Evolving Humans

The Miracle of Mother Mary's Monastery, Pt 2 | Guest: Kimberly Braun

January 24, 2024 Julia Marie | Guest: Kimberly Braun Episode 104
The Miracle of Mother Mary's Monastery, Pt 2 | Guest: Kimberly Braun
Evolving Humans
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Evolving Humans
The Miracle of Mother Mary's Monastery, Pt 2 | Guest: Kimberly Braun
Jan 24, 2024 Episode 104
Julia Marie | Guest: Kimberly Braun

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Kimberly Braun, author of "Miracles in the Naked Light", returns to share the wisdom she gained from saying "yes" to Spirit. If you want a detailed example of how it this world was originally designed to work, then give this episode a careful listen.

Braun discusses her experiences with the Monastery Project, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to the divine and trusting in the process.

She shares a story about a stained glass window that was donated to the monastery, highlighting the interconnectedness of all things and the divine orchestration of events.

Braun also offers advice on how to step into one's potential and manifest visions or dreams, suggesting practices such as finding a spiritual mentor, developing a contemplative practice, and viewing each moment as a teacher.

Kimberly Braun's Website

Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!
For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us

Show Notes Transcript

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Kimberly Braun, author of "Miracles in the Naked Light", returns to share the wisdom she gained from saying "yes" to Spirit. If you want a detailed example of how it this world was originally designed to work, then give this episode a careful listen.

Braun discusses her experiences with the Monastery Project, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to the divine and trusting in the process.

She shares a story about a stained glass window that was donated to the monastery, highlighting the interconnectedness of all things and the divine orchestration of events.

Braun also offers advice on how to step into one's potential and manifest visions or dreams, suggesting practices such as finding a spiritual mentor, developing a contemplative practice, and viewing each moment as a teacher.

Kimberly Braun's Website

Thank you for listening to Evolving Humans!
For consultations or classes, please visit my website: www.JuliaMarie.us

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Kimberly Braun (00:00):
When we give our yes to Spirit, we don't have to bank on anything that we think we have skills, good mind, a good heart, a devotion. We don't have to bank on anything that we are. The Monastery Project showed me that all we need to do is really surrender in that yes and be at the service of it. And what we need to know, what we need to adapt to, what we need to act upon will be set up for us. It will come to us. We will not be left unknowing step by step.
Julia Marie (00:40):
This is Evolving Humans, the podcast for Awakening Souls. I'm your host, Julia Marie. Settle in and get ready for another spirited conversation. Welcome and thanks for joining us. And now part two of my conversation with Kimberly Braun, author of Miracles in the Naked Light. So what's one of the most important lessons that this project taught you?
Kimberly Braun (01:18):
That's a really big question. One of the great lessons that this project not only taught me but helped me embody when we give our yes to spirit, we don't have to bank on anything that we think we have skills, good mind, a good heart, a devotion. We don't have to bank on anything that we are. The monastery project showed me that all we need to do is really surrender in that yes and be at the service of it. And
what we need to know, what we need to adapt to, what we need to act upon will be set up for us. It will come to us. We will not be left unknowing step by step.
Julia Marie (02:10):
Exactly. We just need to do our part and know that the universe is going to do its part. It's pretty simple. That's why I wanted you to share that.
Kimberly Braun (02:24):
Julia Marie (02:24):
You. We get so wrapped up in being human.
Kimberly Braun (02:28):
It's so true. And I love to add to that. And as that happens, we feel ourselves part of the celebration of consciousness coming into form. We taste it and we smell it and we can feel it in our hands. It becomes very tactile that consciousness coming into form is a very happy thing.
Julia Marie (02:54):
And we are the instruments through which consciousness flows.
I can't say that enough. So can we talk about something that really struck me as truth In the book you wrote, if we flow with our lives, the sense of destruction is minimized. Only resistance creates a tension we call violence or destruction. And you add to that part of any flow is the ability to let go. And I feel like
that's one of the most difficult things for humans to do is the surrender piece, the letting go, just being. So how can we adjust to a new way of being if we are intrigued by maybe trying a new way of moving in the world?
Kimberly Braun (03:50):
Yeah, it's such a great question. And there's, in reflecting upon a possible action step, I'd like to say that there are many portals starting with the desire that you would like to say yes to your life in a way that lets you live flow starting there. Then you can invite in, how do I do that? And notice what starts showing up for you. There's going to be a book that gets put in your hands. There's going to be a podcast you listen to. There's going to be, and you have the opportunity to have the autonomy to recognize
what moves you. And you have the respect of the divine to say yes to what moves you. So if you're listening to a podcast and you're feeling moved, you're respected by the divine to say, wow, more of that. So in that are some of the mechanisms and ingredients towards living in that flow. For me, I have always found that perspective is a really, really big one that where my perspective is limited and narrowed and contracted. I'm to be caught in suffering.
And where my perspective softens and shifts, I will not only experience new life, but I will discover a whole field of resources. Intelligence. I think intelligence is the field like Barbara Brennan says, we make ourselves available to that. So one step we can take in the direction of navigating, the challenge of letting go is beginning to frame our perspective with everything. Having my cup of tea T managing my
relationships, making career choices, everything from small to big to enter into it as a sacrament. And what I mean by that is to enter into it with the open expectation that there is something to be moved by here. There is some grace present again, not in a way that we grasp it or force it, but kind of exhale into it. So I would say it's working with our perspective as one of the most powerful agencies we have.
Julia Marie (06:26):
Would you also include attention in that perspective piece? Because our attention these days is not oriented for most of us towards anything that's really expansive. It feels like it more, it contracts us, which to me personally would seem as counterproductive to me wanting to exhale into something greater than myself.
Kimberly Braun (06:56):
Yes. And I love that you used that word. That's a beautiful gift we're given as an individual is attention and intention. And if there is a divine work, if you will, I don't like the word work, but if there is a divine work, it's the invitation to cultivate the skillfulness, to stay with the attention and intention and to even
go so far to let ourselves be healed of things like self-judgment for instance. We fail in our attention, but when we wake up to the fact that we've moved away and we've moved into a narrow contracted, a lot of western human beings are hitting themselves over the head. I did it again, I did it again. I did it again. Not realizing that even that very action has sabotaged the attention and the intention. It's not ours to
judge, it's not ours, it's not our yoke, it's ours just to return and return. It's like in Hosea and that beautiful song by an old Catholic group, Western priory, come back to me with all your heart. Don't let keep us apart. It's so beautiful. So when we find ourselves absorbed in things that are not life-giving, what if we heard the beloved saying, tenderly not this way. Come back to me because I long for you.
Wow. Doesn't that make the process joyful? Easier, a little easier?
Julia Marie (08:53):
Yes. I do want to briefly touch on a particular part of the project where doubt kind of crept in a little bit.
I'm speaking specifically of the three inch rise for the concrete pour of the kitchen floor. When you had that epiphany about the power of doubt. So you're following, you're doing everything that you need to, and yet there was still a moment where you noticed something and then you surrendered to, well they're the experts, thank goodness you did eventually say something. What happened? What was the
insight and how were you able to identify your own patterns of doubt?
Kimberly Braun (09:43):
So for me, places where doubt has come in, I guess you could even, I don't tend to label things, but I guess that moment you could almost say it was an imposter syndrome, right? Here I am managing a big project as a young woman and I'm entrusted and my people trusted me and I trusted them. So there was never any aside from a few work crews, most everybody I worked with, we really trusted each other
each. So I was not in an environment that was pushing me down to not have a voice. My doubt came from me, a hundred percent from me. And as I was looking at the plans and seeing that we were going to have a concrete pour and we had failed to change part of the form, that's what the poor, the concrete goes in and the form holds it almost like a cookie cutter. And one of the floors was going to be three inches too low if I hadn't said anything about the mistake. But I kept looking at it and my first thought was self-doubt. My first thought wasn't the objective, oh, I wonder if this is right or not. My first
overlay was There's no way I'm seeing this.
There must be something they know that I don't. They're the experts. I displaced my power and I think that's a metaphor for all of us, but spirit wouldn't let me rest. And that to me was an epiphany because I believe that if what I saw was unfounded, you can't do a project that big and get worried about everything. I mean, you can't be a worrier and do that kind of a building project unless you work with your worry and heal your worry. So I didn't worry about a lot. I trusted spirit on a lot, but spirit kept it
niggling in me. I just could get no rest over this mistake. And so I wasn't able anymore to repress it or push it away or ignore it. I wasn't able to ignore it anymore. And finally just to get the inner relief, I still didn't know if I was right, but just to get the inner relief, I'm like, I got to say something. Well, the moment I said something, the energy all moved and then my beautiful Michael, my right hand person was like, you got to tell us. He called me out on it, but he's like, come on Sister Mary, why did you wait
all day? And we had a good laugh about it and I was aware that the only reason I didn't speak was my inner moment of low self-worth.
And that when we dwell in, even when we have all these ideas that it's humble or respectful or whatever, we may be delusional about low self-worth moves us away from our flow where we're not in the flow of who and what we are. It's not helpful. We may have reasons that we put ourselves down or don't trust ourselves or don't respect ourselves, but that actually hides us from our flow. And that was a
beautiful insight to me because it made it softer. It made my willingness to surrender in those moments easier because it wasn't just about me being right or wrong or trusting somebody outside of myself. It was actually, oh my gosh, I didn't trust myself. Thank you.
Julia Marie (13:31):
Just for my own personal curiosity, when your attention was first drawn to that, were you aware of the fact that you were probably being, that something was being pointed out to you or did that come later?
Kimberly Braun (13:50):
No, something was being pointed out to me. Yeah.
Julia Marie (13:53):
Were you conscious? But probably not.
Kimberly Braun (13:56):
I was a hundred percent that this was a hit because it happened throughout the project that I would get hits and most of the time I could act on them
Julia Marie (14:08):
Kimberly Braun (14:09):
And for some reason I didn't stay long in the hit. But looking back, it was just this light. It was almost like an angel whispering in my ear. The form is wrong. And for some reason I was not open to that information in the moment, but I was open to recognize it was information.
Julia Marie (14:29):
Okay. I was just curious about that because that particular level of interaction is something that's taken me years to be able to recognize in the moment that, oh, I am looking at something but I'm looking at something because I'm being guided to be looking at that, to pay attention to that, it took me a long time to recognize that subtle impulse.
Kimberly Braun (14:55):
And I love that. And I love that you recognize that journey. I think we're all
Julia Marie (15:00):
Kimberly Braun (15:01):
In that journey and we're more or less open along the way. Yes.
Julia Marie (15:11):
I'm going to go ahead and ask you about this. I was going to move on, but I want to touch on your awareness that much of what was happening in the building process in particular the pillar project triggered an insight about the spiritual implications of things and you wrote as beings of many dimensions we have as a support system the earth from which we have come. Would you mind sharing
a little bit about the rest of that insight?
Kimberly Braun (15:47):
You quoted that, and I'll be honest with you, I I'm still discovering that I believe that I wrote it because I was meant to write it, but it wasn't a final revelation because most of my, from where I come and where I hail as my anchor point isn't material. But what I was experiencing there was this very subtle
penetration of the paradox that in a way we do come from the earth. I mean we're in a womb and we come into form and there's this planet that we're on that we inform are calling home.
We can call many things home, we can call the universe, the galaxy, the dimensions. But there is one way that earth is home and there is a subtle way that the earth is part of the consciousness coming into form, if not the leader. For us, I think the earth has a wisdom that we still are learning to be open to.
And when we were doing the pillars and a few other things when we were tapping down, I could feel the way the pillars were going to anchor the monastery and hold the monastery up. So there was a way that energetically all the spiritual work that's going on in the monastery was going to be contained
Julia Marie (17:29):
In that building
Kimberly Braun (17:30):
And held and made possible by these pillars going into this earth and the earth was going to hug it and hold it and stay strong and then from it, the monastery could go like this. And that's what my experience is and that insight I'm still learning and growing into because hasn't always been my normal pathway.
Julia Marie (17:54):
Well, I wanted to bring it up because there's so much talk about ascension. We're leaving and I keep trying to tell people we're not going anywhere unless the planet also is ascending, which is part of my personal belief system. And because we're on it, we are too. We're expanding into a greater awareness of what is, but we're not leaving this place that we call home per se, as a collective. So it's interesting
how you described that as being the pillars going into the earth and then the earth hugging. Just as an aside, we've been talking about this monastery project. Can you just let people know the scale of this project? It wasn't a hundred thousand dollars project.
Kimberly Braun (18:46):
No, it wasn't. So we started out with a little in the bank, and just so you can know this if you're listening because of the way spirit worked, we were exempted of working out all the budget and the working prints ahead. So normally when you do a project, it's good stewardship to do the research, to know what things are going to cost, to have a general spreadsheet, to have your working prints and then from there you adapt. This was so ordained that that was not what unfolded for us. We were open to it, but it
actually didn't happen because of the way it was flowing through me. And what ended up happening as a result of that is the project flowed abundantly because it didn't have those parameters that we were marking and check boxing and the projects valued at $9 million. It has 17,000 square feet of indoor space.
There are also outdoor spaces that could count into that because of the way we built the breezeways and the walkways and the courtyard and that. But indoor space, that's massive. And the chapel itself is 4,000 square feet with walls that rise to 22 feet and the gable being 28 feet, which mimics mission style monasteries. And that's a whole story. You have to read the book because we didn't want to build that
high. But it showed us that that was the right step. And I can only just bow in the mystery of that because we certainly did not intend to build a 28 foot cable.

Julia Marie (20:33):
One of the stories, speaking of the chapel, that to me was the ultimate synchronicity and validation was the window, the stained glass window.
Kimberly Braun (20:48):
Right? Such a beautiful story, isn't it? Yes, Beverly Granda and that is her name. I talked to her, whoever gave me permission to use their name if I could find them, their names are used. And she had called us unexpectedly, we didn't even know her. She was in our community. But as cloistered nuns, we didn't know everybody personally unless they knocked on our door and she was in the community and she decided one year she gave a donation to something, something she believed in, and she would give a 12
inch by a 12 inch window was normally what she donated. And she called to make us the recipient of her donation that year and said we could choose any design we wanted and it's about this size. Well, right away I got the hit because we had hoped to have a Holy Spirit window in the sanctuary like St.
Peter's basilica. So if you've never seen that window, Google that window because it is breathtaking and we wanted it. But now it was one of those things that we had this list of ones, we built it into the plans, but we didn't know it was going to happen unless it happened. We couldn't plan for it. We didn't have the money, a window that probably would cost like $40,000. And so I said, well listen, this is going out on a limb. And I told her about the project and then I said, what we're longing for is a replica of the Holy
Spirit window, like the one in St. Peter's basilica. Do you have any desire to do that window instead? And that was incredibly audacious for me. Right. That's a massively different request, but I thought I didn't feel forced, so I thought there's no harm in asking.
And she started crying where she's on the other end of the phone and this is like the rotary phones with the cords, straight cords. And she started crying and I'm sitting there with her and she said, you have no idea what this means to me. And I don't know how many years prior, but she was in some kind of career she didn't love but was right financial choice and she was visiting the Vatican and when she was standing
before the Holy Spirit window, she was so inspired that she changed her careers to do stained glass based on that window alone. And in her heart of hearts, she had this feeling slash hope that someday she would do a Holy Spirit window. And here she was being asked by a local monastery to do it and she did it and she collected glass for months on end and really, I mean it's so beautiful, it's so breathtaking.
That window. She even created three more windows for us that she donated because she was so inspired to be involved. Now how remarkable is that, right?
Julia Marie (23:52):
I had goosebumps running through me the whole time you were talking. The power of the intelligence, if we're open to it to move people and the pre-planning that had to happen in order for her to be in that place and be inspired by a window to change her career so that the day would come when she would carry a heart's desire to make a Holy Spirit window. And along comes a young nun who says, we appreciate your 12 by 12 inch day glass window gift, but we'd rather have this. There's no way. There's
no way that we as humans can see with the eyes of the divine, we can only do what we're moved to do in the moment. And that's how it gets accomplished. Yeah,
Kimberly Braun (24:56):
I love that you caught that. I know, I saw that and the interconnectedness of all things.

Julia Marie (25:03):
Kimberly Braun (25:05):
The reminder that when somebody does something at age five, it's going to affect somebody on the other side of the world when they're in their eighties 50 years later. Exactly. We just have no idea the divine symphony that's going on. No idea. And I think that for me is encouragement to trust even more if we have no idea. Wow, what would happen if I trusted that possibility?
Julia Marie (25:37):
But at least you've been able to provide some real world really good examples of that exact concept, which is why I wanted to point out the window story. It is beautiful. I'm glad you put it in the book.
Kimberly Braun (25:56):
Thank you.
Julia Marie (25:59):
We're coming to the end of our time. A question I'd like to ask, how can I step into the potential of myself so that I could maybe manifest my visions or my dreams? How can I do that?
Kimberly Braun (26:14):
I love that, and again, that's one of those questions that if you're listening, each one of us has a unique answer to that question because each one of us responds in different ways, but I'll lay out a couple things that I think are fairly universal. The first is having a spiritual mentor. That's someone that's a companion on your journey for the purpose of presencing spirit.
It's one role, their one developed skill. That's one way that's not always possible for everybody. It costs a little bit of money because booking a session and you may not be adept at Zoom and you can always find somebody online, but that's one option. The second is making a true and serious commitment to develop a contemplative practice. Starting with five minutes a day. When I work with people who are
not steady but want to become more present in their lives, usually that's what we do. We start with five minutes a day and we will discover what kind of contemplative practice works for them. So if you do start to dapple and there's tons of things you can find on YouTube, you can connect with me or many others who have developed courses. If you don't resonate with something, try something else. If sound doesn't work, try breath.
If breath doesn't work too heartbeat. If heartbeat doesn't work, do movement. If you do observation, there are so many options for you. What will happen there is you will unknown to yourself. Begin to tap into where that source is and it will automatically begin to infiltrate. Other parts of your life will already begin to affect. The third that I might leave you with is my way of looking at coming into each moment
as my teacher or my moment of grace. That can shift your whole being. Let's say you've got a stressful business meeting and it's with somebody. You've got a personality conflict or maybe there's some true unfairness happening, and yet you love your job and you want to have a voice and you want to have a good relationship and you don't know how to do it. Taking a moment before you go into a meeting and
start to play, how much can I surrender to this meeting being magic?
Just start to play. Just start to tease the water just a little bit. Don't expect yourself to just be right there.
If it happens, awesome. But begin to set yourself up by asking that kind of question, how is grace present here? If you're listening, grace is for you. The divine is for you, the divine wills, your happiness, and therefore each moment is set up as an occasion of that and you can begin to start to shift and dissolve some of the inherent built up traumas and blocks and walls and presuppositions. Children oftentimes go into situations very, very, very free. They go, many children who aren't shy will go up and
talk to anybody and go and expect anybody to sharpen their pencil and go start acting like that. How can I just be silly like that and metaphorically get that person to sharpen my pencil? Those are some ideas, and if you are listening and want more, I'm happy to talk with you.
Julia Marie (30:09):
I always say to pretty much anybody who will ask me, how do I become more? I say, give spirit five minutes every day in a consistent way, whatever way you want to. That's all that's needed, so thank you for validating.
Kimberly Braun (30:30):
I love that. Yay.
Julia Marie (30:38):
You have expanded our understanding about how we can co-create with the divine today, and I'm grateful for everything you've shared with us and for just the communion that I've experienced sitting in the space with you has been an added blessing for me. Before we wrap up though, could you please tell the audience where they can find you and what gift do you have for the listeners?
Kimberly Braun (31:08):
Thank you. You can find me at my website, kimberly braun.com. That's BRAU n.com. There you will find ways to attend a retreat to join an online course or my online community to book a private session to join my newsletter. There's a whole menu so that you can tap into what are you drawn to. That's where you can find me and my free gift is this. It is an ebook, sexy, spiritual, and serene.
Julia Marie (31:44):
Oh, that's nice.
Kimberly Braun (31:45):
Because I'm very sensual and when people hear I always a monastic, they automatically assume that I'm cut off from sensuality. I'm like, no, no. Spirit makes us to be sensual, so sexy, spiritual, and serene, and in it are seven tips that are there to assist you in living a life of presence.
Julia Marie (32:07):
I just want to express my gratitude to you Again. It was an enlightening conversation and empowering in a lot of ways too, and it was a privilege to speak with you today.
Kimberly Braun (32:21):
I feel the same. Thank you so much.
Julia Marie (32:25):
Well, that's our time for today. Thank you for continuing to support evolving humans with your ratings and reviews. If you enjoyed this podcast, please share it with two other people so we can bring more light to the planet.