18 degrees of Taurus, is just get in the flow. You don't have to have all the answers and you won't have all the answers, but just putting yourself in the flow and planting your cosmic seeds is the time. Now is the time to do that because if we just kind of ride that to energy, it often gets us to where we need to go. Even if we have very limited information, it just kind of carries us there. The trick with Taurus is don't force it.
Think about it this way. If you have people who have a lot of Taurus in their chart, rising sign many planetary placements, sun sign, moon sign, and you try to force them to do something, what is that like?
Probably not a positive experience because they don't like to be rushed, they don't want to be forced. Now we're all stepping into this Taurus energy to some extent. So set your intention then get out of the way because the cosmos has its way of carrying us along if we're in the right boat, it's sort of like rides at an amusement park. You don't have to know anything about the ride. And for whatever reason, the ride a
small world came to me from Disney World just now, don't know why or where, haven't been to Disney in probably over 30 years. You don't have to know anything about what the ride is about or that there's going to be singing in there and all this.
You get in the car and it takes you through and then it brings you safely back out. That's kind of like Taurus energy. Just get in the car, go for the ride, and go for the ride. Exactly. And then when you realize there are things that you have to do along the way when you get into the last room of, it's a small world, everybody's singing, it's a small world after all, what do you, you end up joining in. No one tells you to do
that, but it just happens. Just kind of whoop. That's actually, it's funny, that must've been divine intervention because I've never used that example before, but yet I think it fits and I need to make a note of that because I'll use that moving beyond our interactions here. But just get in the car, let it take you through, do what feels right along the way and that puts you on the right path.
Again, that's New Moon May 7th. Well, we can't talk about a new moon without talking about a full moon. So the full moon in May is on May 23rd and it's at 9:52 AM The only reason I mentioned the time on the full Moon is a lot of times people want to know when it's going to be at its apex. Sometimes it's at night. In this situation, it's going to be during the day. Alright, that's fine. It doesn't matter. You're not going to lose energy from it. But if you want to be outside when the moon is full, it's probably not going
to be visible at 9:52 AM depending on where you're in the world. But this is happening in Sagittarius and Sagittarius likes to explore looks at new Horizons, very similar to some of that Jupiter energy. S just wants to go on an adventure. Life is an adventure.
So what does it mean when we have a full moon happening inside a Sagittarius? Well, new moons are a time for planting seeds. Full moons are a time for harvesting what we planted six months ago because the new and full moon cycles, it's not like you plant something and then two weeks later it comes to fruition.
That doesn't make sense. The S Full Moon is going to be built out on the work we've been doing hopefully for the past six months or so. You might've had plans in the works of, gee, I want to grow something. I want to explore in a different direction. I want to take a major trip or maybe visit another land or maybe learn a different language or whatever it is. I always say this, I'll say this until I leave this earth. It's not about the content, it's the context.
The energy of Sagittarius is this expanding exploration type of energy where we want to go on an adventure. If you've planted your seeds to want to do that, you might begin to see some of those things now sprout, because when a full moon happens, we don't want to manifest on that day and you don't want to set intentions. It's time to sit back and reap the harvest. It's like when the farmer plants their seeds in the
spring, which is right around now, they're generally going to be ready for harvest sometime around September, October, depending on where they are. You don't want to plant more seeds then. Then it's time to harvest what grew and then do what you will with it, share it with others, sell it, give it away. Use it for feeding your animals, whatever the case might be. From the farmer's perspective, sad sag is this expansive, really wired energy to go and just explore.
So this is why I'm saying May is a really good month. There's something for everyone in May. It's like a smorgasborg, but it's good all the way around. I don't see a whole lot of challenging aspects that are heading our way. So that's May 23rd. Really early in the sign of Sagittarius, whenever you have things happening at the very beginning or the end of a sign, they can have a little bit more potency. And the way that it was taught to me years ago from the very first astrology that I ever had a consult with is think about
someone showing up in a room and they open the door and they're standing there and they just kind of look into the room and people look over. It's like, oh, so-and-so is here. It's almost like making a grand entrance because this isn't the second degree of Sagittarius. This could be very powerful and very moving for us because it'll prompt that focus on reaping the rewards of what it is that we've been wanting to expand and explore into. So any questions on the new or full moons?
Julia Marie (26:58):
No, I think you did a great job and gives me some food for thought about looking back at six months ago, what was I doing?
Michael Spremulli (27:06):
Yeah, and here's the interesting thing too. Sometimes we may hear, oh geez, well I didn't do anything six months ago. Well, you might not have done so consciously, but another one of my mentors always says, well, we're always planting seeds. Either we're aware of it or not, but we're always planting seeds. I think it's a good practice to go back and look six months earlier, what were we doing? Were we in a good situation? Were we struggling? Were we thriving? Just to give us a frame of reference and even if we
didn't consciously plant seeds, what was the general tone of our lives that we were experiencing at that time? And that could give us some insight as to what might unfold ahead. Alright, no forecast would be complete without a vibrational forecast. And it was interesting the way these broke out this month last week, I did my weekly astro alert, by the way, I'll mention that to your listeners. They're completely free.
If you like this stuff, you can go to the website on the main page, blue Ridge astrology and sign up to get these. I started doing weekly astro alerts every Sunday where I email out a detailed listing of the vibrations that are active for the week. And that's a little different than what we do here because here I'm looking at longer range vibrations that are active for a longer period of time.
Julia Marie (28:31):
I like them, they're very helpful, so I appreciate 'em. Yeah,
Michael Spremulli (28:35):
Thank you so much. And last week there wasn't any vibrations that were active. Sometimes that happens. So I ended up just forecasting some basic transits that were occurring. But when we do these for your show, I'm looking at as long of a range as we can because those are the ones that you're going to feel more
dramatically. If a vibration shows up for two or three days, that's helpful. Information. Probably isn't going to change your life, but it can help you dial into specific things. But anyways, I digress. I say all that to say that the vibrations for this month basically break down into just two. We'll cover the first one and then I'll explain how the second one's a bit more unique. May 1st through May 6th, we have the 16th vibration active and the planets that are in it. For those of you who are astrology buffs, you have Jupiter,
Saturn, and Pluto, all conjunct in the 16th vibration.
And this again, the date ranges May 1st through the sixth. Alright, well what does that mean in English premiere, the 16th vibration activates with us our internal drive. What do we really, really, really want? I'm not talking about material things or I want a new car or I want to change houses. What do we really want? When the 16th vibe is activated, it helps us hone in and clarify what is really important to us. At a core level, our motivators get activated. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all about efficiency because Jupiter makes things really, really big and expansive. Saturn helps you cut out anything. So those two planets by themselves, if you happen to have those anywhere in your natal chart, Jupiter and Saturn, conjunct or opposition or anywhere where they're connected, that brings great organizational ability because you've got the balance of expansion and then the editing function of Saturn.
But we've got a third planet in this vibration and that is Pluto. So Pluto is all about intensity. Pluto is that dog with a bone, energy, whatever it aspects, it links into that or hooks into it and brings this drive and almost a compulsive type of nature. So when we combine Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto inside of the 16th vibration, here's what you can be in store for productivity and efficiency at a very, very high standard.
What does that mean? That means during this time, and you got about a week or so, first week of May, where we're able to get a lot done in an area that's meaningful for us because remember, the planets always serve the vibration, and if the 16th vibration is about what our core motivators and drivers are, these planets help us get it together so that we can then go pursue whatever's really important to us at an
internal level.
During this time, it's pretty easy for you to take out anything that's not essential, throw out all the junk that's not needed, focus on what is important. That's Jupiter to make it grow, and then pluto's there to keep us on the hook and say, yeah, well, you might not need those 17 years worth of tax returns. Maybe it's time to put 'em through the shredder, get 'em out of here. If it's getting in your way and you're seeing them
every day and it's preventing you from focusing on something bigger, that's kind of a mundane example, but you get the general gist. This whole first week of May is about getting it together, getting efficient, and it's not like you have to work really hard at it because when the energy is connecting with us, it just kind of flows. We just kind of get into that zone.
That energy lasts about a week. It really does set the tone for the rest of the month, and here's what was really interesting to me. I've seen these before, but I haven't seen one like this for a while. This next vibration, which is the first or the natal vibration, that's not the interesting part, but here's what is. It's active from May 2nd all the way through the 26th almost all month, so that means it's here for a long time
and we can maximize the energy during this vibration for pretty much the entire month of May in that first vibration. That means if you're looking at a birth chart or a transit chart of the sky, these planets would be there. You don't even have to calculate vibrational charts off of this because it's just right there in vibration. Number one, we have the sun, Jupiter and Uranus.
Wait a minute, I just talking about Jupiter and Uranus at the beginning of this forecast. Absolutely. Well, now the sun shows up. Now the sun in vibrational astrology has very simple function. It's not magical, it's not really mystical, and some have even said that the sun is dumb now, nothing against the sun, but the sun does one thing. It shines a light on something. It's like a spotlight. Another way I like to think about it
in my crazy head is think of the sun, almost like a lighthouse spinning around and showing the light on one little sliver as it's spinning around and it's highlighting different things, and that is just lighting up different parts of our world. Well, when the sun is in aspect with other planets, it's shining a light on those planets and making them front and center highly visible. It's bringing awareness to whatever else is
Well, that's this whole Jupiter Uranus thing of being open to new experiences. Good luck expanding our horizons, living in the moment, not worried about the past, not worried about the future, focused on the here and now, and this energy lasts the whole month of May. That's why when I started pulling this together the other day, because even though I'm an astrologer, I don't know what's happening next month
or two months from now until I look at the transits. I kind of smile because I'm part of the collective, and the last couple of months it's had its peaks and valleys. I was very happy to see this because now this sustains that Jupiter Uranus conjunction energy a little bit longer. For those of you who play the piano, there's a sustained pedal on a piano where if you don't hit it, the note goes dink. If you press the sustained pedal, it goes ding and it kind of hangs on.
It makes the noise resonate longer. It makes the energy resonate well, the sun is here hooking into these two planets, making them front and center for the entire month. It's time to get going. Now, a couple of tips for dealing with this extended energy. Now is not the time to hang out with your narrow-minded
friends and people who are like, oh, I'll never get ahead in life or This is it. This is my lot in life. No, this energy is conducive to exploring new people, progressive people, people who are interesting, people who are responsive, people who are awake and connected because you can go hang out with people who think everything is predetermined and life is miserable, but it's going to suck the energy right out of you instead
of magnifying this energy, it's just going to deplete it. If you run into people who may be a little outside of the sphere that you normally travel in, maybe you want to get to know them a little better during this particular time.
Maybe someone invites you to do a social activity that you've never done before, like go to an escape room or axe throwing or something that's totally outside of your personality. You may say, you know what? It's not going to kill me. Hopefully with the axe throwing of you, throw it straight ahead.
Apparently that's a trend these days, but push yourself a little bit just to experience something that is expansive Jupiter and lively Uranus in the moment because when we connect and complete that circuit, that can then fuel us in other areas of our life. The more people you can surround yourself around during this month of May, and if you remember nothing else of what I went through, can always go back and
listen to the replay, but the sun, Jupiter, Uranus vibration, number one for the whole month pretty much from the second to the 26th, that's enough to help potentially redirect your life into an area where you want to explore things more deeply. There's a bunch of other stuff happening, obviously that we just went through, but all in all, I am very, very much looking forward to May because I think it's going to be a nice
catch your breath moment for the collective, and we're going to be able to move forward into those areas that really, really seem important to us in order to meet our next level and goals and objectives in life.
That's what I got for the month of May. What questions can I answer for you?
Julia Marie (38:05):
Well, I'm just thinking of how exciting it's going to be. Well,
Michael Spremulli (38:11):
And it is, and we spoke a lot about Jupiter. I want to just for a couple of seconds, talk a little bit more about Uranus. Uranus is one of those planets that I think a lot of people misunderstand in va. It's a very lively planet. The data shows that it breaks us out of the norm. Uranus does not like the mundane. I used the example before of throwing out all those tax returns. You can certainly do something like that, but really if you want to stay true to the energy, that's probably not the best use of uranium energy. It's
breaking out of structures and routines that might have limited us. So to be able to combine Jupiter and Uranus and really connect with that energy to maximize it, we want to lean into it because it can help take us to places to explore that maybe we never even thought possible because that's what Jupiter and Uranus do together. They explore uncharted territories.
Julia Marie (39:10):
That's funny because I had the thought this morning, this other place I was looking at that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Maybe I need to just go maybe 30 miles down the road and check out possibilities in this area. I was just having that thought this morning, so maybe I'll follow through with that.
Michael Spremulli (39:29):
Yeah, that's exactly, that's Uranian energy. It's like, all right, I've looked here. This isn't so good, meaning it's not necessarily bad, but it maybe isn't really lively. You see, that's the thing. You know, you're dealing with Uranian energy where there's a liveliness. Uranus is associated with parties and dance and music,
and Uranus is exciting. It's the opposite of Saturn where Saturn is like, no, we don't have time for games. We got to take out all the non-essentials. Not to say that Uranus is going to mess around, but it's more like, let's just see what happens. Yeah, let's go with the flow. Let's break out of the norm, and when you look at it from that standpoint, you can then start to feel and embody this energy to give you an idea as to
whether you're connecting with it or not.
Julia Marie (40:10):
Well, I just want to thank you for all of the information in our weather report this month, and before we close things out, can you remind the people where they can find you?
Michael Spremulli (40:21):
Sure. I'm on all the socials at Blue Ridge astrology. The website is blue ridge astrology.com. If you haven't, sign up for the Astro alerts if I do say so myself. They're really good. And then@blueridgeastrology.com you can learn about my various consultation services, and I will say this, I've been getting busy, so if you've been contemplating booking a one-on-one with me, I'm already out
into the middle of May at this point. By the time you hear this, it'll probably be June. Check that out. I don't want you to be disappointed if you show up and there's like a two month wait, but I do want to thank you for all of your support and your listeners support. A lot of people have shown up on my doorstep through this podcast, and I appreciate that and them and you. So thanks all the way around.
Julia Marie (41:13):
Well, being booked two months out is not a bad problem to have, Michael. Not
Michael Spremulli (41:18):
At all. Very grateful for that.
Julia Marie (41:20):
Happy to be the conduit for you.
Michael Spremulli (41:23):
Well, I appreciate it greatly.
Julia Marie (41:26):
Well, that's our time for today, and I want to thank the listeners for continuing to support this podcast with your ratings and reviews. If you find value in this episode, please share it with two other people so we can bring more light to the world. If you need clarity about a current life situation or want to hear from your
loved ones living on the other side of life, go to JuliaMarie.us and click the "BOOK NOW" button on the home page.